The Great Beewitched Vote

And the results of the Belgian jury are...........

Yes, here they are, finally. Here, for you perusal, are the results so far of the Great Beewtiched Vote. Just who is the most popular player ever? What's the most popular kit? Who is in the all time dream team? Read on, for the answers.....

Favourite Player

Matt Cote
No real surprise, although he was run pretty close by Darrin fridgen (obvioulsly still some fans out there with long memories).

Matt Cote 4 Votes
Darrin Fridgen 3
Dale Junkin 2
Oleg Sinkov 2
Chris Brant 1
Kevin King 1
Andy Rymsha
Rob Stewart 1
Colin Ward 1
Dave Whistle 1

Favourite Coach

Jim Fuyarchuk
Again, no real surprise. Jim was the overwhelming choice of most voters. Interesting to see Whis get a vote without having yet had a game as senior coach, but it was from a Bison fan, so......

Jim Fuyarchuk 13 Votes
Dave Whistle 2
Brad Doshen 1
Keith Millhench 1

Favourite Game

Express Cup Final 97/98
Again, very little surprise to see Bees finest moment as the winner, although those with long memories again came close to tipping the scales. A good assortment of memories from accross the years in the other votes.

Express Cup Final 97/98 5 Votes
Seahawks 5 Bees 7 88/89 3
Any ENG win against the Bison 1
Sheffield 1 Bees 5 1
Express Cup Semi-Final Second Leg 97/98 1
Bison vs Bees (?) 1
Merv (the Perv) scoring against Bees 97 1 (from Bisonking)

Best Memory

I'll put these on when I have more time......

Best Home Kit

Last year's kit by far the most popular kit, despite it's critics.

97/98 7 Votes
87/88 2
94/95 2
89/90 1
91/92 1
95/96 1
96/97 1

Best Away Kit

Again, last year's kit is vindicated, it being even more popular than the Home Kit.

97/98 10 Votes
96/97 2
87/88 1
94/95 1
95/96 1

Dream Team

Goalie: Mark Bernard
Defender: Matt Cote
Defender: Shayne McCosh
Forward: Darrin Fridgen
Forward: Andy Rymsha/Colin Ward
Forward: Brian Pellerin

Som surprises in the Dream Team forwards - no Chris Brant, Dale Junkin or Jamie Crapper. 4 Players finished on the same number of votes, so I'll allow you to make your choice who should take the three slots.


Mark Bernard 9 Votes
Brian Greer 3
Gary Brine 2
Steve Francis 1

Matt Cote 10 Votes
Shayne McCosh 8
Rob Stewart 3
Todd Kelman 2
Scott Campbell 1
Toby Chamberlain 1
Reggie Crawford 1
Darren Durdle 1
James Elliot 1
Mark Ellis (?!) 1 Phil Ray 1

Darrin Fridgen 6
Andy Rymsha 5
Brina Pellerin 4
Colin Ward 4
Tom Gomes 3
Chris Brant 3
Dale Junkin 3
Oleg Sinkov 3
Jamie Crapper 2
Derek Higdon 2
Dave Whistle 2
Wayde Bucsis 1
Dennis Burke 1
Mike Ellis 1
Joe Ferraccioli 1
John Haig 1
Kevin King 1
Ross Lambert 1
Anthony Payne 1

Vote Yourself!

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