North Hunterdon Youth Information

North Hunterdon Youth Wrestling Program

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The North Hunterdon Youth Program is broken up into 4 separate teams. There is the New Jersey Grade School Team, for wrestlers in grades 6 thru 8; the North Hunterdon Cheerleader Team, for cheerleaders grades 6 thru 8; the Central Jersery Team, for wrestlers grades K thru 6; and the Development Team, for beginning wrestlers grades K thru 6.

For information on the competition schedule of the wrestling program, and some of the results, please go to the appropriate link.

Wrestlers up to grade 8 from the US can participate in the SCOTT VAN DOREN Memorial Wrestling Tournament

The 1997 Scott Van Doren Team Tournament to be held on November 23, 1997 is again a preseason, individual tournament. Please contact Tom Powers if you would like more information. Tom can be reached on (908) 638-4729; or email him at

  • About the Coaching Staff
  • 1997-98 Youth Tournament Information
  • 1997-98 Tournament Results of North Wrestlers
  • 1996-97 Tournament Results of North Wrestlers
  • 1995-96 Accomplishments of North Wrestlers

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