RyuTe® is a "classical" Okinawan martial art that emphasizes
the development of a good moral character and precise self-defense skills using
Tuite and Kyusho Jitsu techniques.
The techniques used
in RyuTe® are based on precision of execution. Since the techniques used are
based on precision, the size and strength of the person using them does not matter.
A small weaker person can perform the techniques as well as a bigger stronger person.
While the performance of activities based on strength will decline with age, the
RyuTe® practicioner should be able to maintain or improve his or her skills
over time.
Classical karate originates prior to 1868. It places emphasis on actual
combat techniques. Classical karate techniques are based on real combat and are not
tournament sport techniques. These techniques were used to stun, control, knockout,
mame, and kill opponents as the situation dictated.
RyuTe® and the RyuTe Kyusho Jitsu/Tuite design are federally registered Trademarks
of Oyata Enterprises and it's licensed agents. Unauthorized use is prohibited under the
Lanham Act and 15 U.S.C section 1051 of the United States Trademark law.
Tuite (Grab Hand) Techniques
Tuite is a grappling art used in RyuTe® that exploits weaknesses
of the human body common to all human beings through the manipulation of
muscles, joints, tendons, and bones.
Kyusho Jitsu (Vital Point) Techniques
Kyusho Jitsu is a vital point striking art used in RyuTe® that exploits
weak points of the anatomy of the human body common to all human beings.
These vital point techniques attack the nerves and blood vessels.
Kata Training
Kata training is a very important part of RyuTe®. A kata,
also called a form, is a prearranged series of movements.
Kata were developed to teach and pass on information to students. This is where
the real combat techniques of Tuite and Kyusho Jitsu are found if one knows
what to look for.
Most people don't understand that these kata contain hidden techniques
or how to discover them. The
people practicing these techniques were being oppressed and did not
want the meaning of what they were doing to be easily understood by outsiders. Most
of the bunkai (analysis of kata meaning) that is taught today is the
obvious meaning and not the real hidden combat meaning of the moves.
One of the
things taught in RyuTe® is how to break down and analyze these kata for the
real hidden meaning. In RyuTe®
kata, self defense, and fighting are practiced together as one because of the deeper
interpretation of the hidden moves in katas.
Anyone who says kata training cannot be used for fighting simply doesn't understand
how to interpret the deeper meaning combat moves that are hidden there.
Weapons Training
The RyuTe® Dojos (schools) have Okinawan weapon training.
The weapon techniques complement the empty hand
techniques. Weapon training includes the bo, sai, tanbo, jo, chizi-kun-bo,
and many others.
Bogu Kumite (Sport Full Contact Fighting)
Training (not required)
Bogu Kumite (fighting) in RyuTe® is done full contact so the
student can actually see the effectiveness of his or her techniques.
The participants wear Bogu gear which consists of a chest protector,
gloves with the ability to grab as well as punch, and a helment that
resembles a cross between a fencing mask and a catcher's mask.
There are only a few rules about targets and point scoring.
This training is voluntary and students are not required to fight full contact if
they would rather not.
A Brief History of RyuTe®
The life protection art of RyuTe® was created by the Okinawan
Karate Master Taika Seiyu Oyata. It was formerly known as Ryukyu Kempo and more
info(including a list of RyuTe® schools) can be found at the
Official RyuTe®/Ryukyu Kempo website.
Taika Oyata first began learning
the martial arts as a teenager during World War II. After the war, he met a Okinawan
master in his 90s and began training with him. This man had learned classical martial
arts and used it in real combat situations protecting the emperor of Okinawa. He had
no children to pass on his art to and took a liking to Taika calling him grandson.
Since he had no heirs he taught Taika things that would only be taught to the most
trusted family member as heir to the family martial system. Taika became the heir
to the family system and was given a scroll with the family seal documenting this.
He told Taika about the hidden Tuite in the katas and taught him the keys to unlocking
them. Taika later met a Chinese master in his 90s living in Okinawa. This man
taught Taika about the
Kyusho Jitsu techniques.
Taika Oyata began teaching RyuTe® in the US in
the 1970s. He currently lives in Independence, MO. Taika Oyata teaches seminars
throughout the year at RyuTe® Dojos worldwide. The International RyuTe® Association
has dojos worldwide including Japan, Israel, & Poland.
Where Is RyuTe® Taught In Arkansas?
The instructor is RyuTe® black belt Rusty Baxter.
He has over 20 years (started 1980) experience in the martial arts
studying various styles and received his black belt from Taika Oyata
in 1998. Sensei Rusty Baxter continues to train with
Taika Seiyu Oyata, Renshi Joe Krystofik and other RyuTe® black
belts at every opportunity. For more information email
Rusty Baxter .
Class Schedule
This class was shutdown February 2003.
The instructor is Oyata Shin Shu Ho® 5th-degree black belt Joe Krystofik, whose school has the
only persons in Arkansas allowed to teach Taika Oyata's art. Sensei Krystofik is a
member of Oyata Shin Shu Ho® which is a group of Senior RyuTe® black belts that are most
trusted by Taika Seiyu Oyata and honored by the International RyuTe® Organization.
Sensei Krystofik has over 30 years experience in the martial arts including a 3rd-degree
black belt in Isshin Shorinji Ryu Okinawa Te. He has studied various styles of martial arts.
He continues to train with Taika Oyata and his other talented black belts at
every opportunity. For more information on classes email
Joe Krystofik.
Class Schedule
Monday & Thursday 8pm-9:30pm
HealthCorp Fitness Center in Searcy