David's Awards Page 1

People have been kind enough to deem my pages worthy of their award. Check them out!!

This is my VERY FIRST AWARD!! I received it on January 8th, 1997!!!

Thank you Jerry Fiser :-)

I received this award on January 10th, 1997.

Thank you Cecilia Price :-)

I received this award on January 10th, 1997.

Thank you Willy :-)

I received this award on January 11th, 1997.

Thank you Kkoala :-)

I received this award on January 11th, 1997.

Thank you Paavo Juntunen :-)

I received this award on January 12th, 1997.

I received this award on January 13th, 1997.

Thank you E. Dyer-Austin :-)

I received this award on January 13th, 1997.

I received this award on January 16th, 1997.

Thank you Troy Travers :-)

I received this award on January 18th, 1997.

Teresa's Cavalcade of Whimsy

Thank you Teresa Carswell :-)

I received this award on January 18th, 1997.

Thank you Drew Family :-)

I received this award on January 19th, 1997.

Thanks Oh :-)

I received this award on January 19th, 1997.

Thank you Kevin Hagus :-)

I received this award on January 19th, 1997.

Joe's Garage

Thank you Joe Huxley :-)

I received this award on January 23rd, 1997.

Kinda Doesn't Suck

Thank you Linda Olmstead :-)

I received this award on January 30th, 1997.

Thanks to Da' Boy :-)

I received this award on January 30th, 1997.

The ZUG-O-RIFIC(tm) badge of "excellence"

I received this award on January 31st, 1997.

Thank you Joseph Reynolds Jr. :-)

I received this award on January 31st, 1997.

I received this award on January 31st, 1997.

Check out my Awards Page 2!!

Return to my Home/Sports Page.

I'll be making a Jet Li page as soon as I can!! Jet Li is THE PHATEST martial arts actor out there!! If you don't know who he is, you'd better find out!!

Check out my X-Files page!!

If you know who this is, then you're a wrestling fan. Even if you're not, check out my wrestling page!! I have information and links about professional wrestling as well as e-wrestling!!

Check out my sports links!!

Trying to advertise your site? Look at the list of places that I have where this is possible.

My psychology page will be up pretty soon!!!

Thanks for visiting!! :-)

Backgrounds by Infinite Fish