There is now an official Extreme Jiujitsu webpage
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Page last updated 13th Dec, 2000
In Nov I was able to pop back to LA for a week to catch up with friends and managed to get in a session at Gokor's club to train both with him and with Gene Lebell which was a lot of fun.
I was also able to catch up with Erik Paulson in between his very busy teaching fact I was only able to catch up with him during one of his privates and ended up doing some training myself! Here's a pic of Erik, Jo (his wife) and myself).
Also, while in New York, I managed to stick my head into Renzo Gracie's academy. Although I was unable to train I had my camera handy!
In September, Randy Couture was in Melbourne to give a 2 day (10 hour) seminar on submission wrestling. He covered many freestyle and greco-roman takedowns, including some finishes on the ground. As well as covering the physical, the seminar also covered psychological aspects of training which is often neglected. Randy also came down to training the following monday night to take us through many torturous greco-roman type exercises.
The head instructor of Extreme Jiujitsu is John Donehue. John has spent the last 9 years in Los Angeles
training with the likes of Rigan Machado and "Judo" Gene LeBell obtaining black belts from both instructors. He is only 1 of 4 black belts under Gene LeBell. He also is the submission coach for the RAW team and was the Machado Jiujitsu coach for the Inosanto academy and Dan Inosanto.
The full-time academy is now open:
© 1996 Albert.Shen
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