The Half Volley   Tennis News for the CSRA Junior Tennis Player
December 1997
Special for present 1997 ladder members Area Training Center Selectees
Fall CSRA JTL Champions  Nationally ranked Juniors from the area
DEADLINES  Georgia Ranking requirements
Area Teams win State Junior Team Championships Typical CSRA JTL schedule
JTL Team to AAU Junior Olympic Games Challenge Ladders typical Schedule
Tennis Scholarship Nominations Thanks to Captains and Managers
Junior Tennis Challenge Ladder 10-18 years Calendar
Junior Tennis League 8-18 years old Challenge Ladder Application Form
Special for present 1997 ladder members, for each new member of the ladder you sign up for the winter 98 ladder, the ladder will give you $5.00 off of you application fee.

Fall CSRA JTL Champions
10 and Under LHS Lobs Players
Vedant Gupta, Shivan Bhatt, Prakash Aildasani, Aditi Kalla, Taylor Rigot, David Schwartz, Lisa Hess, Rebecca Ruck, Captain Mukesh Gupta

12 and under 1.5 Petersburg Placers Players
Robert Murray, Brian Furguson, Ryan O'Hagan, Daniel Richards, Jordan Atkinson, Martha Nalley Captain Angelique Cotty

12 and under 2.5 Watervale Aces
Megan Gunnels, Shannon Harley, Allison Hillman,. Derrick Bass, Bryan Connor, Sagar Bapat Captain Lisa Nagle

14 and under 3.0 Westlake Slams
Paul Myers, Ryan Drewry, Nicholas Capito, Jennifer Schwartz, Lauren Peters, Ashley Walters, Anna Beth Barton, Peter Caruana, Nathan Tingen Captains Debbie Caruana and Jane Schwartz

Over 14 Team Steinberg
Michael Garrett, Logan Nalley, Michael Paul, David Shay, Drew Steinberg, Reena Chudgar, Vandina Jerath, Lauren Paul, Allison Wall, Rajani Rao Captain Joan Steinberg


Dec. 5th Winter Ladder
Jan Spring League
Feb 15 Scholarship nominations

Area Teams win State Junior Team Tennis Championships
    1000 other area champions came together in Macon in the heat of August. Four teams from the CSRA JTL were among the cahmpions trying to win the title of state champion. This event is bigger than the National Junior Team Tennis Olympics held by the AAU every year.
    The CSRA JTL champions won 2 firsts, a second and a fourth in the state championships. It is an outstanding result for the area players, several of which were coming back from injuries or illness earlie in the year. Congratulations to the two state champions and the 2 other teams who represented the area so well in the state championships. KEEP UP the GREAT TENNIS!!!!!!!
Under 10, 2.0 State Champs
Cary Gibson, Augusta
Martha Nalley, Augusta
Rebecca Shay, Martinez
Neil Shine Augusta*
Derrick Umansky,Augusta
Jordan Walters, Martinez
Team Captain
Gene Shine,Augusta
14 and over 3.5 State Champs
Laura Zgol, Martinez
Holly Blount, Martinez*
Sarah Holloway, Evans*
Eric Yu, Martinez
Drew Steinberg, Augusta
Logan Nalley, Augusta*
Team Captain
Carole Blount, Martinez
    Playing in the state championships for a second or third year*. The numerical values after the team age levels is the skill level the team has reached to participate. Junior Tennis League is organized by age and skill level with a 1.0 being a true beginning level player and a 5.0 a highly ranked state or national player.

    There are no star players in team tennis, it's an event where every one is batting in the clean up position and has the ability to bring in a win. Each player has to pull their share of the load and win games in their matches to help the team win the overall team title. There are no individual awards. Each player on a team can win as a many as 9 points in each match for a maximum of 45 points in any team match.
Play was a round robin format and all of the teams played at least 4 matches with finals played on Sunday Afternoon.
12 and under, 2.0
Fourth Place
Shannon Harley, Martinez
Megan Gunnels, Martinez
Allison Hillman, Martinez
Sagar Bapat, Martinez
Bryan Conner, Martinez*
Derrick Bass, Martinez 
Team Captain
Lisa Nagle, Martinez
12 and under3.0/3.5
Second Place
Harley Nalley, Augusta*
Woody Blount, Augusta*
Peyton Bell. Augusta
Addison Price, Martinez*
Rebecca Bohler, Martinez*
Kelly Blount, Martinez*
Team Captain
Dale Nalley, Augusta


JTL Team to AAU Junior Olympic Games

8 Players from the CSRA Junior Tennis League competed in the Thirty First AAU (Amateur Athletic Union) Junior Olympic Games Junior Team Tennis Event as the Augusta Aces. The team played in Charlotte NC beginning Wednesday, August 6 through Saturday, August 10th. The Aces competed in the annual event held this year at the University of North Carolina- Charlotte. This is the first year in that a team from Georgia has qualified to play for the Southern Tennis District in the AAU Junior Olympic Games. The tennis competition is sponsored by the AAU and the USTA.
    The Aces defeated teams from New Jersey, Floridqa, Louisiana, Minnesota and lost to Hawaii and the Carribbean. The team lost both matches by a 3-2 score and had they won either they would have played for the Gold medal. As the results turned out, they came in 5th place in the nation and beat the team that came in fourth place.
    Rob Bohler was undefeated in all of his matches, singles and mixed doubles. All of the players enjoyed Hootie, of Hootie and the Blowfish, and the wonderful opening ceremonies where the Olympic Torch was lit.
    The AAU Junior Olympic Games are played in 4 divisions; 14 and under and 18 and under age divisions, ranked and unranked groups in both. The Aces played in the 18 and under unranked division. The CSRA Junior Tennis League was asked to send a team when Sallie Metzel's team won the Georgia State Junior Team Tennis Championships for the last 2 years. This is the first time a Georgia team participated in the Games and the first time a team from the CSRA went to the Games as well.
    The team was in the unranked division and besides for being excellent tennis players, the ACES players are varsity and junior varsity baseball, cross country, soccer, softball, basketball and swimming athletes.

Augusta Aces Players

Amy Camba Martinez, Kathy Fusco Evans, Lauren Paul Martinez**, Rajani Rao Evans, Rob Bohler Martinez**, Chris Eckert Martinez**, Sam Governski Martinez**, Brett Holmes Martinez**,
    Players with a ** have won the Georgia State championship in Junior Team tennis at least once.


Tennis Scholarship Nominations
For the second year in a row the CSRA JTL has had a recipient of a summer tennis Camp Scholarchip. Based on the CSRA JTL leagues continued good standing with paperwork submission and good solid ternnis program, the area has been allowed to submit for and has received summer tennis scholarships. Megan Gunnels of Martinez was selected for her sportsmanship, drive and desire at playing the game. She spent one week this past summer hitting tennis balls at UGA's nattioanlly recognized tennis camp; this was a value of $500.00.
    If you are interested in becoming a nominee for a summer tennis camp scholarship, the following are reviewed for consideration:

  1. Be nominated in writing to the CSRA JTL and have it sent to the PO BOX.
  2. Excellent sportmanship
  3. Love the game of tennis
  4. Participate in local USTA events
  5. Participate in the CSRA JTL league or ladder
  6. Deadline is around the 15th of February
Junior Tennis Challenge Ladder 10-18 years

    All High School and Junior Players, intermediate-B or advanced-A should participate in the Junior Challenge Ladder. Competition is during a slow tournament schedule period and before the spring High School season. It's a chance to play and enjoy competitive tennis. An awards program is included for the ladder players based on performance. Any ladder player that participates in an event on the National USTA Schedule will be eligible for expense reimbursement from the ladder fund. This year $250.00 was divided between the players who qualified for 1997 reimbursement. It is a win-win for players, parents and professionals who want to play challenging matches.
    The CSRA JTL Ladder is an excellent way to have your child learn how to call other players and learn the responsibilities associated with an individual effort. Parents are not allowed to make any calls and the children are expected to do it all themselves. We always need extra additional parents to be ladder managers. If you want to help please call your local tennis professional or Chris Eckert at 863-4616, please leave a detailed message. Next ladder entry closes on December 5th 1997 at the PO Box below, application is on the last sheet.

Cost is $25.00 per session and runs for 2 sessions, fall and winter. The fall season is almost complete. The winter season signup ends on DEC. 5, Fri. 5Pm, 1997/98 Winter Ladder applications due at:
P.O. Box 204054,
Martinez, GA 30917


Junior Tennis League 8-18 years old
    Beginners-C, intermediate-B and advanced players-A, all high School (A or B) and junior tournament tennis players (A or B) should play junior team tennis, one match a week in a team format. Parents are needed to be team captains and a free clinic on how to run a team practice will be given to new team captains. See the attached schedule for the sign-up date. Bring a new friend and sign them up on your team or a new beginning team and you will get a "Bring a new friend" T-shirt. If you are willing to be a team captain of a new team call 863-4616 and speak with Chris Eckert. Teams are divided into a A, B and C level by age groups of 10, 12, 14 and 18 years and under. Cost is $19.00 per child and a current USTA membership will be purchased for all players that expire before October of 1998. Season lasts about 6 weeks and is run in the spring and the fall.


KEEP IT GOING!!!!! Parents and Players if you see one of these children congratulate them for their significant achievements, the finest in Georgia. You all know the South's heat and the pressures of tournaments. Well, these children have demonstrated superlative performance. And if you want a good game don't be afraid to ask them to hit a few at the local courts. They will gain immeasurable experience from even ten to fifteen minutes with a seasoned adult league player.


Area Training Center Selectees

Congratulations to the following children who were selected as part of the USTA's continuing program to provide a supplemental challenge for the best junior players in the state. Once a month, during the fall and winter these children meet with about 20 other players from Southern Georgia to play tennis, socialize and develop with each other. Georgia has 3 ATCs and the top 80 players in the state are selected based on geographical area, sportsmanship and dedication.
Cary Gibson, Augusta, Martha Nalley, Augusta, Addison Price, Martinez*, Kelly Blount, Martinez*, Megan Gunnels, Martinez, Peyton Bell, Augusta, Woody Blount, Martinez*, Peter Caruana, Martinez, Harley Nalley, Augusta*, Neil Shine Augusta*, John Whitmire, Evans.
The nice part about the training center is that it will be held several times at Newman Tennis Center this year because of the large number of CSRA Players in the ATC. In the 19 players at the ATC, 11 are from the CSRA and all are CSRA JTL graduates or players. Lindy Blount, Aarti Jerath, Kathleen Mele and Jennifer Eckert were all in this program when they were younger. ATC Coaches include College coach Brennan Sewell and our own Westlake Coach Mark Reardon.

Nationally ranked Juniors from the area
Many area Junior Players, possibly a bakers dozen, should meet the requirements for a National Ranking (pretty impressive if you ask me). Nivedta Jerath, Kathleen Mele, Aarti Jerath, Brooke Gibson, Amit Taggar, Lindy Blount, Roddy Cantey, Ngazi Amobi, Rakesh Jasani, Jay Ingle, Elizabeth Souerborn, Kelly Duncan and Jennifer Eckert all had national tournament play and may get a national ranking in 1997. Congratulations and keep up the great work in a sport for a lifetime; all but 4 of these players are CSRA Junior Team Tennis Graduates. If you see them tell them how great you feel to know one of the best players in the nation. All of these children are the top 200 in the US...

Area Player Represents State and South in events
Sixteen year old Nivedta Jerath represented the state of Georgia in the Junior Davis/Fed Cup. For the fourth straight year Georgia defeated the other 9 southern states. Three top players are selected from the 14, 16 and 18 year old age groups in each of the 9 states and play for the State championship. And for the third time in four years, Southern defeated Florida in the Mills Redgrave Cup. Three top players are selected from the 14, 16 and 18 year old age groups in the southern 9 states to play Florida for the championship. Nivedta was one of the three 16 and under female players to play and win in this event. Congratulations Nive! Keep up the great play!!!


Georgia Ranking requirements, (We would like to publish S.Car. reqts, Mail to the CSRA JTL or via email to
To get a Georgia state singles ranking the following requirements must be met, 6 points mandatory.

Play in 2 GA State Championship tournaments, these are called 2 point tournament in your GTA annual handbook. One is in Augusta in August at Newman. The others are in Macon (June), Valdosta (spring break), Atlanta (July), and the Clay courts in ??? maybe Augusta (June for 12s and 14), or Columbus (June for 16/18s)

Play in 2 other GA 1 point tournaments for a total of 6 points.

The easiest way to get a ranking and the most economical is to play the tournaments locally to get 4 points and then get the other 2 point (state championship) tournament out of town. To improve your play and ranking, it may be necessary, as you getbetter and older, to play in more tournaments out of town to get additional competition. However, playing all of the local tournaments helps even when you get a National ranking. You can help the other area players by competing. At the national level, many of these players have to plan their workout and development schedules to coincide with the national schedule and don't have the time to play some of these local tournaments. Don't think that CSRA doesn't have good competition either, it is the best in the 2 state area outside of Atlanta/Columbia and equal in many respects, but we have players that can beat most of the players in Atlanta/Columbia.

  • The tournaments held at Newman can get you 5 points with outstanding competition.
  • The Mayors Cup in January 1 point
  • The Powerade in May 1 point
  • The State Junior Closed in August 2 points
  • The All Sport in September 1 Point
  • Note you still have to play in one additional 2 point State Championship for a ranking.


    Typical CSRA JTL schedule
    Spring league

  • Early January Rosters due for Spring league
  • Feb. Team Captains meeting for Spring League
  • March and April Play spring JTT, off for Masters
  • Challenge Ladders typical Schedule
  • Fall ladder to begin in late October end in mid Dec.,
  • Spring Ladder to begin in Jan end in Feb.
  • ********

    Thanks to Captains and Managers

        I would like to ask all of you to thank the Ladder Managers and the League Team captains. They are the backbone of our league and look at what a little team tennis has helped promote- - high school teams with multiple state championship teams, Nationally ranked children, state champions, fun, interest in a sport for a lifetime. Thanks for your interest in a wonderful sport.

        OH, and if I left anything out, please let me know at or 863-4616. It will get added to the next one of these we send out which should be mid summer to early fall. If I forgot your child, I am truly sorry. If you want to send me an article on a disk or by Email please do. It saves on my slow typing and if it fits it won't get edited, your name will go on it. The only limitation will be the cost of mailing, one 32 cent stamp. I like 32 cents and not 0.55 for each mail out. E Mail address similarly the CSRATA has a site on the internet at
    DATE Time, Place  ITEM - USTA Tournaments, easiest way to get a ranking in GA.  COMMENTS Player needs 

    6pts for GA ranking 

    Spring 1998 League Schedule 
    Jan. 3, 4 1997 Team Captains, Pick up rosters to complete, start calling team members  PRC, WLake,NTC, NACC, ACC 

    questions call 863-4616 

    JAN. 10 AT NTC 9-12 

    AT PRC 9-12 

    Roster turn in sessions, bring fees, USTA CARDS and Waivers. ALSO SIGN UP SESSIONS FOR NEW PLAYERS NOT ON A TEAM, questions call 863-4616  NEWMAN & PETERSBURG 

    We would like an Aiken and N. Aug. sign up location too, call if you want to help 

    Feb 24 630  warren road CC, Mandatory Captains Meeting 
    MAR 8, 15, 22, 29 Sun @ 2 PM  League Match PLAY, 
    APR 5, 12 OFF MASTERS 
    APR 19, 26 @ 2 PM League Match PLAY 
    CSRA JTL Ladder 1997/98 Season 
    OCT. 6 Mon. 5Pm Fall Ladder applications due  CSRA J.T.L., 

    P.O. Box 204054, 

    Martinez, GA 30917 

    OCT. 24 Fri. 7-8PM Fall Ladder Meeting  Lakeside HS, Martinez, GA
    NOV. 3-DEC. 15 Ladder Play 97/98 Fall Ladder last Match results due no later than 6pm Dec. 15  Ladder Managers
    DEC. 5 Fri. 5Pm 1997/98 Winter Ladder applications due  CSRA J.T.L., 

    P.O. Box 204054, 

    Martinez, GA 30917 

    DEC. 19 Fri. 7-8PM Winter Ladder Meeting  Lakeside HS, Martinez, GA
    JAN. 6-FEB. 17, 1997 Ladder Play  97/98 Winter Ladder last Match results due no later than 6pm Feb 17,  Ladder Managers

    1997-1998 LADDER YEAR
    Permission Form and Player Application

    Dear Parents:

    We are looking forward to having your child participate in the CSRA JTL Junior Challenge Ladder Program. Because your child will have to be transported to at least some of his/her challenge matches, being a member of the Challenge Ladder requires a commitment on the part of all parents as well as the player. If you are a working parent, please be aware of the possibility that you will have to make arrangements to get your child to his/her matches at least one day a week and that day will vary from week to week. The ladder is played all over the three metro counties of the CSRA and this may occasionally require extra travel time to and from these varied locations.

    DEADLINE, 5:00 P.M. - Monday October 6, 1997
    ** (This portion to be signed and returned with application, address at page bottom.) **

    We will be able to provide transportation for our child to Challenge Ladder matches and understand our responsibilities in CSRA Challenge Ladder participation.

    _____________________________________ ___________________________

    Parent's Signature(s) Date

    I (parent) would be interested in volunteering to be a Ladder Manager:

    (check one) Yes_______ No______ Name____________________________#________

    I (parent) have read all the enclosed rules and procedures and understand my part in the Ladder functioning.

    x_____________________________________ ____________________________

    Parent's Signature(s) Date

    I (player/child) have read and understand all Challenge Ladder Rules and Procedures and have enclosed a $25.00 fee to play in the ladder. I have enclosed a copy of my USTA card with expiration date after Nov. 1997 or an additional $13.00 in the same check made payable to the CSRA JTL.

    x_____________________________________ ____________________________

    Player's Signature Date

    * * * * *

    Player's Name: ___________________________________M/F____Birthdate_____________ _

    Please Print

    Address:_______________________________________________Home Phone


    City, State __________________________________________ Zip Code _________________

    USTA Card Attached Yes No $13.00 additional Total enclosed $25 or $38

    Other Phone (if available) ___________

    Return to CSRA JTL, P.O. BOX 204054, AUGUSTA, GA 30917-4054