These are a few selections from the works of yours truly. Hope you like them.

Happier Days

My true love,
Has faded.
Now it's only memories,
Of happier days gone by.
When it started,
I do not know.
It slowly rolled in,
Creeping up like a predator.
Eventual disappearance,
Will come in time.
Along with understanding,
And a clam, inner peace.
Acceptance will come...
My heart is so confused,
It feels torn apart.
It aches,
For its other half.
Which doesn't seem to fit...
Love seems changed.
So am I.
Thoughts and actions different,
Guarded by a fence.
Has been destroyed,
Abolished forever.
Emotions now surrounded by walls.


Is love.
But longed for.
Is the loss.
Is the gain.
One who cares not,
For the sweet,
Has been conquered,
By the bitter.
The sweet,
Is like a drug.
It makes all forget,
Forget about the bitter.
Yet the bitter,
Is like an abandoned child.
One who has known it,
But does not care for it.
The bitter,
Tend to remember.
While the sweet,
Always seem to forget.
A wound,
That is bandaged.
The painful wound,
And the loving bandage.
Once trampled,
The sweet become bitter.
Yet when helped up,
The bitter become sweet.

Something Gone

Yet dead.
A ghost,
That breathes.
But not remembered.
But not listened to.
Yet surviving.
With dry eyes.
Loving one,
Yet without a heart.
Being surrounded,
While standing alone.
Hanging on,
To something gone.
Feeling the pain,
While being numb.

Blind Love

Being in love,
Is like being blindfolded.
To see,
You must feel.
Yet to feel,
You must fall.
And then rise,
To walk again.
It's like,
Shuffling through the dark.
To find,
What is surrounded by light.
Grasping on to someone,
Only because,
It just seems right.
Then holding on,
To the feeling,
Like it's a treasure,
That has no price.


I wish that things,
Should last forever.
But what if forever,
Was just one day?
Then is wishing,
Worth the time?
Or should we treasure,
The day that is forever?
Take the hours,
And do what you can with them.
Every moment of forever,
Is a precious, nonreplaceable one.
Take forever,
Long or short.
And replace your wishes,
With lasting memories.

Worthless Words

And scholars.
None have ever,
Or could ever,
Say words,
To describe how I feel.
As strong as Hercules,
Are weak,
To the task.
As educated,
As Einstein,
Are incompetent here.
As loving,
As a mother with new born,
Are stone cold.
Are worthless,
To express,
What I feel.

The Butterfly

Love is like a butterfly,
Beautiful to see, but impossible to posses.
Knowing this fact,
We still try our best.
You may capture it,
For just a while,
But it would leave,
While your hearts broken pieces lay in a pile.
Love is a sword,
With a sharpened blade.
The cut is swift and sweet,
While the pain is made.
Medicine to heal a broken heart,
Cannot be bought.
But new love heals the pain,
When another butterfly is caught.
This cruel cycle,
Is what keeps us going.
Will you love or lose?
There's no way of knowing.

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day,
A joke to me.
One I care not,
To see or hear of.
Love and happiness,
Is absent.
Lonliness and mistrust,
Celebrate this day.
The smiles and laughter,
Only add to my gloom.
Flowers given to me,
May as well be saved,
For my funeral.
For I care not,
Of their significance.
Black is the heart,
On the card I recieve.
Wilted are the flowers,
I always see.
A dagger,
Stained with poison,
The poison of trust,
Stabbed me years ago.
Etching a hate for this day,
Like a tatoo,
On my brain.
Love and happiness,
Were stolen,
From me.
The day,
He walked out,
He died,
He killed himself.
That day,
Valentine's Day,
Killed my soul,
And my heart.


Regret,it pains me,
Sharp pain.
Sharper than the sheerest blade,
Of a shining sword.
Regret, it burns me,
Like a smoldering cigarette,
Searing and scalding,
My delicate flesh.
Regret, it digs a hole,
Deep into my quiet soul.
Like a grave,
Awaiting its sullen corpse.
Regret, uncontrollable regret,
Spins my mind in circles,
Like a car slipping and sliding,
On a wet deserted road.
Regret, all incompassing,
Surrounds me in its wrath.
Like a blanket of sadness,
Covering and darkening the world.


Anger is like a raging storm,
Tossing things around.
Anger is like a roaring tiger,
Poised powerfully on the ground.
Anger is possessed by many people,
In their evil little minds.
Anger is the shelter,
For the hatred that binds.
Binds us to ancient belief,
That should have been thrown away.
But anger has fed the prejudice,
And it remains today.
None of us,
Can say we are free,
Because free from all hatred,
We will never be.
We can try though,
To bring the world peace.
And only then,
Will anger and hatred cease.

Stained Love

Love is like a flower,
A most delicate little craft.
A flower can be damaged,
By the slightest little draft.
Such as love,
It can be crushed.
By a hurtful soul,
Under the rug it is brushed.
Never forgotten,
For one can feel its aching.
Because a hurtful soul,
Has left its heart breaking.
A small little Band-aid,
Is never enough.
For healing one's pride,
Is always tough.
It may be hard,
But it can be obtained.
Don't forget though,
That the soul will be forever stained.

Now that you have finished reading my poetry, I hope that you have enjoye yourself. This is only few out of my collection of over 50, but they are my favorites. So far.....