Real name: Jean Paul Levesque From: Greenwich, Connecticut Height: 6'5" Weight: 260 lbs. Wrestled under the names of: Terra Ryzing, Hunter Hearst Helmsley, and Paul Levesque. Date of birth: July 27, 1969 Trained by: The Legendary "Killer" Kowalski Finishing maneuver: The Pedigree WWF Debut: May, 1995 Awards won: 1997 Slammy for "Best Hair" Family: Two parents, and one sister. Titles won: IC Title - October 31 1996 - February 13, 1997 European Title - December 12 1997 - January 1998 European Title - March 3, 1998, IC Title - August 30, 1998, WWF Heavyweight title - (3) The luckiest thing that ever happened to him: Meeting Chyna He thinks ____ is rotten to the core: ECW He's got to get this thing about Shane McMahon off his chest: "Please stop trying to be so cool." The tattoo he says he will eventually get: It will be on his stomach with an arrow saying "Down Here!" He would like to tell Monica Lewinski this: Jenny Craig The dumbest thing anyone has ever said to him: "We want you to be a frenchman." Secret talent: Drawing Favorite actor: Arnold Schwarzenegger Favorite gambling game: Blackjack Who he'd most like to sit next to on a game of Hollywood Squares: Howard Stern It causes him to have palpitations: Riding in a car when X-pac is driving This person is so incompetent it makes him sick: Eric Bischoff Johnny Walker or Jack Daniels: Jack Daniels Favorite playground activity at school: Wrestling This would be a no-brainer for him: Being controversial Triple H and the Rock were and will always be bitter enemies. They fought great matches and put each other over. The Rock had the fan appeal so he received the WWF title quickly. Triple H kept struggling. The fans never quite had an opinion for him, so it was time to go back to his roots. The heel turn was imminent. Triple H turned his back on DX at Wrestlemania 15. Once again, Triple H was thrown into a group while The Rock was gaining popularity. After Vince’s Corporation was disbanded, Helmsley went solo. And he had one mission: The World Wrestling Federation Title. And no one was to get in this way. Triple H won his first WWF Championship the day after Summerslam 1999. It was a proud moment for the WWF as it finally had a champion who wore the WWF Belt with pride and class. He wore it around his waist. It’s ironic how the group that he was put into to get him over, was the very same group he returned to, to put over his past comrades. With DX as strong as ever, it seemed like Triple H’s time has arrived. It’s funny how things end up. The angle Ausitn did with Vince McMahon regarding the evil promoter was then being re-made with Vince as the face (fan favourite) and Triple H as the heel (bad guy). Week after week, Triple H would jump every hurdle McMahon would throw at him. On Smackdown one week he wrestled 3 matches! One of those was with Kane, the other with Big Show, and the last with The Rock. At that time, Stephanie McMahon and Test were to be married. To finally get back at Vince, Triple H got Steph drunk at her bachlorette party and when she passed out, he took her to a shotgun wedding spot and married Vince’s daughter and caught it all on tape! Stephanie begged her brother and her father to let her solve the situation her way. Vince agreed with Stephanie but still vowed vengeance on Hunter, so he booked himself and the Game in a Hardcore Match where, if Vince won, Triple H’s marriage with Steph would be annulled. That was a very brutal match in which Triple H won but the shock would soon come. With her father beaten senselessly on the mat, Stephanie got up and embraced Triple H to the delight of the fans who were all shocked! The following night on RAW, Stephanie justified her actions by saying that Vince was always running her life for her and she was sick of it! She also proceeded to say that Triple H "really turns me on" much to the destain of the crowd and Vince! Vince and Shane McMahon disappeared never to be seen again. For now… Triple H and Stephanie went on to create the McMahon-Helmsley Era in which they were in charge. With them holding the power, Triple H regained the WWF Title on January 3, 2000. He began a feud with Cactus Jack with two spectacular matches at Royal Rumble 2000, and No Way Out in which he beat Cactus Jack in a retirement match. Triple H was victorious at Wrestlemania 2000. He defeated The Big Show, Mick Foley, and The Rock in a Fatal-Four-Way elimination match to still be... The Game. When Chris Benoit left WCW, many still considered him the TRUE WCW Champion as no one beat him for the title. In his first WWF match, Triple H beat him. When Tazz won the ECW Title, he fought Triple H who beat him as well. Since Triple H defeated two reigning champions, many consider him the TRUE World Champion. Triple H has Proved TO BE THE GAME!