land of the free and the home of the brave!!

Pictures of the Kids.

Nick's Redskin team page and standings.

Jon's Lion team page.

Old pics of Lindsay.

Look, it's the three amigos!!!

My Buckeye home page

New pics of family

2003 Hilliard schedule excel spread sheet.

Here is the link to Intellicast Radar loop.

Here is the link to columbus parks and rec.

Here is the link to weather page.

Brand new pics of Jonathan.

Old pics of Jonathan.

Follow this link to see the schedule and results of all my softball teams.

Here is something special for all of us rasslin fans, from "The Peoples Champ"!

Pics from the Blue/Ohio State game 1998, with a Harley party pic thrown in.

Pics from the Indy/OSU game 1998, with Nick's Halloween costume.

Let's go Bucks!! Beat Blue

Follow this link to see other great Buckeye pictures and plays of the past. (avi's, mov's and jpg's)

Here is my Katzenmoyer tribute page

Here are my Rose Bowl pics

The Official Ohio State University home page
The Official Ohio State University Research Foundation home page
ESPN's home page
ESPN's College football home page
USA Today's Ohio State's home page
Budweiser's home page
Follow this link to my Pittsburgh Steeler home page.!!
Remington Arms


Follow this link to my animated gif pages. !!

© 2004