Bracknell Bees Players Guide

OK, folks, here's where I try and get ambitious! I have tried to trace the full career of every player ever to pull on a Bees' shirt (even just for one game!), and below are the results. At the moment, it is obviously still very much under construction. I don't have access to a great many stats, even some of the team stats for Bracknell. As you look down the season dates, it should become obvious that I'm missing the stats for between the 89/90 season and the 91/92 season. I'm also finding it hard tracking down European stats. Therefore, if you can help in anyway, please do.

I need to thank Ralph Slate for his Internet Hockey Database, which is an invaluable aid to researching players from North America.

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               Player                        Seasons at Bracknell
               Ramsey Ali                    95/96          
               Adam Anderson                 89/90-91/92
               Alan Armour                   94/95-95/96
               Craig Astill                     98/99

               Leigh Baker                   88/89-95/96
               Mark Barrett                  90/91-91/92
               Chris Baxter                  99/00
               Mark Bernard                  96/97-98/99
               Todd Bidner                   91/92
               John Blanche                  89/90
               Chris Bolton                  89/90 & 92/93 & 94/95
               Chris Brant                   94/95-98/99
               Rob Breskal                   90/91-92/93
               Gary Brine                    90/91-93/94
               Bobby Brown                   93/94 & 95/96 
               Gary Burchett                 94/95
               Dennis Burke                  97/98-98/99
               Greg Burke                    97/98-98/99
               Simon Burns                   93/94-95/96
               Wayde Bucsis                  96/97-97/98
               James Bugden                  96/97
               Shawn Byram                   94/95

               James Cameron                 88/89
               Scott Campbell                97/98
               Bruno Campese                 98/99
               Paul Cast                     95/96
               Toby Chamberlain              93/94 & 95/96
               Dennis Chasse                 98/99
               Grant Clark                   87/88 & 93/94
               Lloyd Clifford                94/95
               Gary Cloonan                  91/92
               Jason Coles                   95/96-96/97
               Paul Collins                  87/88
               Paul Constantin               93/94 & 94/95
               Dominic Coombe                87/88
               Lachlan Coombe                90/91-92/93 & 94/95
               Matt Cote                     90/91-98/99
               Jon Cotton                    93/94-94/95
               Brian Coughlin                88/89
               Jamie Crapper                 87/88-91/92
               Wayne Crawford                97/98
               Lee Curtis                    93/94-95/96
               Tony Curtis                   92/93-93/94

               Cassie Dawkins                95/96
               Derek DeCosty                 97/98
               Darren Derkson                87/88-91/92 & 94/95
               Jason Dexter                  94/95
               Norm Dezainde                 98/99 
               Marc Dowd                     93/94
               Andy Downs                    92/93-93/94
               Perry Doyle                   92/93
               Pierre-Claude Drouin          98/99
               John Dumbovic                 88/89
               Jeff Dunlop                   92/93
               Darren Durdle                 92/93-93/94

               James Elliot                  90/91
               Lee Elliot                    93/94
               Mark Ellis                    95/96-96/97
               Mike Ellis                    95/96-96/97
               Shane Ellis                   91/92 & 93/94-94/95
               Mark Fielding                 88/89-89/90
               Joe Ferraccioli               96/97-98/99
               Mark Finney                   95/96
               Tim Flanagan                  90/91
               Steve Francis                 89/90-91/92
               Jake French                   94/95
               Darin Fridgen                 88/89-91/92

               Richard Gallace                  98/99
               Graham Garden                 92/93-93/94
               Gary Gibbs                    87/88-88/89
                              Mark Gibson                   87/88-90/91
               Mark Goldby                   88/89
               Tom Gomes                     97/98
               Tood Goodwin                  99/00
               Scott Gough                   89/90
               David Graham                  94/95
               Jim Graves                       90/91
               Darren Gray                   87/88-88/89
               Brian Greer                   97/98-98/99

               John Haig                     92/93
               Keith Hall                    87/88
               Ben Hardy                     92/93-94/95
               Steve Heath                   87/88
               Steve Hedington              91/92
               Derek Higdon                  90/91
               John Hobson                   89/90-90/91
               Andy Hopgood                  89/90

               Brian Johnson                 89/90
               Shane Johnson                 99/00
               Jeff Johnstone                96/97-98/99
               Dale Junkin                   96/97-98/99

               Scott Keller                  91/92
               Mike Kellond                  87/88-89/90
               Todd Kelman                   97/98-98/99
               Kevin King                    92/93-95/96
               Blake Knox                    99/00
               Ross Lambert                  92/93
               Dave Langford                 95/96
               Frank LaScala                 98/99
               Eric Legros                   93/94
               Mark Lewis                    88/89
               Paul Lidster                  87/88

               Kevin Maguire                 87/88
               Sal Manganaro                 98/99
               Ben March                     91/92
               Russel Martin                 87/88-89/90
               Casson Masters                99/00
               Shayne McCosh                 96/97-98/99
               Ross McDougall                93/94
               Jim McGeough                  91/92
               Dominic McGill                91/92
               Barry McKinlay                98/99
               Richard Mears                 89/90 & 91/92-92/93
               Al Meola                      96/97
               Paul Mitchell                 88/89-89/90
               Greg Moore                    92/93
               Andy Morgan                   93/94
               Paul Morganti                 88/89-89/90
               Ian Munns                     94/95
               Lee Muxlow                    94/95

               Mikhail Nemirovsky            98/99
               John Noctor                   92/93

               Lee Odelein                   91/92
               Nick O'Donnell                89/90
               Danny O'Hanlon                91/92

               Esa Palosaari                 92/93
               Stuart Parker                 92/93
               Lee Parsons                   95/96
               Anthony Payne                 91/92
               Brian Pellerin                96/97-97/98
               Jim Pennycook                 91/92
               Andy Pickles                  95/96-96/97
               Norman Pinnington             91/92-94/95
               Doug Rao                      88/89 & 90/91
               Dave Ray                      87/88
               Phil Ray                      87/88-89/90
               Jason Reilly                  88/89-94/95
               Nigel Rhodes                  90/91
               Marcel Richard                94/95  
               Dean Richards                 96/97
               Kevin Riehl                   99/00
               Greg Rockham                     98/99
               Pete Romeo                    96/97 
               Andy Rymsha                   93/94       

               Mike Sanderson                94/95
               Paxton Schulte                98/99
               Brent Selman                  94/95
               Oleg Sinkov                   92/93
               Grant Slater                  91/92
               Mark Slater                   94/95
               Adam Smith                    99/00
               Barry Smith                   88/89
               Mike Smith                    88/89
               Rick Smith                    94/95
               Shawn Snesar                  96/97
               Mike Stafford                 89/90
               Tim Stead                     93/94
               Rob Stewart                   95/96-98/99

               Andy Toller                   87/88

               Mike Urquhart                 94/95

               Luc Vailancourt               87/88

               Scott Wakelin                 87/88-89/90
               John Walmsley                 93/94
               Colin Ward                    97/98-98/99
               Oliver Way                    87/88-88/89
               Martin Weddell                87/88-88/89
               Paul Welling                  93/94-94/95
               Chris Wells                   93/94
               Chris West                    93/94-95/96
               Dave Whistle                  95/96-98/99
               Brian Wilkie                  92/93-94/95 & 95/96
               Pete Winn                     94/95
               Paul Woodbridge               91/92 & 93/94
               Martin Woods                  99/00
               Alistair Wybrott              92/93

               Andy Young                    88/89-90/91

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