Well, now that the seaason has started, there are a few things that we can talk about. First, props have to be given out to the six arenas. Without the cooperation of the operators and architects, our great game would have never occured.
I do not know about Hirsh Colosseum in Shreveport, the Civys in Monroe and Lake Charles, but the Aud in New Orleans is phenomonial. It is simply amazing to see the job that the construction crews did to the grand ole' lady of New Orleans.
The building gives an old Chicago Stadium feel to it. The size of the rink reminds me of the Boston Garden. There is a very small neutral zone and an even smaller area behind the net in the zone. There were a few glitches on opening night such as holding the capacity crowd outside the Aud for a half hour while the crews were trying to put the remainder of the seats in and the obstructed views in some areas. However, if you have ever been to an older arena, you would be used to it.
Speaking as a person who has lived in the Crecent City for the majority of my life, I can tell you that our fans appreciate the nuances of the game. They bang on the glass at the right time and harass the players in a typicial New Orleans fashion.
As for the IceGators, well all I can say is
The Brass' coach, Ted Sator, has got the boys playing a very quick style of hockey. And they have to because of the small rink. Dave Schultz has got his Kingfish playing like they should of last season under Pierre McGuire. McGuire is now the color gur for the Brass' parent club, Montreal.
The only thing that I do not like is that the Kingfish's managment has decided to put Circle K's in the four circles in the zones.
As far as the WPHL teams, the Bugs are doing well on the ice leading the Eastern Confernece by being undefeated, Lake Charles and Monroe are behind them.
On the ametur front, there is an ice league in Baton Rouge that is ran by the Centroplex. For more info, e-mail me. . . .There is a new ice rink that opened up north of Lafayette. You have to be a member to play there. . . .There will be three in-line rinks in Lafayette by the end of January of 98. . . .Also, if you are interested in getting cretified as an In-Line official, please e-mail me so that we can make arrangements.
I apoligize for all of the text. The next update will include some stats and roster. . . .LHL is now accepting membership e-mails. . . .LHL is now looking for chapter leaders in the other five cities, so if interested, e-mail me. . . .Speaking of e-mail, thanks to those of you who have sent me mail. . . .In the next update, we will have a predict the winner contest and a what if column.
If anyone accesses this page, please let me know what you think. You input is very valuable to me. Also, if there is any news about any team that I have left out, e-mail me at lahockeyltd@geocities.com.
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© 1997 lahockeyltd@geocities.com