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Future Implements SpecificationsLast modified 1Sep04 by Tony DziepakI have two sets of implements specifications. The first should be implemented immediately, and the second should be adopted after the 2012 Olympiad after the new doping protocol is established (see Future Doping Protocol).
Current specs: Age MSP WSP MHT WHT MWT WWT MDT WDT MJT WJT groups 0-10 #6 #6 -- -- -- -- -- -- .3Km .3Km USATF bantam 11-12 #6 #6 -- -- -- -- 1K 1K .3Km .3Km USATF midget 13-14 4K #6 -- -- -- -- 1K 1K .6K .6K USATF youth, middle school PE 15-18 #12 4K #12 4K #25 #20 1.6K 1K .8K .6K USATF intermediate, USATF young men/women, NFHS high school 16-17 5K 4K 5K 4K -- -- 1.5K 1K .7K .6K IAAF youth 18-19 6K 4K 6K 4K -- -- 1.75 1K .8K .6K IAAF junior 16-49 #16 4K #16 4K #35 #20 2K 1K .8K .6K senior, NCAA, open age 50-59 6K 3K 6K 3K #25 #16 1.5K 1K .7K .5K 60-69 5K 3K 5K 3K #20 #12 1K 1K .6K .4K 70-79 4K 3K 4K 3K #16 #12 1K 1K .5K .4K 80+ 4K 3K 3K 3K #12 #12 1K .75K .4K .4K Recommended short-term new specs: Age MSP WSP MHT WHT MWT WWT MDT WDT MJT WJT groups 0-10 3K 3K -- -- -- -- -- -- .3Km .3Km USATF bantam 11-12 3K 3K 3K 3K -- -- 1K .75 .3Km .3Km USATF midget 13-14 4K 3K 4K 3K #20 #20 1.25 1K .6K .6K USATF youth, middle school PE 15-16 5K 4K 5K 4K #25 #20 1.5K 1K .7K .6K USATF intermediate, NFHS JV 16-17 5K 4K 5K 4K #25 #20 1.5K 1K .7K .6K IAAF youth 17-18 6K 4K 6K 4K #25 #20 1.75 1K .8K .6K USATF young men/women, NFHS varsity 18-19 6K 4K 6K 4K #25 #20 1.75 1K .8K .6K IAAF junior, USATF young men/women, NFHS varsity 16-49 #16 4K #16 4K #35 #20 2K 1K .8K .6K senior, NCAA, open age 50-59 6K 4K 6K 4K #25 #16 1.75 1K .7K .5K 60-69 5K 3K 5K 3K #20 #16 1.5K 1K .6K .4K 70-79 4K 3K 4K 3K #16 #12 1.25 1K .5K .4K 80+ 3K 3K 3K 3K #12 #12 1K 1K .4K .4K Recommended long-term new specs: Age MSP WSP MHT WHT MWT WWT MDT WDT MJT WJT groups 0-10 3K 3K 3Ks 3Ks 8Kb8Kb 1K 1K .3Km .3Km 11-12 4K 3K 4Ks 3Ks 10Kb8Kb 1.25K 1K .4Kl .4Kl 13-14 5K 4K 5Kh 4Kh 12K 10K 1.5K 1.25K .6K .5K USATF youth, middle school PE, NFHS freshmen 15-16 6K 4K 6K 4K 14K 10K 1.75K 1.25K .7K .5K USATF intermediate, NFHS varsity and JV 17-19 7K 5K 7K 5K 16K 12K 2K 1.5K .8K .6K IAAF junior, NCAA freshman 16-49 8K 5K 8K 5K 18K 12K 2.25K 1.5K .9K .6K IAAF senior, NCAA varsity, open age 50-59 7K 5K 7K 5K 16K 12K 2K 1.5K .8K .6K 60-69 6K 4K 6K 4K 14K 10K 1.75K 1.25K .7K .5K 70-79 5K 4K 5K 4K 12K 10K 1.5K 1.25K .6K .5K 80-89 4K 3K 4K 3K 10K 8K 1.25K 1K .5K .4K 90+ 3K 3K 3K 3K 8K 8K 1K 1K .4K .4K s = soft hammer mandatory: shot-filled vinyl ball head; no minimum length; maximum length reduced by 10cm. h = minimum length waived, soft hammer optional (maximum head diameter waived for soft hammer). b = soft weight mandatory: shot-filled vinyl ball head; no solid metal, chain or hard plastic heads. m = mini-jav--a short, plastic javelin with rubber tip and fins. l = long Tom Jav--plastic javelin with rubber tip and fins, slightly longer than the mini-jav.In the near-term, I am trying to get the USATF youth specifications equal to IAAF specs and similar to other countries, such as the UK, Australia, and other european countries. There are also changes in some of the masters weights; however, there is no change in the open weights. In the long-term, I have established appropriate weights and specifications for every age group from youth to masters. Every implement has six weight/size increments for men and three for women. Weight increases every two years for boys and every four years for girls. Weight decreases every 10 years for masters men and every 20 years for masters women. I also favor lighter implements for high school freshmen boys (9th graders) and college freshmen males (using their first year of eligibility). Schools should keep separate "freshman" records for these athletes. Hammer and weight length is determined according to ball diameter such that identical handles, wires, links, and swivels are interchangeable. Also radius is relative to decreasing body stature in masters and youth growth. Women's open implement weights are all between .625 and .67 that of men's. Women's target distances are between .88 and .94 that of men's. This is the proper ratio to make the men's and women's eqivalent events similar. For example, in the discus, the current women's weight is only .50 that of the men's, and performances are about 100% of men's. The women's WR is greater than the men's. In my opinion, the women's discus weight is way too low, resulting in the event being too much of a speed event. There is currently overemphasis on ripping a good release, with speed and perfect flight, and the technique at the back of the circle is neglected. An increase in weight would reward better overall technicians. On the other extreme, the women's javelin is .75 the weight of the men's javelin, and women's distances are way below the men's. The new women's WR is only .73 that of the current men's WR. After the CG change in 1999 to assure tip landings, it has not been as an aesthetically impressive event. Shot and Hammer diameter length wt min max* min max 3K 90 100 1120 1160 4K 100 110 1130 1170 5K 108 118 1138 1178 6K 115 125 1145 1185 7K 121 131 1151 1191 8K 127 137 1157 1197 (18mm shorter max length) *Indoor allowed +5mm for maximum diameter; masters outdoor competition allowed +5mm for maximum diameter for 3Kwomen, and 3, 4, and 5K men. Weight Throw (solid head) diametr length wt min max min max 8K 127 137 337 367 10K 137 147 347 377 12K 146 156 356 386 14K 154 164 364 394 16K 162 172 372 402 18K 168 178 378 408 (about same max length) Plastic-filled indoor weights: add 10mm for maximum diameter; Soft vinyl weight bags: add 15mm for maximum diameter. Discus diametr thickness wt min max min max 1K 180 182 36 38 1.25K 190 192 38 40 1.5K 200 202 40 42 1.75K 210 212 42 44 2K 220 222 44 46 2.25K 230 232 46 48 Javelin length head shaft cord CG-tip wt min max min max min max min max min max 400 1900 2000 200 280 21 25 130 140 700 800 500 2100 2200 210 290 22 26 135 145 780 880 600 2200 2300 220 300 23 27 140 150 820 920 700 2300 2400 230 310 24 28 145 155 860 960 800 2500 2600 240 320 25 29 150 160 940 1040 900 2600 2700 250 330 26 30 150 160 980 1080 Uniform taper proportions for all weights. Distance from tip to CG max length equal to .40 max overall length. Target top world performances event shot weight discus hammer javelin men 18-20 20-22 60-65 70-75 80-85 women 16-18 18-20 55-60 65-70 75-80Javelin: The shaft diameter of the 600g javelin was increased by 2mm to increase aerodynamics and flight time. In 1999, the nose-landing problem was solved by moving the CG forward by increasing the tip weight, but it resulted in lower distances. A thicker diameter shaft will increase lift and make for a greater flignt time, increased visibility, and aesthetically impressive throw without defeating nose landing. This will increase women's distances slightly; Men's open javelin weight increased to 900g to reduce distances. The 400g javelin increased in length by 5cm to bring it in proportion to other javelins, and because it is only used by masters. Children 12 and under exclusively use mini-jav. Javelin heads are made specific and proportional to the weight of the javelin. Discus: The women's discus weight is probably the most underweight implement. I suggest increasing the weight to 1.5K. The men's weight is increased to 2.25K. However, the discus thickness of the 1.5 is increased slightly to make it more aerodynamic and more proportional to other weight discs. The 2.25K will be 1cm larger in diameter, which is closer to (but still nowhere near) that of the ancient discus. Hammer: Men's and women's hammer weight increased; length reduced slightly, to reduce distances to make it compatible with discus facility; but average hammer should still be slightly further than average discus. The lengths of all the hammers are standardized so that one can use the same length wire and handle on all the hammers. That is, the maximum length decrease is the same as the diameter decrease. Shot put: As with the hammer, I think the diameters should be close to representing the natural density of an iron shot. This is done for two reasons--to make the sport accessible by eliminating the requirement to purchase expensive, titanium implement to be competitive, and so as not to confuse spectators. The new specs increase the weight, but increase women's weight more than men's increase; keep weights the same as hammer. Increase the minimum diameters for both the shot and the hammer head. Make the diameters closer to that of a solid iron shot. This would make the events more affordable and more accessible by decreasing the advantage of a high-tech implement that has a steel shell and a lead core. Also, variable diameters confuse fans. A more uniform diameter, and larger diameter is more impressive. Weight throw: Increase weight to reduce distances to make it compatible with shot facility, but average weight throw should still be slightly further than average shot put. Make performances compatible with a shared infield indoor venue for both shot and weight with the reduced distances, the narrower (34.92-degree) sector, and proper protective cages and implement-stopping netting beyond the landing area. Forget the superweight; concentrate on making the weight a legitimate IAAF-recognized indoor event equivalent of the hammer. Focus on the hammer outdoors, but continue to contest the weight at masters meets when no hammer facilities are available. Use the same weight implement for indoor, outdoor open, and outdoor weight pentathlon competition. Synchronize WAVA and USATF, and open and pentathlon weight specifications. You can still hold superweight/ultraweight competitions separately. In those competitions, let the athlete throw whatever weights he/she chooses, and develop a scoring system that will take into account both implement weight and distance (and age in masters comps) in order to score athletes throwing different weight implements. For example, a 10-meter throw with a #56 weight might score the same as a 5-meter throw with a #112 weight. Make the competitions organic, where each local competiiton has its own homemade weight. Use the formulas to compare performances at different meets. One might even consider using bodyweight in the formula to come up with a bodyweight-handicapped score. For example, a #180 pound person throwing a #56 weight 10 meters might score the same as a #250 pound individual throwing 12 meters. This brings a weightlifting flavor to the competition. Conclusion: there is nothing sacred about the weight of the implements. More important is to maintain the nature of the event. In some instances, the nature of the event might be improved with a heavier implement. We also want safety and accessibility.
Current/print date: | Thursday, 30-Apr-09 02:12:42 PDT |
Page last modified: | Tuesday, 27-May-08 06:25:48 PDT |
Website address: | http://www.geocities.com/aedziepak |