Tony - 11/21/00 05:40:29 My Email:eatcereal How did you find my website?: How the hell do you think? | Comments: Where are you at shortness? Why are so many of my lemmings lost? Because I have chosen to fallen the road less traveled? Well the great one is coming back to town...and I'm not refering to that bloated piece of _____ that comes on Dec 25th. I of course speak of the god the king himself Tony. The greatest show on earth. Be prepaired for total brilliance once again!! Oh yeah remember to visit CALGARY...........ALBERTA CANADA!! |
Bret Hart - 10/10/00 02:04:06 My URL: My How did you find my website?: Oh you know Leslie...oh yeah, real puppies..*drool* | Comments: Looks great, needs more pictures of real puppies though..*drool* :̃~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |
Greg "Heavy" Duty - 01/14/00 00:41:53 My URL:/monstar09/ My How did you find my website?: Yahooing | Comments: A Very interesting Personal Site! You have a unique variety of interests, which sets you apart from the regular webmasters. I enjoyed my visit! Keep doin this Web Building, cuz you seem to have a calling whether you know it or not. |
Carl - 01/10/00 18:37:24 | Comments: |
paul potesta - 12/20/99 12:00:44 My How did you find my website?: surfing | Comments: very nice page |
Nancy - 11/15/99 20:01:41 My How did you find my website?: surfing for lighthouses | Comments: Thanks for having some very good links. I went to the relightting of the Cape Hatteras lighthouse. It was a beautiful afternoon and clear. The 6 hr. drive to watch was worth it. My son and his friend got me into watching wrestling. But is getting too much now. You think they should win and then someone comes along and cheats. But of course they were supposed to do it. I think I'll stick to football. Nancy |
California Dude - 11/14/99 03:43:57 My URL: My How did you find my website?: Like, ya know? | Comments: Whoah, this gnarly page is totally radical. Like I come on and I see these minty fresh lighthouses on the ocean and it reminds me of when I won the surfing contest. It totally blew my mind! And then I smoked some mad buds and watched Fast Times at Ridg mont High and I was like WHOAH, this is my life! So like I'm all LA but not you know, so like whatever, get jiggy with it or something! |
Lou - 08/07/99 23:21:54 My URL: My How did you find my website?: webring | Comments: Hi you have a cool site... have a good day. |
James Jimbo Cruz - 07/22/99 21:07:27 My How did you find my website?: Yo Biznet Card | Comments: You rock let's talk love your website. Say hi to HIGHTOWER for me e ya later. Jimbo |
annikan skywalker - 06/03/99 06:35:58 My URL:http://theforcecanbiteme My How did you find my website?: darth maul sent me | Comments: I wanted to remind you that the movie I star in is really stupid and you should go see it because George Lucas is making money off your asses. It's no fun to watch a movie when you know how it'll end in the way end, after all six installments...duh. |
Gordon Shumway - 04/30/99 04:52:19 My URL: My How did you find my website?: HA! | Comments: Greetings, I have come for your cat. My name is Shumway, I crashed in Willy Tanner's garage one night, and I'm desperate for a meal. My show was #1 rated for a while until my writer did too much cocaine and my show got cancelled, HA! Anyhow, I'm going o go find myself on reruns somewhere, I kill me! |
Deborah - 04/19/99 10:33:26 My URL: My How did you find my website?: Lighthouse Ring | Comments: Leslie, you have a wonderful site here. I'm not interested in wrestling, but I love lighthouses. Your photos are really great and I enjoyed my visit here very much. |
Tokyo Joe - 04/19/99 07:55:18 My URL: My How did you find my website?: I can walk like a penguin! | Comments: My name is Mud. I like to play with it. Toilets have funny names. Bisquick should be called Rib cake. Does bad Mexican food make you feel lightheaded too? I take offense to bad cartoon. Wanna see my pog collection? I like the stairs, they're fun. |
Alison Holloway - 03/30/99 22:34:23 My How did you find my website?: surfed onto it | Comments: Great page! |
Fredal Cockhan - 03/26/99 07:00:55 My URL: My How did you find my website?: *shrug* | Comments: I am the walrus. My name is Slim Shady. I wear velvet stockings. I have a lover named Bruce. Where is my costume jewelry? I need my tweezers. I miss the seventies. Do you feel like we do? I love Matchbox 20. Video killed the radio star. Tick toc we don't stop |
Dolph InKiller - 03/24/99 08:00:25 My URL: My How did you find my website?: Charlie the Tuna sent me | Comments: My name is Frankie, listen up. Me and my friends don't like you using the dolphins on the page. First of all, dolphins and lighthouses don't go together. I mean, lighthouses are like taller skewers, and it's cruel to depict the eating of dolphins, actu lly illegal in several states. You will have legal matters brought about, as my people will call you and straighten up this mess. Expect a lawsuit, chumpy! |
Snorty Balls - 03/20/99 05:50:19 My URL:what is url? My How did you find my website?: Help me! | Comments: my name is snorty balls and i dont know how i got here but i cant get out of here because netscape mean to me plz email me soon cuz i dont know what i did to get here but i didn't want to come here my dad fell off a litehouse when i was kid and it scare m HELPME! i cannot get out of here so i tipe and mebbe u will come on and help me out of here help me! mommy? wheres mommy, i dunno what she be think but i need mommy, sucky thumb, mmmmmm ijust peepeed my pants. oh whats this button thing do? |
Gary - 03/14/99 17:27:50 My URL: My How did you find my website?: lighthouse web ring | Comments: I really enjoyed your lighthouse pictures. I was wondering if I could place a link to your site on my lighthouse page? |
Annoying Poster - 01/01/99 18:51:37 My URL: My How did you find my website?: I don't know, quit asking me dumb questions! | Comments: I can understand liking lighthouses, but what in the world made you marry a lighthouse? Of all inanimate objects, you pick the black one with a shiny top. Why not marry a nice kitchen appliance like a toaster or turkey baster? What's wrong with spatula or ice cube trays? Leslie, your motivation is quite unclear. I feel you are one of the lost children that has no soul. You have no hope, except Jesus, or Prozac. |
Melissa Evans - 01/01/99 01:57:19 My How did you find my website?: You sent me the URL | Comments: I am very proud of what you have here. I would like to come back again and look when you have made changes. Maybe the next time I come I will have a web site of my own for you to look at. The wedding pictures are beautiful. I wish you and Alfred many yea s of happiness together. |
carolee - 12/12/98 19:32:26 My How did you find my website?: it was'nt easey!!!!! | Comments: i love your web page. now i want one. |
Dick the Hick - 12/12/98 01:40:21 My URL:http://www.Dickthe Hick My How did you find my website?: Somebody done holler it over to me, yup | Comments: Well wooo-hee! This dang website is better than maws grits and collahd greens! I seen lots of them there www.girlsnakedsexy but aint no pictures like that here which make me wonder if you be done hidin' somethun from me. Where them darn naked pictures? I been hankering for a peek at **************************************************************************************************** THIS ENTRY HAS BEEN CENSORED, IF YOU ARE OVER 18 AND WISH TO VIEW THE REST OF THIS, PLEASE PRESS Ctrl Alt + Delete TWICE and PRESS YOUR BUTTOCKS FIRMLY TO THE COMPUTER SCREEN. |
Danny Haley - 12/10/98 02:57:19 My URL: My How did you find my website?: webcrawler search | Comments: I like your site.I was looking for lighthouses of Texas. Stone Cold Rules!!! :o) "Hitman" is good , too. |
Jonathan (Big Daddy) French - 11/16/98 15:46:23 My How did you find my website?: I've been stalking you. (and Alfred told me about it. | Comments: Smile and Dial, and fod god sake, screen properly. Seriously though, I think you did a good job on this site. |
Aunt Owwee - 11/08/98 01:39:59 My URL: My How did you find my website?: Lighthouse web ring | Comments: Great site! And I think you're right ~~ it's the only wrestling/lighthouse site I've seen. See ya |
- 11/08/98 01:37:50 | Comments: |
FerdananVonBerfurd - 10/23/98 23:07:51 My How did you find my website?: It's still a mystery to me | Comments: I told you I'd be back. And I would sign In. Your site is even better than before; but, didn't see any flashing lights: how come?..You promised.... what, you gonna blame it on me and my puny little mind. I'm not going to fall for that one again... I'LL BE BAK. |
suzanne - 10/03/98 22:10:36 My How did you find my website?: browsing | Comments: Enjoyed your website very much. I'm a lighthouse postcard nut and if anybody out there wants to get in touch with a view to trading, just e-mail me. Suzanne |
Beth - 09/09/98 22:41:14 My URL: My How did you find my website?: Through Lighthouse Ring | Comments: Truly enjoyed your web site especially the page about the haunted lighthouse. We have one right here in Connecticut in New London called New London Ledge. I have a picture in my web site if you would like to see. I'm hoping to update it to a better one soon. Good Luck! |
Metal - 09/05/98 23:17:23 My How did you find my website?: I work with you :) | Comments: Just wanted to say this is a really kewl Website and I've seen alot of wrestling live over the years as I had some friends who were really into it and took me along as a kid. I'm also starting to like Lighthouses...they look kewl and I love the ocean. :) |
Tubby Fatso - 08/14/98 02:16:51 My URL: My How did you find my website?: long story made short.... first I got this stupid net account, then I got some software from a friend, who helped me get this thing together. Then I used Netscape to go to and it sent me here, y'understand ya rube? | Comments: I came on the net one month ago and I needed good recipes since Deal-a-Meal was giving me cancer and Susan Powter went bankrupt and my old nutritionist ran away with my ex-wife. So I got to your little page here and you got food recipes that are so damn ood that I put on 50 lbs this week now I have a bellybutton you can fit a bowling ball into. What is this junk? I cant believe someone like you advocating lots of eating to people like me! Then you put up all these lighthouses that make me think about elly crullers and then I look at wrestling pictures of other fat guys like me and I feel depressed. Thank you for hurting a fat guys feelings. |
Ranger Ross - 08/03/98 11:47:49 My URL:http://who-am-i?.com My How did you find my website?: I just surfed in.... | Comments: After a lengthy tour of Europe, I'm back with a vengence! All these so-called lighthouse fans think they know the low-down. Well I'll tell you something, I'm the biggest, baddest, most irrational insane lighthouse fan that turns on his computer! I dare anybody to show up at my door and take me on! I'm the greatest, strongest, roughest thumb wrestler alive. And if anybody dares to cross my out. I got people on the inside man. We're comin to get you! |
Joan - 07/28/98 23:25:16 My How did you find my website?: typed in lightouses virginia north carolina in search engine | Comments: Very cool. I am a new computer owner and just learning to surf the net. Your page is the neatest one I have seen. Great Job. Joan |
Laurie - 06/23/98 13:42:04 My URL: My How did you find my website?: geobanner | Comments: You site is very "enlightening" :) And, I am still "wrestling" over all the wonderful content in my mind :) My favorite lighthouse in on Long Island, NY. Best wishes! Laurie |
Fuzzball Lover - 06/19/98 05:58:33 My URL: My How did you find my website?: I had a feeling... | Comments: I built this website out my own love for fuzz, and now I have to come back to see that I have some disbelievers. Well, let me clarify some things. Tony Bright likes little boys Tony Bright likes Shawn Michaels Tony Bright smells like farts Tony Bright wants to be EJ Storm EJ Storm is an untouchable man with a love for fuzzballs. Tony Bright cannot get as close to the fuzz as I do, nuff said. |
Tony - 06/15/98 04:56:50 My URL: My Email:Noway Dude How did you find my website?: Searching for pron and took a wrong turn | Comments: This site has gone to hell since i stopped being a regular visitor. Really look at the people who stop by here. EJ & Brian have made the ratings plunder..all the hard work i did getting Leslie OVER is for not..and it pisses me off or something. But fear not Les, i can still make you a star. WHY? cuz i'm just that damned good. The Power Tool, Tony |
"Brownie" Noser - 05/24/98 06:55:39 My URL: My How did you find my website?: Your awesomeness got me here because you are so gosh-darned awesome | Comments: Oh Leslie, you have the most wonderful web page. I love wrestling, I love lighthouses, I love it all! It's so incredible that your page is out there because to me there is nothing better than looking at lighthouses all the time. I love this page, you t uly are a queen. |
hippie - 05/23/98 09:01:04 My URL: My | Comments: Nice page !send me some mail when you get the chance!Light house's are cool!Your pict's are like you said very similar but nice!Good looking family!Must have came from you!Peace! jezus/hippie |
Stephanie Stewart - 05/19/98 01:07:22 My How did you find my website?: my freind Sue | Comments: Very cool. My favorite lhouse is also Haceta Head. I took the long trek down the path to see it, and I am not in good shape. It was worth it!! I've been to the oregon coast twice and loved it both times. I made it to Maine this summer and would recommend hat coast for lhouses also. About wrestling, well I used to love it but I havent watched much lately. Good webpage!!! |
Jim Spratling - 05/14/98 02:44:36 My URL: My How did you find my website?: Your banner is on my page. | Comments: Very nice site,love the way you have it put together.You have very nice looking Children I guess they take after you.Have a great day..Jim |
Alfie - 05/14/98 01:27:22 My URL: My How did you find my website?: Mr. Storm told me | Comments: I bow down to Mr. Storm. For years now, I have idolized one EJ Storm, and I pray to God that one day I will achieve a level of seuxality that rivals that of Mr. Storm. I will never have the talent, good looks, intensity, sexual prowess, or intellect tha Mr. Storm has, but I will admit that I have quite an appetite for short red-headed lighthouse-lovin girlie-girls. I feel bad that I'll always be a loser, but since I have the need to copy Mr. Storm, I guess I might as well fit into the scheme of things. |
Bad Ass Billy Gunn - 03/11/98 01:22:12 My URL: My Email:badass@youdidn' How did you find my website?: I CALLED somebody! | Comments: I am the consumate outlaw, bringing this page o' lighthouses to the NEW AGE! Myself and the Road Dawg, you know, we are the men who destroyed the LOD, we took out the Godwinns, and after we take out those two FREAKS of nature, Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Ch rlie, we're going after those morons, those INTERNET geeks Tony Bright and Brian Holloway and their STUPID manager Qz. The New Age is coming boys, and after we dump you in a dumpster, you'll fall victim to our vicious LIGHTHOUSE DROP. Your ass better CA L somebody! |
Uncle Fester - 03/08/98 07:59:17 My URL: My How did you find my website?: I used a map, it was difficult | Comments: How dare thee not commit thyself to a shrine to moi! Why is it Leslie, that you must put up ALL these pwetty widdle lighthouse pictures, and yet, you have not yet made available our sex video for others to partake in? Come on! We're hotter than Pamela ee and that other guy! Where is your dignity woman! Hell, I have the largest ass in the world, and there is not one mention of me, besides in this little gallery of love notes. WHO CARES ABOUT STU OR TORGO OR LIGHTHOUSES OR TONY?!?!?!?! DR DIZZY EJ ST RM SH*TFACE RULES THE WORLD!!#%@@#@!!@#%!!!! |
glen moore okc okla - 03/07/98 21:20:54 My | Comments: You sound like a very interesting person with unusual hobbies, I do hope, however, you complete you mission on the lighthouse visits sometime throughout your lifetime. they are as you say a forgotten and neglected beauty. they should all have more attenti n that they deserve. as far as the wrestling, you are my kind of lady... however do not take that statement wrong..... i just like your style......good luck...i will visit again soon. you remember the ULTIMATE WARRIOR....he was my favorite wrestler... |
Tony Bright - 03/05/98 03:21:01 My URL:http://EJSUCKS!.com My How did you find my website?: i found it on bathroom wall | Comments: i wanted to tel the wurld that i am in lov with ejstorm. he is my personal idol and i wish to be like him someday. if i were better looking and taller and didnt have a hump on my back and this horrible acne i would be him maybe. for now i am content wo king at the thrift store making minimum and charming the little old ladies at the nursing home when i go in for spongebaths. leslie, i love your little litehouse page and hope you give ej his own shrine cuz he deserves it. |
Dr. Dizzy - 02/25/98 01:40:45 My URL: My How did you find my website?: Wow, did you just fart? | Comments: Nobody makes this page blow up like me, for I am dizzy. Some little troll named Tony takes credit, but I am the true reason for this mass of existential growth and development known as Leslie's goddamn F**KING page! I am lighthouse!!! Bow to me, ugly d sciples of Austin, for I am truly the master and ruler of the world! i kant spel good tho so sombode help me soon ok bye |
Tony - 02/17/98 06:19:22 My Email:Try this email addy les- How did you find my website?: Through unknown have not figured's this thingy so long only a few ways to know about a website..duh! I still say ...opps this is the wrong section for comments eh? | Comments: Leslie..Leslie..Leslie...see all the traffic i made flow up on your page son? Your welcome. Sometimes you are an ungrateful sob..the most ungrateful sob in the history of the world wres...opps sorry about that. get your ass back on line soon or else..i shall find you in houston or victoria (what sorta f'n name in that for a town or whatever) and stun u..well maybe not a stunner..i'd have to lay down to stun ya eh? i shall return. your god tony |
Monica Lewinsky - 02/07/98 05:34:48 My URL: My How did you find my website?: Just surfed on! | Comments: People wonder about what kind of person I am, and really, I am simple. I am not just a Beverly Hills loser who wears Kangol hats and hangs around the White House. I'm not just a size 26 who has an affinity for men with power. I'm a simple woman, who li es simple things, like lighthouses. I love lighthouses. Bill has a nice one. It used to brighten up my day when I would come over late at night and glare at it, and do lots of other things to it. Gosh, I shouldn't say anymore. They already have those tapes on me. I just wanted to let you know I appreciate your page about lighthouses, and hope more women unite with us and make lighthouse appreciation a more accepted form of job advancement. |
Homer Simpson - 02/02/98 23:56:11 My URL:http://homer-say-doh!.com My How did you find my website?: Mmmmmmmm....websites | Comments: Leslie, you must update this thing. Make it a little less....educational? How about a shrine to the master of coolness Jerry Springer? Maybe get one of them uplinks that lets ya chat one-on-one with.....nevermind. OK, how about lighthouse pick-up line ? Try this one: Is that a lighthouse in your pants, or are you just happy to see me? Some crazy chick said that to me at the bar the other night, and well, I kinda fell for it. It turns out, as my friend tells me, that she was not only ugly, but she wa fat, dumb, and had a sister who I also did the....well, another story for another time. Keep being a geek and stuff, and tell that a**hole boy-toy of yours that you was MINE FIRST DAMMIT! ALL WOMEN LOVE EJ! STORM RULES THE WORLD! STORM IS GOD AND YOU ALL KNOW THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Onnoxious - 12/10/97 05:29:23 My Email:You forgot? | Comments: G we all knew it was only a matter of time before this page exploded w/ people signing the guestbook, and just visiting for that matter. And I have the reason. The promoting that Tony would actually lower himself to come here, showing his sh wcased that hey why not visit a site tony visits? Why not try and become a f'n legacy like he is. There ya have it Leslie, me the soul reason your page what it is today. And for that, I give congrats to........MYSELF! Again lose the damn lighthouse crap. All these internet shmucks who come here "I like the lighthouse section but.." You people shut the hell up. I'm sick of you pisssin and moaning about something as useless at lighthouses. Get over it those thingies died out long ago. In closing remember les..I put you over! |
Waylon - 12/06/97 09:41:42 My How did you find my website?: Just surfed in!! | Comments: BRET HART RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Brian - 11/20/97 15:50:06 My URL: My How did you find my website?: I hit the wrong button | Comments: hehehehe, yo'll never guess who this is Leslie :+̃. Oh wait, maybe I shouldn't of signed with my first name...doh :). Anyways, this page still rules, and its amazing 26954 people have already been here ;) |
robert stjohn - 11/19/97 03:18:26 My URL: My Email:rstjohn@metrowerks,com How did you find my website?: IRC :) | Comments: Hiya! Nice to meet ya -saint |
Clyde O. Ford Jr. - 11/18/97 03:35:32 My How did you find my website?: webcrawler | Comments: You certainly have an interesting web page with your 2 interests mixed like that. I don't care for wrestling, personally, but I absolutely love lighthouses. They are very romantic, as well as historic. Good luck with your page and I hope you get to see a lot more lighthouses. "THE STALLION" |
Jason&Jennifer - 11/06/97 05:28:49 My URL: My How did you find my website?: just surfed in!!!! | Comments: great homepage i have enjoyed my stay,bret Hart to begin wrestling on WCW on January 8,1998!!!!! Aspart of the nWo!!!!!! |
Tony - 11/04/97 19:30:46 My URL: My Email:WTF u think? How did you find my website?: Cuz u harrassed me to go here | Comments: My legacy still lives on eh? Saito will return shortly Les, don't worry. It must be damned hard being w/out the person that made u a star. *Sniff* My new glory will outshine all! BEWARE!! |
Well u call me God..but it's just Tony - 09/19/97 04:18:08 My Email:That has been revealed before..y is it nec. to say it each f'n time..Damn Les are u senile? How did you find my website?: I was told that nakie pics was here..I got screwed...Les only had pics of them goddamned Lighthouses. | Comments: Today I wanted to visit this site, for it usually puts me in that relaxing mood to kick somebodie's ass.. But I must be the rolemodel just like the inventor of this page so I sit my ass in the corners very stoic wondering why the population of the world n longer gives two damn cents about them precious Lighthouses. Now Leslie J****son. If you don't add that f'n Bret Hart heel turn wave..I'll fly down to that pisshole known as TX and kick your lil ass, and that's the bottom line. Y? Because well u know the est. Everyone Les claims I'm the best there is..and damn it who am I to argue? : ̃ Leslieeeeeeeeeeeeee get some Sunny pics on here too, and Marlena (your twin sister)...and Nude Kimberly..Night*** |
Tony - 09/15/97 22:33:26 My Email:Malenko@you know what it is Les..damn goof! How did you find my website?: I had it bookmarked how the hell do u think..pffth | Comments: Everytime I come to this site it pisses me off more & more. Why do people enjoy lighthouses and stuff? It's about time somebody just took a sledgehammer to all of them taking it apart by the "foundation"..then I'll go around and pee-pee on them all..and s nd you the spare parts in the mail or something. Oh yeah why is the person of this site a fan of Chris Benoit & Bret Hart? Benoit is a non interviewing pain in da ass..saying "blah blah blah" I'm always like "What the hell are you talking about Chris? And Bret...well what has he done lately? That's why Austin whipped his ass! Nuff Said! |
CDRB - 08/30/97 15:20:12 My URL: How did you find my website?: Geocities Birthday´s HP | Comments:30 August 1997 |
Tony - 08/09/97 23:27:53 GMT My Email:Yes I have e-mail How did you find my website?: I'm a moron |
Comments: Who'd be daft enough to combine lighthouses w/ pro rasslin? Sites like this really piss me off, all it shows is how America loves violence..and lightouses? No! As a matter of fact, I want every stinkin son of a bitch who enjoys get destroyed, and I'm just da man to do it! Leslieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee it's time u showed me some respect!: ) BlAh! |
Jason, better known as BigDaddyC - 07/28/97 04:42:49 GMT My URL: My Email:You think I'm gonna spread that to the world How did you find my website?: Well its linked to my GREAT page |
Comments: Les' great page, not as great as mine though, just kidding. :) But I think if you wanna really get more hits to your page, you should lose the picture of Brian, he's bringing your page down! :̃ And EJ's right you need porn on this page, a couple pages worth, very hardcore! :) Well thats enough advice for now, don't you forget to visit, BDC.HOME.ML.ORG, NOW!!! bye bye |
EJ F'N Storm - 07/23/97 02:02:13 GMT My URL: My How did you find my website?: By complete accident |
Comments: Wow, phallic? Jeez, whoever the jackass was who signed this guestbook before me was a schmuck and a half. AUSTIN 3:16 RULEZ D00d! Hahaha, wrestling fans are so brilliant. Wait, that's making fun of myself, so I guess that means I'm retarded....guess so. Anyhow, this web page would be a lot better if there were some nude pictures, or something. Maybe a picture of me or two would spice it up some too. And some more links, is a good one, ya know. I hope ever one who reads this does understand that I am, in all reality, an award-winning screenwriter with a Masters Degree from NYU. In any case, I've done enough self-promotion for now. Leslie, you rock. This page kicks ass. Anyone who doesn't say so, is a sh*t ead and a half. I'm gonna go now. Go enjoy yourself. |
JDP - 07/22/97 16:53:09 GMT How did you find my website?: SOMEHOW |
Comments: HEY! Most people that sign guest books have advice for the person or helpful hints. Well so do I!! You sit there cherishing that pink sissy of a man Bret Hart? CANADA IS BORING AND IS A CHEAP IMITATION OF AMERICA!! Austin 3:16 will definitely help put away the Harts for good!! What the hell is wrong with you anyway? Lighthouses and Wrestling! YOU RETARD!!!! |
Sai - 07/08/97 06:00:08 GMT My Email:Non-ya How did you find my website?: Nothing to do | Comments: Agh! I ventured into the wrong page...this ain't porn. Um..Leslie rig t? For a damn mark this ain't a half bad page..but where is the Saito Shrine? It's been almost one year; keep up this slacking attitude, and I'll kick the (&@# (*@# outta ya! |
Dan Hopper - 07/02/97 20:49:40 GMT My URL: My How did you find my websit ?: by accident...surfing | Comments: This is a very nice home page...and you're a very pretty lady, as well. Sorry, hope that does not offend you!! But, let's be honest...that wrestling is a fake, right? What do you ean fake? LOL!! Take care...and keep the home page updating going. Try to make it to Colorado... no light houses...but great mountains. Dan |
Qaz - 06/30/97 22:55:44 GMT My How did you find my website?: Thats a good question | Comments: You have been nothing short of sweet friend to me . I hope in the future, we can meet and strenghen our friendship. Best of luck...all the way, sweetheart!!! Ahhh and ya.. this is one of my most favorite web pages..:) |
Richard Ranta - 06/27/97 06:33:59 GMT My URL:!rranta My How did you find my website?: Jus passing through | Comments: I love your lighthouses. I live In Grand Rapids MI, which has several lighthouses throughout the state. Luck for us, that some towns have actually turned their lighthouses into historical sites or the summer tourists. If your ever up in Mi. Drive along the western side of the state, straight along the coast. "WOW". You'll enjoy yourself. Thanks for the very nice pictures of the houses. as for wrestling, I did it several times in Jr.High, and once with a girlfriends girlfriends: I was nice, and got a black eye for it! (:') Thanks and have a great summer rich |
Archie - 06/23/97 07:25:09 GMT My How did you find my website?: Was told about it | Comments: I think it is a very excellent page.Best I have seen by far on Lighthouses :) |
Brian Holloway - 06/21/97 19:06:26 GMT My How did you find my website?: A cute little birdie told me...:) | Comments: Excellent website, beautiful lighthouse pics, and I love the smileys...hehe :). By far none the best page on the internet ;) |