Here's the Cat in front of Ski Cooper's Base Lodge... It's just sitting there idling waiting to take us up on Chicago Ridge.
All the talk in the Cat is of past ski trips, the weather, business and investments... The guy in the orange is one of our guides, John... A true Old School Ski Bum... from Vineland, NJ of all places... All these guys who paid $200 a seat are wondering who the hell this guy from the rental shop ( me ), who got on the cat tour for free, thinks he is !?!?...
Here's the view from inside the cat... the trees are actually growing straight up... to give you an idea of the angle of ascent.
Here's the view from the cab... getting out on the blades of the tracks was a real bitch... slippery and sketchy... I thought I'd slide off and catch my legs on the blades for sure... but I didn't.
This is Eric, our driver... as it's a powder day he's a bit bummed to be the one stuck behind the wheel... he'd much rather be guiding / skiing...
Here are some of my tourmates unloading and getting their poop in a group...
This is the view from about 3/4 the way up Chicago Ridge... what a beautiful day... The ski slopes off in the distance are the back side of Ski Cooper.
A shot of the cat backing away from the descent area...
This shot is of our guide, Chris, instructing us on how to cross an avalanche zone...
Me and Da' Boyz ( Smokey & Vince )... after a little session in the trees... !
Exiting the trees... See... The outstreched arms again ! What's up with that ?
My old place in Leadville, Colorado.
The view from my balcony. God I miss my old apartment !
Kalalau, Kauai... Been There, Done That !
Check out some vacation pictures of the Big Island and Kauai...PHOTOS... You gotta' scroll down once you get there...