Write us and some friends
This is a page where you can actually have some fun bugging everyone! Just tell them we sent you!
Jon and Haydee
Write our friends and annoy them
- Bernie Haydee's adopted brother whom she met in Pharmacy. Loves Star Trek, a
modest genius. Haydee met him the first day in Pharmacy. He's a small, shy,
innocent-looking oriental guy who quickly warmed up to her with his obscene
anecdotes. He got a stiffy when Haydee hugged him.
- Chris Beller - a really nice guy we have never met, but he's got a nice bike. Click here to check out his web page!
- The Beutels-Robin, Ashley, Josh and Todd! They used to know Jon a long time ago at the Wooden Peel, a pizza place in Bremen, Indiana
- Erik Founder of the HOWF, slave driver, President of the Haydee Martin Fan Club
(write him for those Haydee t-shirts)
- Eluides - A great guy who gave Stacey directions on how to get to O'Hare airport to pick me up! He loves Spawn!
- James One of Jon's old college roomies. Let Jon feel his testicles. Wait, correction by James: Jon felt ONE of his testicles! Let me at 'em! Check out his web page!
- Jeff Another of Jon's old roomies. Only went to second base.
- Jim- the nicest guy you could ever know. He scanned our photos for us!
- Josh Founder of M.P. Inc. President of the Bill Dundee fan club.
- Julie Jon's friend who often times takes pity on him.
- J-man also known as Jason. For my birthday, he invited me to spend a day with da j man!
- Shane A really nice guy who delivered sandwhiches once and now bakes and models. Check out his
picture! How would you like him baking in your kitchen?
- Stacey Our friend at Ball State...used to work at Big Lots but moved onto better things
.Check out her web page
- Zenon Nice dude we
met in Edmonton. Goes to the U of A and plays a mean guitar. The guy goes to school
and is far away from home. Check out his web page
- Mr. Bear Haydee's teddy bear
- Grover Jon's Grover doll

Grover, ain't he cute?