Welcome to Beewitched

Welcome to Beewitched, the internet fanzine for the Bracknell Bees Ice Hockey Club, and for UK Hockey in general. Within, you will find all that you will need to know about the British Hockey scene, and in particular the Bracknell Bees.

The fanzine was originally created as a magazine, which was distributed approximately monthly in the 'Hive. However, there were some, ahem, disagreements with the rink management, and the magazine was subsequantly banned from the rink. Although it took me some time, Beewitched has now been relaunched in internet form, which I find more agreeable anyway. The magazine aims to give a balanced and light-hearted view of any interesting hockey topics. It also aims to purge the world of the foulness that are the Basingstoke Bison.

To use the magazine, simply return to the Homepage, and click on the links to move to the desired page. Where a title is not highlighted, it is still in the process of being written, and should appear shortly. If you have any comments or contributions you would like to make, please feel free to mail me at the address at the botom of the Homepage. There is also a guestbook, which I would encourage anybody to use.

Thankyou for visiting Beewitched, and I hope you enjoy the experience.

Cheers, Alex the Rabid Bee

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