My Hobbies and Interests
So... What do I like to do in my spare time? What do i like and dislike? Here is a compilation of my hobbies and interests, to help you all fully understand my character
In my spare time.... Spare time? Well that comes rare these days.
I love to relax, vegetate and dwell in some well deserved personal solitude
I hang out with my friends or go home to see my family
I play with my cat, Monty
On sunny days I'll go for a walk to Stanley park or venture down Robson st.
I'll play my guitar for hours, sing and try to write music

Activities.... Most of my activity time in the past was constituted training for my
equestrian competitions but since I am no longer involved with
horses I've had to expand my horizons
Snowboarding is my new love. I can't wait until I loose my fear of
injury and venture into the half-pipe.
Rollerblading is my activity of the summer time. Anytime I can get out
to play some rollerhockey with the neighbourhood kids or class
I try to get to Fitness World two or three days / week for step class

Hobbies.... Playing the guitar, singing, reading, writing, daydreaming

My local weekend hangout.... the Sonar (or the Roxy if I want to dress up)

My non-local weekend hangout.... Victoria

My favorite book/author....(must think beyond textbooks) Outlander by Diane
My favorite movie..... My Girl

My favorite TV show..... Felicity or Two Guys, a Girl and a pizza shop
(on mondays I'm addicted to WWF Raw)

My favorite Actor..... Norm MacDonald (also my fav. canadian)

My favorite band.....Matthew Good Band.... although his sell outs are turning me off
Econoline Crush
Other assorted Canadian Alternative talent

What I dislike..... boppers, American glory, anything associated to boppers,
chocolate, people who use the HOV lane as a speed lane
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