The Global Internet Wrestling Organization

Welcome to GIWO Headquarters!

Howdy folks and welcome to the GIWO Homepage. I, GIWO President Jody Yerdon, am kind of new to this whole homepage thing, so thats why there are no additional pages up yet. If you think you could help someone who's incredibly desperate for this information, drop me a line.

About The GIWO

The GIWO is a fantasy wrestling Organization that combines the use of both fantasy and real wrestlers to make for one exciting e-federation. You can, at the moment have up to 10 wrestlers to make the GIWO more exciting until the GIWO has a few more members. A roster page should be up soon, but if there is a real wrestler you would like to be, contact me and I will tell you if he is taken or not. The is also a womens division in which you can have 3 women wrestlers. Again, contact me so I can let you know who is availible. There are 5 singles titles to go for:

GIWO World title

GIWO Intercontinental title

GIWO United States title

GIWO Television title

GIWO Cruiserweight title

There are also 2 tag team titles:

GIWO World tag team titles

GIWO Intercontinental tag team titles

If you would like to make your own wrestler to join the GIWO, e-mail me and I will send you an application.

And thats it. If you have any questions, e-mail me and I will answer them ASAP. Thansk for coming to the GIWO Website and please consider joining. Thanks you.

Jody Yerdon
GIWO President

Links to other sites on the Web

WCW Homepage. I visit it at least once a day
Many sounds are found here at Wrestlelords webpage
CWA: California Wrestling Allience Homepage!
Cool site with cool stuff

Sign the GIWO Guestbook View the GIWO Guestbook Guestbook by Lpage

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