you want to know the history of Super X, hunh?! Well, Super X
is the meanest, baddest Pro-Wrestler to ever put on a mask!!
I have no respect for anyone and all I care about is winning!
I don't care what I have to do to win, either inside or outside
the ring! I enjoy causing pain to my opponents! I like to squash
them like the little gnats they are!! What's that?! You say you've
heard that I cheat? Yeah, So what? Sure, I've
been caught loading my mask, and carrying foreign objects to
the ring, but what else is new? My opponents are just a bunch
of wussies, they like to wrestle clean cut matches, well I don't go for that mister!!

did I get the name "Super X"? Well, as you probably
know, almost all the great masked wrestlers(like myself) come
from the infamous 'Parts Unknown'...yeah, it is a real place,
it's where all the masked wrestlers go to train! While I was
there I met the legendary "Dr. X" one of the most famous
masked wrestlers of the 70's!
After he saw me clobber a few flunkies in the ring, he decided
to take me under his wing. I spent 6 long months working under
the close eye of the good Dr. and when it was over, I was named
"Super X"! I am honored to carry on one of the most
famous names in wrestling! I would wear the mask of "X".
The rest as they say, is "History..."
My favorite wrestling moves are the
"Big Splash" & "Power Bomb".
SuperX Stats:
Ht. 5'11" Wt. 320lbs(hey I'm on
a diet, honest!)
Bench Press: 275lbs
Average # of trips through a buffet: 4
Win/Loss Record: None of yer business...
Person I'd most like to wrestle: Perfect Creation (He's scared
of me...)
The Past: About Power Zone
Power Zone
The first Fed I wrestled for was Power Zone Wrestling. It was based out of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. It was run by Tom Jones(no not the singer),
Tom has been in the wrestling business for over 25 years, and
has wrestled all over the country in different promotions. He
is a great wrestler, and an excellent teacher! Power Zone Wrestling
has since changed it's name to "Mid-South Wrestling Alliance".
Here is a link to the NEW Mid-South
Wrestling website:  |