Photo Album

Enter ye not, lest thy heart be bold, thy will be strong and thy mind be stout. Within here lurk horror indescribable and uncomprehensible to the mind of mortal man. For this is a collection of such terrifying proportions, only the greatest amongst us could possible bare to gaze upon it, and not lose their reason. Be afeared, be mightily afeared.

Forward to the First Edition,
Ahmed the "I-Just-Get-These-Headaches",
8th level mage.

These pages represent the largest grouping of its kind on the ether. Well, on Beewitched anyway. Inside, you will find the portraits of some of the most worrying and curious creatures on Earth. Yes, homo spectatoris hockia, or hockey fans as they are vulgerlarly known. But these are not just any hockey fans. Inside can be found members of the subversive devianti group, UKH. In particular, the Rabid One himself, he of diseased mind and cankerous body, Alex the Rabid Bee. I can only recommend that you do not enter this galleria mallificarum at all cost.

Forward to the Second Edition,
Professor Nester Lessor,
Regius Profesor of Algorythmic Patterning.

Things people have said:

Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!! Ohshitohshitohshitohshitohshit......... Aaaarrrrrggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rincewind the Wizard

What is this cack?

Melvyn Bragg

The Rabid Bee has surpassed himself in his depravity with this effort.......I can only sum the Album up in one word - disgusting and deplorable.

The Shropshire Post

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