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This page is designed exclusively with the full intent that the parodies here will entertain all, except tree-hugging, dope-smoking, maggot infested, sandal-clad liberals. These parodies have been a source of amusement for years and I sincerely hope you enjoy them.

Get Real Audio!  All files contained on this page are viewed with Real Audio. I started my collection in 1993 and eventually (08/29/98) went high tech and learned how to save many megabytes by converting to real audio. I hope you enjoy these. Feel free to return often, I will constantly update this page as I obtain more parodies.  Currently TEURLPA stores 567 parodies and clips.

Dan Marshall                

Would you like to know when this site is updated with new parodies? Then follow the link, and join the community!
50 Members (Started 6-23-01)

All Parodies Are In Alphabetical Order - Click A Letter!

Welcome to!  The newest  is Bork Again - Like we did last summer.  

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Featured Site - Week of September 20th 1998

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Not bad for a company car.