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Joyce's Excellent Cuban Adventure!

Time left in Joyce's Cuban adventure

January 26, 2002

As the counter shows, I've been back in the US for over a month now! I'm still experiencing a bit of culture shock! This is my last semester at Drake University, so I'm taking it easy-- I only have class on Tuesdays and Thursdays. That's why I still have time to update this website! Thanks to everyone who read it and kept up with me while I was gone!
I had a great trip and although I cannot honestly reply, "It was fun!" to all those half-interested "how was Cuba" queries, I definitely had a lot of fun times. (Some frustrating ones as well!) Thanks to everyone in my group-- I could not have gotten through it without you guys! (¡No es fácil!)
And now, I've added some pages to show off my photos!!! ¡Que se diviertan!

Joyce's previous messages
September 3, 2001
September 12, 2001
September 17, 2001
October 3, 2001
October 9, 2001
October 31, 2001
November 19, 2001
November 28, 2001

Want to get in touch with Joyce?
Here´s my address:

If you are having problems with this page please let me know.