Xerox Tech Bowling League

Welcome to the Official Xerox Tech League Home Page. The Xerox Tech League is by far the GREATEST Bowling League in the world. And now it's results are brought to you each week via the information super highway. The Xerox Tech League bowls every Thursday night at Clover Lanes and consists of 12 3-man teams. We don't bowl for the fun of it. Bowling is our excuse for having fun!

The Xerox Tech Bowling League. Where our motto is:

"It ain't fun beatin' people you don't know!"

Team 1 - The Hooter Hounds
Team 2 - The X-Men
Team 3 - Pita
Team 4 - The Keg-lers
Team 5 - The Fireballs
Team 6 - Got Pins!
Team 7 - Bowlers R Us
Team 8 - The Carpet Munchers
Team 9 - Chili's 
Team 10 - Strauberry Jam
Team 11 - The Flatulators
Team 12 - Roadkill

Weekly Results

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