Here are some poems made by fans like you. If you have written a poem about or for Dominique, email me it at, and I'll post it for you.
For You
Written By David, Denmark
Hello girl I see
I'm calling you my love
I'm writing you a song
This Poem is Dedicated to the Princess Dominique Moceanu
Of Dominique
As I looked
into your eyes, I see my dreams come true.
As I look into
the heavens, I see you.
Sun would shine
bright in the skies.
As The days
go by, you'll stay on my mind.
As I look into
the heavens, I see you.
Let me love
you dear.
My Special Friend
Did you ever
love a man
Did you ever
look into his eyes
Did you ever
see him dance
Did you ever
wonder where he is at night?
So if you fall
in love Dominique
And when it
starts you'll never know
Love is great
but hurts so much
So if you fall
in love Dominique
Moceanu: All-Around Champ
Dominique Moceanu
you're an all-around champ,
Which is ok
for me,
Oh if only
I could meet you,
Then maybe
we'd shake hands,
Dominique Moceanu,
you are my idol,
You go to competitions
On the floor,
On the bars,
Then comes
the scores,
The medal in
your hand,
Dominique Moceanu,
you're the all around champ.
When it gets
too dark,
Dominique, Dominique,
Every expression
you get,
You are the
Dominique Moceanu,
You went to
the Olympics.
Strug, Miller,
Phelps, Dawes,
If I was your
Well, this
is the end.
Moceanu: Tumbling Through the World
Dominique Moceanu,
With her cutie-face-smile,
She went to
the Olympics,
She made her
own gym,
Dominique Moceanu,
There's no
one else like her,
She's good
on the floor.
She's also
good on bars,
Dominique Moceanu,
3 poems Copyright by Bobbette
Awakening the
dawn, the sun and the moon,
When the stars
rose and the torch was burned,
Never ruthless
vigor nor violent coercion,
Tingled and
twitched, with birds in the sky,
Love For You"
Hark, I thought
I heard you calling,
In the fields
I can still here you singing,
As I walk through
the fields where we once played,
Now, you have
left me, to join your true love,
Dominique, With Love"
I sit in awe
as I watch you perform,
You're a ray
of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy day,
I think you're
a champion even when you don't win,
With a face
like yours, it's hard to deny,
My knees start
to shake,
When will this
feeling stop?
I'm so confused.
I ignore you?
You are reality
Your hair, your mouth and eyes
Nothing to critizice
Beauty are made of
Living by your side
Be my light and pride
Say "I LOVE YOU" all day long
My heart begins to race
When I see your angel face
Written By. John X. Kue
To see your
smile, just makes me want to hold you close.
Give me a
place in your heart, tell me where do I start.
Send me a
kiss while we're thousands of miles apart.
As I close
my eyes, you're my dreamcome true.
Forever, I
send a wish to the heavens above that one day you bemine.
Together til
the end of time, I love you, yes I do...
I would break
down and cry, wondering why you're not here with me..
I long to
hold your hand, to see you smile when i call out your name.
To hold you
as the days and nights grow old.
our love will weather the storm.
Looking into
your eyes, my destiny was told..
As I close
my eyes, you're my dream come true.
Lonely days
and nights I would think about you.
Blue skies,
hold my hand, hold on tight as we fly through the skies, I love you, yes
I do....
Let me into
your Heart....
by: Jeromer T.
and know he
didn't love you?
Did you ever
feel like crying
and think
what good does it do?
and say a
little prayer?
Did you ever
look into his heart
and wish that
you were there?
when the lights
are way down low?
Did you ever
say "God I love him,"
but just couldn't
let him know?
Maybe there's
someone new.
One moment
you are happy
the next moment
you are blue.
you'll find
it doesn't pay.
Though it
causes broken hearts
it happens
you'll worry
day and night.
You just couldn't
let him see you
it'll never
turn out right.
and the price
you'll pay is high
If I choose
between love and death
I think I'd
rather die.
you'll be
hurt, oh yes it's true
You see Dominique...
I ought to know
'coz I fell
in love with... You
you go to
the gym, you work on the tramp.
flying, twisting, and more,
all you do
is gymnastics galore.
because I
want you to see,
that I love
gymnastics too.
I'm a gymnastic
fan, Yay Hoo!!!
but what would
I say?
I love you!
you always
make my day"
and you'd
show me your smile.
I'd never
wash my hands again,
at least not
for a while.
if I ever
got a headache, I don't need a Midol.
You are my
help, my absolute cure,
this is the
truth, I know that for sure.
with a look
on your face.
It says "I
know I'll do good,
I don't need
to pace"
it's your
tumbling that soars.
On the beam,
you perform
for your dream.
you fly like
speeding cars.
And on the
Your Yurchenkos
never hault.
the very last
They roll
out the medals,
On a beautiful
that you so
somlemly hold,
is that beautiful
The color
of gold.
Who would've
guessed you worked on the tramp?
That smile,
the look on your face,
showed your
had no reason, no reason to pace.
to look at
your medal,
you see it
when you turn on your lamp,
Moceanu: All-Around Champ!
you brighten
up my life every day of the week.
With your
smile, and with your joy,
you're always
happy, oh wow, oh boy!
I get it just
like you.
So, if you're
I'm crying
the best of
them all.
Even though,
you're not
very tall.
your name
seems to shine.
I wish it
were mine.
I knew you'd
do good.
You won a
team gold.
I told ya
you would.
Chow, Borden,
and you.
I wish I was,
part of the
team too!
oh how that
would be.
Bobbie Moceanu,
just you and
It brought
me great joy,
writing this
for you.
Hope you enjoy.
tumbling through
the world.
what a wonderful
shown all
you'd surely
she's the
best in the town.
with the rest
of the team.
And they did
what was called,
the "Impossible
and her gym
was called,
Moceanu Gymnastics
The best gym
of all.
tumbling through
the world.
what a awesome
not even close!
Just someone
with her name,
but that is
the most.
She's good
on the beam.
She's even
than the rest
of the team!
vault she's
good on too.
Even though
they're not her favorite,
she does them
just for you.
what a talented
tumbling through
the world.
By: Kenneth Rose
Ravening the
stars, the night of fortune,
The mighty
force that pounces the night,
The way of
the cover, the outset of light.
as the sun could be,
The soul of
the realms of illusion and destiny.
It was as
though I was drawn to the light.
As your shadow
brushed and your wings soared
I was taken
away in your endearing flight.
Through the
splendid grace and flawless execution,
I became the
helot of every frolic and motion.
Could ever
rattle the seat of passion.
In your bewildering
eyes of hypnotic domination,
Exists the
flaming light of dawn.
The stars
flash in the heavens one by one,
The way night
comes when the day is gone.
With graciousness
of angels, before my eye;
With sea floors
and cavities of the bottomless ocean,
I was the
slave of your true emotion.
I saw a world
that I never knew,
That world
of Dominique Moceanu.
By: William E. Henley II
but, when
I answered, you did not reply.
I swore I
could feel your presence,
but when I
turned, there you were not.
yet, it is
nothing but the wind.
And I thought
that I could feel your touch,
but it was
just the old oak at my side.
and rest beneth
the old oak where we met,
I can still
hear your laughter,
and smell
the freash spring in your hair.
yet I'm not
jealous, nor could I have been,
For your happiness
means more to me
Than your
being in my arms.
By: Doug Daniels
Your moves
and techniques are far from the norm.
I love the
way that you smile on the floor,
When your
routine is done, I'm left yearning for more.
is your grace on the beam,
Again I'm
amazed by how calm that you seem.
Cute as a
button, small and petite,
A bundle of
joy, that's you Dominique.
To meet you
in person, any price I would pay.
Your eyes
are enchanting, your face oh, so sweet,
Seeing you
perform is the ultimate treat.
Your attitude
is unlike any other on earth,
So happy and
skilled, you were destined form birth.
With immeasurable
talent, and a style so unique,
You're a ten
in my eyes, yes you are Dominique.
'Cause when
I see you do your thing, I can't help but grin.
I admire your
skill and your beauty as well,
You have fun
competing, it's so easy to tell.
I watch you
on TV whenever I can,
I guess you
could say I'm your number one fan.
I think of
you every single day of the week,
The most beautiful
girl in the world: Dominique.
You're attractive
to practically every guy.
Your talent
is grand and your courage is bold,
But it's your
personality that brings home the gold.
When I'm feeling
depressed or I have a bad day,
I take one
look at you and the pain goes away.
May you fulfill
each and every dream that you seek,
I'm with you
all the way, I love you Dominique!
By: ??unknown??
when you're
in sight.
My mind's
filled with wonder,
my heart with
When did it
How can I
listen to my mind,
Without breaking
my heart?
What should
I do?
I can't think
of anything,
except of
Or just
give it time?
I can't
think straight,
my heart controls
my mind!