The Moose World Hall of Fame! These people really know their Mariner stuff!

Our newest Hall of Famer is...

R. Z.

The correct answer to the question "Which season in mariners history was written about in a book" was the 1995 season. And you can buy that book too, through



The correct answer to the question "Which Mariners like Demi Moore" was Joey Cora and Russ Davis

Winner: Christina Lewis!!! Good Job!!!

Winner: Anu

Runer ups:

J.J Dobner and Micah

Congratulations! The correct answer for when the Moose came into existance is 1990!! The next question is now up!!

Answer to the last question "What is the favorite movie of TWO Mariners?
and from the Player Trivia movie page...

Ferris Beuller's Day Off


B. Johnson
Runner up: Anu