Some info about me

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Updated 15th Aug, 1999

I have trained in various styles of karate since 1981.
These styles include Shin Bu Kai karate, San Chi Kai karate, Bukido karate and International Goju Karate.
I hold the rank of 1st dan (Shodan-ho) in IGK under Kyoshi Tino Ceberano. My instructor for 6 years was Gary Williams (3rd dan) who passed away in 1995. I trained with John Will in Machado Brazilian Jiujitsu (formerly Shootfighting) for 4 years and obtained my blue belt from him.
I have also dabbled in Judo, Jijitsu and Aiki-Jitsu.
I taught for a while after I got my blackbelt and now occasionally teach self defence classes as I prefer to train more than teach - there's sooooo much to learn and so little time (before your body dies on you!)

I'm currently training with Mick Nichols who teaches JKD concepts and a self-defence system called Defen-Tech and with John Donehue (obviously!)

My brother Chris has also trained in the above styles as well as in Kei Shin Kan, Judo (3 years), Tae Kwon Do and Fudoshin Jiujitsu.

This is a photo taken in late 1994 of myself, my brother Chris, Tino Ceberano and Gary Williams.

In 1997 I trained in Los Angeles for 3 and a half weeks at the Machado academies and Inosanto academy. I had a ball and learned a lot while playing the drums (ie. tapping all the time!). I also managed to get a few privates in with Erik Paulson and John Donehue while I was there. I also got a private with Rickson Gracie - but I could only afford 1 lesson!!!

This is after our private at Rickson's house (1997)

Earlier this year (1999) I managed to get back to LA for another month. I mostly trained at the Inosanto academy again doing the JKD, shooto, and phase classes. I also did the BJJ classes which were taught by JD. I trained on average twice a day for the whole month and lost about 5 kgs!

Here's a photo of some of the guys and gals training at the Inosanto academy. Notice the serious expression on the instructor's face.

Also, on the way over to the states I was in Hawaii (for work) and managed to get in a session at Grappling Unlimited with Egan Inoue. Enson was also there training for his superfight with Mario Sperry at this year's Abu Dhabi competition. He's a big boy!

Some photos of me and other martial artists including Gene LeBell, Erik Paulson, Dan Inosanto and others

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