![]() The Thrower's Page
Other LinksA somewhat comprehensive list of throwing websites with original content (not just a list of links). Let me know about additional sites not listed.
EVENT-SPECIFIC Mjølnir Thrower's Club hosts Hurricane Throwers Classic and clinic Mac Wilkins | Concordia Throws Center SmartMuscle Throwing message board Gashead.org by Derek Woodske Ladislav Pataki The Throws links, pics, video, and training from a coach at SUNY Brockport National Throws Coaches Association International Championship of Throwers meet in Croatia. Thrower's Forum The Lifting and Throwing Page by Dan John. The Throwing Events of Track and Field by James Dennis. Athletisme Lance (France) Dariusz Slowik Leichtathletik-Online German throws page. Irish Throwers Club Nick Kovalakides, "Throwing Tutor" for all ages in Rockville (Montgomery County), MD area. Throw 1 Deep by Mike Judge. ThrowFarther.org videos, puds. Throwers World Happy Throwers Society home page. CanThrow.com: Canadian throwing Absolute Throwing Page by Alex Ioannou. The Long and Strong Thrower's Page by Glenn Thompson. American Big Guys thrower's club. Deborah Lovely Australian junior thrower and lifter. COLLEGE-RELATED (throwing pages, not general track & field) Boston University throwers Purdue University throwers Illinois State Throwers. Colorado State University Ram Throwers The Ohio State University Throwers. University of Wisconsin--La Crosse Throwers Page by Mike Seifert, features metric-English converter and Test Quad calculator. Karen Freberg | Florida Throwers' Page Thrower's Forum, by Becky Beachler (Nb). HIGH SCHOOL The Virginia High School Throws Rachel's Women Thrower's Page Norm's Throws Page How to Throw Far Homepage Cabell County Ringmasters Marian Central Weightmen WDC Throwing ARCHIVES (no longer updated) International Throwers Meeting in Ru"dlingen | Later server Tunks Athletics Club SISU Throwers Video Clip Archive and links from Brock. Coaching the Throwing Events by Brian Wasson. Masters Throwers Page by William A. Patrick. Shot and Discus Page by Walt Shields. University of Toledo throwing team. Joe Woodske | North Idaho College Throwfar.com St. Anthony's high school throwers. The Throwers Domain shot put and discus throw. GENERAL TRACK AND FIELD sites with significant throwing content Track & Field Photo Magazine Athletics Links Atletiek Links (Belgium) Athletix.org Athletisme News (France) Elite Track training articles. Athletics Heroes images. TrackProfile.com TrackShark.com collegiate track & field NYC Armory Buttermore Track & Field Guide AthletesFirst sports management. Atletica Leggera New York Athletic Club Advantage Athletics technique pic series. Athens 2004 Summer Olympic Games NCAA information page for the college-bound student-athlete. TrackWire.com email service. Fast Track Finish, formerly Lucas Timing, has some meet results. T-and-F Select mailing list archives. USA Track & Field (USATF) homepage. Leichtathletik.De German federation UK:Athletics International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) Coaches Education from US Track Coaches Association US Olympic Committee International Olympic Committee Masters Track.com RELATED BOOKS AND VIDEOS Dale Harder, "Strength and Speed," phone 510-727-0485 or -0489. USATF Development Projects videos and Athletic Science Journal/Bulletin Long & Strong Throwers Journal by Glenn Thompson American Track & Field quarterly magazine Track & Field News monthly magazine, meet results, bios, rankings, lists. Also publishes Track Newsletter and Track Coach. Order books and videos, tours. Track & Field Coaches' Review: Quarterly periodical published by U.S. Track Coaches Association, 1330 NW 6th St., Suite D, Gainesville, FL 32601 (904) 955-2120. USATF Annuals Edited by the Federation of American Statisticians of Track (FAST). Contact Howard Willman, or Scott Davis, 4432 Snowbird Circle, Cerritos, CA 90703. National Masters News USATF official master's monthly newsmazagine Oztrack Atheltics Bookstore The Throws Manual George Dunn & Kevin McGill. Also order from Track & Field News. USATF Coaching Manual. Advanced, good reference for coaches, serious throwers. Gambetta Sports Training Systems has books and videos. Track: the Field Events, Jim Santos and Ken Shannon, Sports Illustrated press, beginner Fundamentals of Track & Field, by Gerry A. Carr, Leisure Press, beginner. Out of print, at libraries: Ken Doherty, "Track & Field Omnibook" is the original comprehensive coach's manual, basic technique instruction, and psychology. Geoffery Dyson, "Mechanics of Athletics" explains the physics of throwing. GENERAL MEDIA Nando SportServer go to Other, Track and Field CNN/SI Athletics ESPN Track & Field OTHER Total Performance Programming using hypnosis, imagery and NeuroLinguistic Programming, by Joseph Donahue, donahuej@ix.netcom.com Scottish Heavy Athletics: Scottish highland games. Strength Athletics: weight training, strongman, and olympic lifting. Tony Dziepak academic page | personal home page.
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Current/print date: | Thursday, 30-Apr-09 02:12:44 PDT |
Page last modified: | Wednesday, 11-Mar-09 19:53:33 PDT |
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