Daniel Belsky' s Aggressive Skating Homepage which is better than Daniel Hendershot's page

Chris' Ramp is better than ever and all are welcome to attend the 2nd annual Holloweenie Roast on Oct. 30. Alex Kwon to Skate University of Maryland. Blumenthal to kick ass economic style. WCHS Frisbee Club to meet up with SFUD for the "best" Frisbee game EVER

where the chicks are cheap and the champagne flows freely

picture of Ryan's wheel that you are missing fool.


welcome to the first OFFICIAL Potomac, Maryland aggressive skating site dedicated to the pure soul of the sport

vert skater of the month (for November 1999) is: Cesar MoraCesar Morafrom some other site

    The Following are Potomac's best riders:
  • Levon the "FUNKMEISTER" (Former)
  • Adam Belsky (now resides in Troy NY)
  • Mike "Steel Jaw" Moore (Former)
  • Sean O'Grady (Former)
  • Dennis Seydel (Former)
  • Andy (Former)
  • Chris "B" Learnin' to bike (Former)
  • Ezra "Eazy E from the EAST coast" Glass (Former)
  • Dave "Stealing and Mealin'" Pearce
  • Steve "flatlander" Garret (Former)
  • Richard Joanah "The French Dancer" (Former)
  • Alex "ass-munch" Broder (Former)
  • Robbie "big-foot" Speece (Former)
  • Long "knee" Ni (Former, now Asian Mafia)
  • Adam "Fat ass" Uster (Former)
  • Alex "kwon ton" Kwon
  • Kent "I want a slurpee machiene" DeMond (Never really did)

Product Reviews

Skate Parks near D.C.

The GHETTO page

pictures page of fun (new and improved)


The best search page ever

To an aggressive skater, one might think the society in which we live in would praise us, and shower us with glory and undying love, and some gold, which would be acceptable. However, the phrase "aggressive" skating has hindered this perception by characterizing this elite group as "up to no good punks."

Team Rollerblade

Therefore, I hereby propose the notion that from this point on in time, the sport of "aggressive" skating shall hereby be refeered to as "creative" skating. I strongly believe that this change, which our Australian brothers have already adopted, will bring to the Americas what Laverne and Shirley brought to Penny Marshal: the power to love. To me, small town skating has its ups and downs, but we all must remember to skate or die. I would now like to give a shout out to my man Alex Kargher who just learned how to sui-slide and backside grind.

Brian Bell

I also do hereby declare nachos to be the official food of every and all In-Line events, except racing. REALM RULES!

Thank you and G-d bless

The best guestbook ever

Senate logo you are missing...fool

Here are some LINKS:
Adam B's coolest site in da' hood.......fool
K2 sports
For the latest in snowboarding and skating, check out k2 sports
Woodward Camp
Visit Woodward skate camp on-line

I WANT YOUr comments!

Copyright © 1999 Daniel "GMONEY" Belsky

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