Welcome to My Guestbook, Please drop me a note. I list most of my pictures, but don't display all of them. Please request any photos you might like to see, or forward any questions you might have about YYZ.

Yeom Ji-hoon - 12/25/00 02:40:36
My URL:http://my.netian.com/~bhenggi
My Email:bhenggi@hanmail.net
Favourite Airline: Korean air
Favourite Aircraft: A330

Hi~ I'm korean Thank you for your nice photos. Have a nice day

Darren Elliott - 12/17/00 19:42:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/dman4ski/index.html
My Email:darrenelliott@hotmail.com
Favourite Airline: Air Ontario
Favourite Aircraft: Diamond Katana

Cool Site Bad Link:Canjet picture page

Robert Schubert - 12/09/00 18:52:14
My Email:hdschubert@ig.com.br

I'm brazilian and I like so much your photos. Congratulations!!

Peter de Bock - 11/25/00 18:19:47
My URL:http://fly.to/aviationonline
Favourite Airline: KLM

You have some really nice photo's on this page. I especially like the BWIA 737. Keep up the good work!

Rhoye Rosser - 11/07/00 23:41:33
My Email:sukhoi7@yahoo.com
Favourite Airline: FedEx
Favourite Aircraft: A340/330

Any more pics of Aer Lingus A330's?? Did the band RUSH name their song YYZ after Toronot Int'l?? I've always wondered about that.

Nicole - 10/27/00 18:05:54
My Email:Stumpy1395@yahoo.com

I like your pictures

Alfred Lerch - 10/26/00 18:11:10
My URL:http://www.icarus-slides.notrix.de
My Email:Icarus-slides@gmx.de
Favourite Airline: all with DC-10/MD-11
Favourite Aircraft: DC-10 and MD-11

Hey, you have an excellent side. I`m a spotter I make color slides in my archives I have 26.000 slides from all civil aircrafts. My favourite aircraft are DC-10 and MD-11 Best regards Alfred>icarus_de<

Greg - 10/16/00 12:56:07
My Email:kphth@webtv.net
Favourite Airline: Olympic Airways
Favourite Aircraft: Boeing 747

Hello, I live in the Toronto area and I was told that there would be an Airliners Collectables show at a Royal Legion branch near YYZ sometime in October. Can u please send me details and I hope I didn't miss it. Thanks

- 07/22/00 11:40:25
My Email:socketrerror


Chris Cummings - 07/21/00 15:49:55
My Email:chris@irisreg.com
Favourite Airline: Delta
Favourite Aircraft: Anything Russian

Great site. I like the timely news and information about what aircraft fly on what day. You have a great spotting site at YYZ and I hope to see everyone out there. Chris

Jason Crockett - 07/17/00 15:05:25
My Email:cej511@altavista.com
Favourite Airline: United Airlines
Favourite Aircraft: 747 - 400 & L1011

I really enjoyed your photo gallery. Thanks!

Marcus - 07/04/00 12:06:30
Favourite Airline: British Airways
Favourite Aircraft: Boeing 747-200

I really liked your site ... the internet needs more montreal/toronto airport ethusiast webpages so come on canadians GET TO WORK !!!

Mario Pinheiro - 06/24/00 15:08:36
My URL:http://www.marios.da.ru
My Email:MPinheiro@WebTv.Net
Favourite Airline: B.W.I.A.
Favourite Aircraft: L1011 - Tristar 500

I can't believe I've visited your site so many times and have never signed your guestbook! Since I live about 8 minutes drive from YYZ, I listen to the control tower and the planes all the time on my scanners in my car and at home. I often park next to ru way 23 or 24 right and spend hours listening and watching the planes take-off and land. As a bonus, the engineering company I work for has the contract for the up-grade of YYZ and I get to see all the planning of past, present, future of YYZ. Keep up the ood work with your pictures. It helps me allot!

Danny Goldwater - 05/26/00 20:35:26
My Email:goldwated@cs.com
Favourite Airline: Easyjet
Favourite Aircraft: Airbus A330 - 200


Kristine - 05/20/00 06:33:16
My Email:fly_corp@hotmail.com
Favourite Airline: Wardair/C3
Favourite Aircraft: Mine of course!! B727-200

Great site!!! Try and put some more corporate jets on. Such as Orca Bays(canucks&Grizzlies) B727. Falcons,gulfstreams etc. Once again...love the site and will visit often. Cheers, Kristine

Jamie - 04/20/00 23:12:36
My Email:airtrafficjtb@apexmail.com
Favourite Airline: Wardair
Favourite Aircraft: 767

Great website. I am training with Nav Canada for Air Traffic Control and love pictures of commercial aircraft. It was a pleasure browsing your site. Do you have any pictures of Wardair?

sean cronin - 03/14/00 15:58:06
My Email:croninsn@gofree.indigo.ie
Favourite Aircraft: B-747-400

Hi Scott I am an aviation enthusiast based in Cork, Ireland. I also have a large collection of commercial photos. I am thinking about trying to start selling them. At the moment I store them on Zip-Disk at about 800 photos per disk. I hope to buy a CD writer so n an transfer them to CD-ROM. Do you know of any one who might be interested in buying them or any aviation hobby shops in your area who might be willing to try and sell a few for me. If you want, Send me an E-Mail and I will send you a list of the photos on the disk. Regards Sean Cronin

sea - 03/14/00 15:50:15


Tony Jayawardena - 02/23/00 12:01:44
My Email:tony.jayawardena@ltu.de
Favourite Airline: Thai
Favourite Aircraft: L1011

Just scrolling thro the pages in office and found yr page.Highly interesting stuff.Would like to get any news and be informed at all times. Be up todate so to say. Rgds Tony

Aldo Ciarini - 02/15/00 17:56:40
My Email:ciarini@libero.it
Favourite Aircraft: old generation jets&props

A very nice gallery,if you want to trade top quality kodachrome slides write me. Regards Aldo Ciarini

Khaladhi Accad Kharan - 02/11/00 02:02:36
My URL:http://www.khaliddomain.com
My Email:KhalidhiDhoja@klkcc.com
Favourite Airline: Singapore Airlines/ Swissair
Favourite Aircraft: Boeing 747-400

I have flown to the Toronto airports as well as the Brussels one. I really love the way you captured your pictures. I really love your occupation, and I admire your committment to the general public. I will look at your web site frequentl, for it is on my favourites list. thank you for letting me enjoy a wonderful site.

Tan Kwan Seng - 02/08/00 15:00:47
My URL:http://kwanseng.tripod.com/
Favourite Airline: Singapore Airlines
Favourite Aircraft: Boeing 747 - 400

You've got a very nice site. I will visit again.

Michael Fritz - 02/05/00 12:12:20
My URL:http://fly.to/mfz
My Email:hotspots.mfz@t-online.de
Favourite Airline: Swissair
Favourite Aircraft: B757, A319

Very nice site! I've been to YYZ a couple of times so far and I really like the old Terminal 1 rooftop for photography! Greetings from Munich/Germany Michael

Levent ARAL - 02/05/00 07:03:37
My Email:leventaral@hotmail.com
Favourite Airline: Cathay Pacific
Favourite Aircraft: Boing 747

Best Wishes

sean cronin - 01/28/00 18:56:22
My Email:croninsn@gofree.indigo.ie
Favourite Airline: Aer Lingus
Favourite Aircraft: B-727

Do you know of any site where I would be able to advertise my collection of aircraft photos which are on Zip-Disk or of anyone you know who might be interested in buying

carli pritchard - 01/05/00 23:32:11
Favourite Aircraft: boeing 747

your pictures helped me with my fourth grade project. thanks.

Jim Cotney - 12/30/99 18:08:12
My Email:cotney@gorilla.net

Would love to see cabin and flight deck pictures of CRJ 200. Prefer Comair but other airline is OK.

Sean - 12/13/99 05:30:01
My Email:jibu@gateway.net
Favourite Airline: Sri Lanken air lines
Favourite Aircraft: A-340

Well done page. Good way to preserve the photographic airline history. maybe i can get some pictures for you. so i'll e-mail to you.

john hill - 11/27/99 18:45:47
My Email:hill@eyesurf.netbritish
Favourite Airline: british caledonian
Favourite Aircraft: b747

a very good web sight as I work at YYZ on the ramp. I can relate to many of your pictures of the past airlines now gone. Keep up the good work.

Paul Arnold - 11/27/99 10:20:52
My URL:http://www.jetstreamer.co.uk
My Email:mail@jetstreamer.co.uk
Favourite Airline: SQ
Favourite Aircraft: 772

Great Site! Keep up the excellent work! Regards Paul

Eli - 11/19/99 21:04:12
My URL:http://yyzonline.cjb.net
My Email:yyzonline@hotmail.com
Favourite Airline: Air Transat
Favourite Aircraft: none

hey, wicked page, if anyone is looking for a great Pearson Int'l Airport web site check out YYZ Online!!!!

Benjamin Lau - 11/12/99 04:58:34
My URL:http://www.avanaaviation.cjb.net
My Email:avanaaviation@chek.com
Favourite Airline: Singapore Airlines
Favourite Aircraft: B777-200

Great Site !

Lynn Claridge-King - 10/31/99 23:48:33
My Email:lynnc-k@tinyworld.co.uk
Favourite Airline: Nigerian Airways
Favourite Aircraft: 767


Sarah Nabbie - 10/21/99 02:36:19
My Email:babyiris33@hotmail.com
Favourite Airline: British Airways
Favourite Aircraft: Concorde 102

Hi, your pics are cool and I have a young friend who hopes to be a pilot someday so I'll give him this site. It's fun to look at the planes and maybe you should have a game made with planes that could be downloaded on the computer and bought as well. tha x see you ... bye :)

Deanne We''s - 10/20/99 16:08:42
My Email:flychick_20@hotmail.com
Favourite Airline: British Airways
Favourite Aircraft: Boeing 747

I love airplanes so I loved this site. I loved the variety of pictures you had. Keep up the good work.

iain - 09/18/99 21:59:15
My Email:iain24@hotmail.com
Favourite Airline: Virgin
Favourite Aircraft: PA28

Hi there, I wonder if you can help me. I am trying to track down the name of a cargo company that frequently fly out of YYZ. I'm not sure where they are based, I believe they are called CarCan (but I could be wrong). I do know that they are a small operation, but u e both 727 and more recently A320 aircraft, although I believe that these could well be leased. They mainly fly out of YYZ, or Hamilton, making daily drops all over Canada. I know it isn't much to work on, but I'd appreciate anything you could uncover. Thanks in advance Iain

Denis Zmak - 08/13/99 15:56:24
My Email:none- library terminal
Favourite Airline: KLM
Favourite Aircraft: Alitalia Bulgari 747-200

Many nice ramp shots in your photo gallery. Some recent aircraft at yyz (1999) are not found in your photo gallery. It is a shame your YYZ news is not updated. Great website overall.

heidi hilltop - 07/30/99 01:42:01
My Email:private
Favourite Airline: canadian airlines/british airways
Favourite Aircraft: cp A320/ ba 757

you need to update your pictures of canadian airlines. there planes are really looking quite modern. british airways old paint job of the 757 still looks like one of the sharpest of their fleet. your site is great.

Keith Spink - 07/09/99 23:43:23
My URL:http://www.infolondon.co.uk/te
My Email:k.spink@infolondon.co.uk
Favourite Airline: Air 2000

I like your site, you have some really great photos, well done. On another subject, you might be interested in extra promotion for your site. If you are interested you could submit your site to the Transport Links Directory at http://www.infolondon.co.uk/links and also you might be interested in joining the Transport Exchange at http://www.infolondon.co.uk/te.

ANTONIO G. LECANDA - 06/16/99 13:35:31
My Email:garroboloco@yahoo.com
Favourite Airline: AEROMEXICO
Favourite Aircraft: MD-80


Joseph Gazes - 06/01/99 02:19:58
My Email:abuck1@hotmail.com
Favourite Airline: Air France
Favourite Aircraft: 747-400

Great Site! I'd love to see some pictures of the airport (YYZ) itself.

Joseph Gazes - 06/01/99 02:19:40
My Email:abuck1@hotmail.com
Favourite Airline: Air France
Favourite Aircraft: 747-400

Great Site! I'd love to see some pictures of the airport (YYZ) itself.

Damiano GUALDONI - 03/13/99 20:01:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Station/4340
My Email:dgualdo@tin.it
Favourite Airline: Air Europe Italy
Favourite Aircraft: B767300ER

Nice web site ... continue on this way.

Hiran Rajapakse - 03/06/99 08:35:12
My Email:mvcr@eureka.lk
Favourite Airline: Airlanka
Favourite Aircraft: Tristar L1011


moe - 01/27/99 18:39:14
Favourite Airline: ;l


Allen Harrington - 01/15/99 04:49:18
My Email:allenharrington@hotmail.com
Favourite Airline: Air Canada, Canadian Airlines
Favourite Aircraft: 747, Fokker F28, Candair Regional Jet

Great Pictures!! I wish I lived near a big airport like YYZ so I could see all those airplanes. I enjoy visiting your website, keep up the good work!

VAL VENIS - 12/22/98 20:17:34
Favourite Aircraft: B 747-430 , CONCORDE


Amanda Drewsen - 12/10/98 14:55:25
Favourite Airline: Trans-Con
Favourite Aircraft: Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet

I love the photos! Keep up the good work!

Aviation Pictures of Norway - 12/02/98 11:42:12
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/haolsen/
Favourite Airline: Braathens
Favourite Aircraft: Boeing 737-700

Great site, Keep up the wonderful work!
Aviation Pictures of Norway
Great Pictures!!

Emrecan Inancer - 11/20/98 21:50:41
My Email:emrei@doruk.net.tr
Favourite Airline: Turkish Airlines
Favourite Aircraft: Boeing 747-400

Thank you for this page. It is excellent.

Toby Shack - 11/17/98 23:05:57
My Email:olivers@fea.net
Favourite Airline: Reno Air
Favourite Aircraft: MD90,11


S.P.LEE - 11/17/98 19:04:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Flats/8856/index.html
My Email:DYNASTY7@MS11

SP DESIGN http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Flats/8856/index.html

Neb the Duke - 11/09/98 20:32:06
Favourite Aircraft: md-11, spitfire, f-14, 707

This is a great site. It's helped me to identify some jets. Please display that 727-100 of All Canada. I need it for some serious identification. Thanx!

Big Mak and Little Wong - 11/07/98 12:16:39
My Email:Makdadon@hotmail.com
Favourite Airline: United Airlines
Favourite Aircraft: 747-400, Concorde

You had a such Cool Homepage, we love it so much. Please pull more on it..later!

mouret gerard - 10/30/98 11:54:08
My URL:http://www.infres.enst.fr/~mouret/avions/spotting.html
My Email:mouret@inf.enst.fr
Favourite Aircraft: airbus A320

nice site for spotters! my URL: http://www.infres.enst.fr/~mouret/avions/spotting.html

V. DeYoung - 10/25/98 22:53:57
My Email:Vinced@bestweb.net
Favourite Airline: Lufthansa
Favourite Aircraft: 747

You've done a great Job collecting the photos and aircraft model designations. You've got a very impressive site. Congratulations!

Sean Woolard - 10/23/98 02:33:18
My URL:http://members.aol.com/SmooPooU2/SeansPlanePage.html
My Email:SmooPooU2@aol.com
Favourite Airline: British Airways-Lufthansa-KLM
Favourite Aircraft: 777-747

Very Nice Page!!!!

Cindy - 09/08/98 10:32:24
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

John S. Price - 09/07/98 03:32:51
Favourite Airline: Delta


Brian - 08/31/98 19:23:29
My Email:flight99@hotmail.com
Favourite Airline: British
Favourite Aircraft: 757-200/757-300

Nice page! I work as an aircraft fueler at BWI and take alot of photos too. Should be setting up my new page soon. Again- nice job on the page.

Elias Flessas - 08/29/98 15:57:11
My Email:EliasKim97@Prodigy,net
Favourite Airline: SOUTHWEST
Favourite Aircraft: B747-400

Good job! Elias

tom reich - 08/01/98 03:59:22
Favourite Airline: delta
Favourite Aircraft: boeing 727


Robin Murray - 07/23/98 00:30:08
My URL:http://www.netcom.ca~n.flight/small.html
My Email:n.flight@netcom.ca
Favourite Airline: EPA(past)
Favourite Aircraft: de Havilland Dash 8

Hi Scott, Enjoyed your page. Perhaps you would like to drop into the Toronto Aerospace Museum and take some pictures.

Evan McElravy - 07/19/98 21:36:40
My URL:http://users.penn.com/~cpa1/
My Email:evanm@penn.com
Favourite Airline: Northwest
Favourite Aircraft: DC-9

YYZ kicks ass! I love spotting there (I have some pictures from there in my gallery) and you have some hot pictures. Only thing is, you need to rotate them around more often. You'll get more people in here if you keep it more dynamic. Keep taking pictu

Carlos Vaz - 07/19/98 05:31:03
My Email:intrepid1968@yahoo.com
Favourite Airline: Delta,Varig,Pluna
Favourite Aircraft: 767, DC-10,MD-11

Hi Scott my name is Carlos and im from Puerto Rico i have bought some photos from you and i already know they are great. If you have somethin new like the MD-11 of Aer lingus, 767 Iberia,747 Alitalia Grey colors(not Bacci) aeroflot new color,757 Royal or hings like that please let me know. Hope your doing very good and take care. Carlos Vaz--puerto rico

Ian McAllister - 07/16/98 21:05:13
My Email:I.McAllister@virgin.net
Favourite Aircraft: any 727s

I'm an Air Traffic Controller at the London ATC Centre, I collect airframe numbers (spotter). I tend to specialise in older jets, I've seen 1552 out of 1832 727s built.

Brian Yim - 07/08/98 22:30:03
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/meltingpot/park/590/index.html
My Email:ByYim@Juno.com
Favourite Airline: Asiana Airlines
Favourite Aircraft: 747

I really thought taht your page was fantastic, I love airplanes! Ever since I was small I wanted to become a pilot, I still do dream that dream. I was wondering if you would ever have any pictures of "Asiana Airlines?" And because it is one of my favorite airlines I was wondering if you would be able to post one up for me? Well if you can I would be so very thankful, and I would just like to say this page was just flawless!

Craig Golightly - 07/05/98 17:24:46
My Email:ldrc1@mb.sympatico.ca
Favourite Airline: Air Canada
Favourite Aircraft: A330

Your page is awsome. How did you get so good of pictures? I live in Winnipeg and the biggest thing that we get is a Royal A310 or a Air Canada 767-200.

rik - 07/02/98 22:01:26
My Email:chirikili@hotmail.com
Favourite Airline: western pacific
Favourite Aircraft: B-777

love the site! looking for more of the Kai Tak approach

- 06/24/98 00:07:25


Munk E - 06/14/98 22:14:55
My Email:munke@niagararc.com

I'd love to see a picture of you

Ulrich F.HOPPE - 06/02/98 11:44:46
My URL:http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/uhoppe
My Email:106527.2157@compuserve.com
Favourite Airline: Lufthansa
Favourite Aircraft: Lockheed L188 Electra

Nice selection of aircraft pictures from Canada,will visit you soon again,keep it updated !

Johnboy - 05/29/98 20:40:08
My Email:john.boy@lineone.net

Am I the only one out there who likes Air Transat?

Michal H - 05/29/98 03:03:31
Favourite Airline: Cathay Pacific
Favourite Aircraft: 777

What are the chances of a 777/200/300 coming to YYZ. What about BA.

Johnboy - 05/24/98 15:24:12
My Email:john.boy@lineone.net
Favourite Airline: Air Transat/Canada3000
Favourite Aircraft: L-1011, B757

Good website, any chance of seeing the pics of B737 Virgin Express on lease to Air Transat?

Finn Åge Dypaune - 05/16/98 23:36:39
My URL:None yet
My Email:dypaune@online.no
Favourite Airline: Wideroes Airline
Favourite Aircraft: Dash-8-103

Hi there!! You really got a great site, but you should put in some more prop-pics on the page. Especially pictures of dash 8 `s in different colors. I have been training for pilot licensies in S.C USA, and i`m now working for Wideroes Airline. A few years ago we flew Twin Otters and Dash-7`s but now we have a fleet with Dash-8`s only.(103 & 300) Bye.

Lydia Hiltensperger - 05/16/98 07:59:16
Favourite Airline: Virgin Express
Favourite Aircraft: B 737-300/400

What abaut pictures of Virgin Express?? GREAT PICTURES YOU HAVE!! Best Regards, Lydia from Germany

Scott Galloway - 05/13/98 13:20:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/southbeach/shores/2490
My Email:sgalloway65@yahoo.com
Favourite Airline: Southwest Airlines
Favourite Aircraft: Boeing 737 & Grumman F-14D Supertomcat

I like your site. I was planning to be a fighter pilot for the NAVY but I'm too tall. :-( So I'm planning a carrer in commercial aviation and found your site to be beautifully decorated with all of my favorite commercial aircraft. I'm glad I came acro s your. If you like pictures of fighter aircraft, check out my site, I promise you won't be disappointed. :-) Just take my "Aviation page" link.

Jan Van Ooteghem - 05/13/98 11:13:55
My URL:http://users.skynet.be/jan_van_ooteghem
My Email:jose.van.ooteghem@skynet.be
Favourite Airline: Sabena
Favourite Aircraft: 777

Cool site with nice photos

Brian Ward - 05/07/98 04:23:52
My URL:http://www.planelyspeaking.com
My Email:bae146@best.com
Favourite Airline: AirCal
Favourite Aircraft: Bae-146

I enjoyed your pictures and look forward to seeing more.

Gary Tinnes - 05/04/98 15:18:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/capecanaveral/launchpad/3823
Favourite Airline: Northwest Airlines
Favourite Aircraft: Boeing 727-200

great web page , best for pictures I have seen on the net. Look forward to seeing your pictures from Detroit airport.

Gary Tinnes - 05/04/98 15:14:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/capecanveral/launchpad/3823
Favourite Airline: Northwest Airlines
Favourite Aircraft: Boeing 727-200

great web page , best for pictures I have seen on the net. Look forward to seeing your pictures from Detroit airport.

Tomas Fröcklin - 04/29/98 19:24:53
My URL:http://user.tninet.se/~siz096u/
My Email:frocklin@ebox.tninet.se
Favourite Airline: Aerflot
Favourite Aircraft: Tupolev Tu-154

Well, this was a info-packed site. Keep up the good work.

Ed LePage - 04/24/98 04:32:08
My Email:epage@pacificcoast.net
Favourite Airline: Canadian


Matthijs van Wageningen - 04/22/98 19:12:01
My URL:http://www.xs4all.nl/~matthys/
My Email:matthys@xs4all.nl
Favourite Airline: KLM
Favourite Aircraft: Airbus A340

Very nice page you have, great pictures. Greetings from Holland ... :-)

phil a. wharton - 04/21/98 02:02:19
My URL:http://don't have one
My Email:don't have one
Favourite Airline: klm the royalty
Favourite Aircraft: 747-400 wide body

hey chris, i have to say that i enjoyed your web site...it's good to know that there are people who are just as interested in planes, airports and aviation things as i am. I would have to say that i try to visit pearson as often as possible, its a total last to see all those people coming and going on those magnificent flying machines. Please keep up the interesting stuff. thanx!!

shane boland - 04/20/98 18:47:14
My Email:wboland@avalon.nf.ca
Favourite Airline: air canada
Favourite Aircraft: airbus A319

great page excellent pics.i think you should show a few more pictures.

John Wegg - 04/19/98 18:52:17
My URL:http://www,airwaysmag.com
My Email:airwaysed@nidlink.com

Scott: Thanks for your mail. For NEW photos, please send prints (or slides) to: Airways PO Box 1109 Sandpoint ID 83864-0872 USA If you desire, they will be returned whether used or not. We are working on a story on Canada 3000 and, in fact, are flying in to YYZ on April 30 from Toulouse on the delivery of the first A330-200. Regards John Wegg

Angelo Tollardo - 04/17/98 21:00:08
My Email:atollardo@ultranet.ca
Favourite Airline: Canadian Airlines Intl.
Favourite Aircraft: Boeing-747-400

Hi There!!! Your Web Site is very Good having many Airline Photos which I am like very much to download a varity of liveries and you have most of them. Keep the good work going. Angelo Tollardo 2203 Grant Street Vancouver, B.C., V5L 2Z6 Canada

Paul Arnold - 04/14/98 06:40:51
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/Jetstreamer/index.html
My Email:Jetstreamer97@yahoo.com
Favourite Airline: Virgin Atlantic
Favourite Aircraft: A.340-300 & B.747-400

Great homepages Scott. The pictures are really super. I've put your Web-Site as a link from my homepages. Keep up the good work.......Cheers, Paul (in Engalnd)

Chris Rauenbusch - 04/07/98 20:42:48
My Email:rauenbus@idirect.com
Favourite Airline: Canadian Airlines International
Favourite Aircraft: B747-400,B767-300/ER,A340-200/300

You should update the page a bit more often!

Chris Clemmer - 04/07/98 00:36:51
My URL:http://www.golden.net/~cclemmer
My Email:cclemmer@golden.net
Favourite Airline: Air Canada
Favourite Aircraft: 747-400, A340-300, 767-300

I think you are a maintain a great site and are a very talented photographer. I also maintain a "Toronto Commercial Aviation Photo" page, called "Chris' Plane Page" (http://www.golden.net/~cclemmer). My site features photographs taken from the ramp of Tor nto's Pearson International Airport, including domestic, cross-border and international airlines. These photos are unique as you are at the same level as the actual aircraft, giving you that feeling of 'closeness' and that high degree of detail. (If you c uld add my site to your links list, it would be appriciated!) Thanks, Scott and continue the good work!

Leith Coghlin - 04/04/98 22:56:31
My URL:Working on it
My Email:Not for public consumption
Favourite Airline: Air Canada, British Airways
Favourite Aircraft: Boeing 747 all series, 767 and Airbus A340-300s.

Good page. However you must rotate your pictures around. I have visited this site regularly since July of 97 and you still have yet to actually switch them around. I especially enjoy your section on YYZ News. Updating a little more frequantly would improve the page. Keep up the good work!!

Joe Average - 03/29/98 16:24:14
My URL:http://www.noaddress.com
My Email:stilllooking@notyet.ca
Favourite Airline: Eastern
Favourite Aircraft: Spruce Goose

Bout time you got yourself a guestbook

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