Uppdated, 10/1/02
I saw a great show on discovery chanel about Jesse James, Motorcycle builder. Check out his site.

West Coast Choppers

Also, on discovery, I saw a Father/Son team build a theme jet bike. Check out their site.

Orange County Choppers

Please check back!! I WILL have some photo's and more information on my brother Joe and friend Dougs excellent adventure to Strurgus. For now you will have to settle for some links

Sturgis official web site

Burnt River Band One of my favorite bands.

A guy can dream!!

And for Joe!! :)

Click on the ticket to see the full size view

Please check back!! I WILL have some photo's and more information soon.

Wetzel official web site

Henry Jordan's bike week report

The offical bike week report from Daytona

The Boot Hill Saloon


Barbr Gold page