Info-Mac Digest Sun, 14 Sep 97 Volume 15 : Issue 198
CMTools is a plug-in that extends the Contextual Menu of Mac OS 8. In
programs that support the Contextual Menu, such as the Finder, it provides
the following functions:
- Launch for applications, files and folders
- Create aliases directly in your preferred folders.
- Decompress files.
- Compress any items (documents, folders, applications, etc...).
- Copy files and folders.
- Move files and folders.
- Change the creator and type codes of files.
- Lock/Unlock files.
- Open files directly with your preferred applications.
- Access the Application Menu via the Contextual Menu
You organize the menus as it suits you, by creating and organizing files
and aliases in a special folder in the Finder.
New features and improvements:
An installer and helper application.
Ability to toggle the following features:
- rebuilding menus automatically
- displaying select applications in Open using menu
- appending running applications to the Open using menu
- displaying background-only applications
Applications are sorted alphabetically in the Applications menu
Lock/Unlock files
Eric de la Musse
Author of CMTools
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/cm-tools-30.hqx; 195K]
DATE : Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:31 -0700
[*] Email Effects 1.2 - Create artistic eMails
*** Winner of CoolTool of the Day and BMUG's Shareware Spotlight. ***
Email Effects is a program for the Macintosh OS for creating artistic,
fun and graphical eMails. As eMail messages can only contain plain ASCII
text, Email Effects uses this medium for images, drawings and big text.
It is being used for greetings cards, signatures, program flow diagrams,
maps, chemical structure diagrams, tables, logos, and much, much more.
Email Effects can convert any picture into similar-looking text, use
characters in any font to create "big text". It also has selection, text,
pencil, rubber, bucket, line, circle and rectangle tools.
Email Effects easily places your design in Eudora or Emailer with one
click, opens and saves regular text files, includes full help, supports
drag and drop and is native for both 680x0 and PowerPC.
Version 1.2 relaxes restrictions before registration, includes many
usability improvements, eases table creation, and has more clip art.
(c) Sig Software - 14th September 1997 -
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/email-effects-12.hqx; 358K]
DATE : Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:36 -0700
[*] FractalBackdrops.sit
Eleven very cool 800x600 fractals suitable for use with Desktop Pictures.
--Jesse (
[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/fractal-backdrops.hqx; 3409K]
DATE : Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:26 -0700
[*] HSharableResource 1.0 and HSharablePicture 1.0 - PowerPlant Cla
HSharableResource is a Metrowerks PowerPlant inherited class that
implements simple garbage collection for MacOS Resources. Using
LSharable and TSharablePtr, the concept of reference counting makes this
all possible. HSharableResource strives for minimal reliance upon
PowerPlant and could possibly be used in non-PowerPlant contexts.
HSharablePicture is a variant upon PowerPlant's LPicture class. It
utilizes HSharableResource to manage the 'PICT' resource so it can clean
up after itself.
The distribution contains the HSharableResource source, the
HSharablePicture source, a CTYP file for HSharablePicture, and a small
demonstration application. The files in the archive were created with
CodeWarrior Professional 1.
For complete information, please read the README file enclosed in the
Thanx, and enjoy!
John C. Daub
Hsoi's Shop
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/src/hsharable-resource-10.hqx; 48K]
Keep Trying! is a utility for anyone who uses a phone.
Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?
* You're trying to phone your girl/boyfriend, but the line's always busy
because he/she is always using the phone or online?
* You're trying to get through to some company's technical support phone
number, but there's no answer because all their lines are in use?
* You finally get through on a call, but you're put on hold, and you end up
looking like Quasimodo because you spend a geological era holding the
receiver up to your ear with your shoulder while you try to get some work
done at the keyboard, listening endlessly to "Your call is important to
"Keep Trying!" is the solution. Keep Trying! (KT) is a utility for dialing
phone numbers through your modem. This in itself is not unique; some Address
Book programs and other utilities include such a feature. The distinguishing
features of KT, however, are the ways in which it removes the frustration of
"getting through" to a hard-to-reach party. If the number you're trying to
call is busy, or there is no answer, KT will automatically retry the number
repeatedly, at intervals you control. You can set how many attempts to make,
whether to retry after a busy signal or no-answer or both, and different wait
intervals for a busy signal and a no-answer. You don't even need to pick up
the phone until your call goes through successfully. You just leave KT
running in the background while you get on with your life; the program will
automatically (you guessed it) "keep trying!". Additionally, KT has a unique
"listen in" option that could literally save your neck the next time you're
put on hold for an indeterminate period. By activating this feature when
you're asked to "please stay on the line...", you can hang up the phone's
receiver and listen in on the line through your modem's speaker. You can then
go about your business in comfort until you hear a (non-recorded) person come
on the line.
Keep Trying! is a must-have, not only for people who make a lot of phone
calls, but for anyone who has ever suffered the frustration of making a
"simple telephone call".
Keep Trying is a joint production of programmer Karl Bunker and sound
engineer Larry Lloyd.
Minimum requirements: A Mac with 16 colors/grays or better, System 7.1 or
later, a modem with a speaker and a phone on the same line as the modem.
Shareware; $10.00.
[Archived as /info-mac/app/keep-trying-10.hqx; 278K]
DATE : Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:28 -0700
[*] Kev's PreProcessor 1.0
Kev's PreProcessor 1.0 - 300K
Kev's PreProcessor 1.0 is a WebSTAR Plug-in that allows
multiple index files to be used in WebSTAR. It also can
restrict CGI programs from executing unless they are in folders
you specify.
More info available at <>
Kev's PreProcessor requires WebSTAR 1.3.2 or greater. It
contains code for both PowerPC and 68K processors.
Kevin Hayes
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/kevpp-10.hqx; 352K]
DATE : Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:35 -0700
[*] Molitov Alert Sound 16-bit/44.1kHz
"Molitov Alert Sound"
The "Molitov" alert from Clixsounds is yet another great sound file to
further customize your Mac's audio. It is a hi-fidelity stereo sample of
glass shattering at high impact.
The "Molitov" alert sound is available in both 16-bit/44.1kHz and
8-bit/22.5kHz versions and can be downloaded here or at the Clixsounds
web site along with tons of other free Mac sounds at:
This file is freeware and may be redistributed freely providing it is
unaltered and includes the accompanying document. Note that a portion of
this archive is information concerning Clixsounds products and services.
Contact Information:
America Online: CLIXSOUNDS
World Wide Web:
[Archived as /info-mac/art/snd/16-molitov.hqx; 369K]
DATE : Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:30 -0700
[*] Navigator Enhancer 1.2.1, the missing feature
What Is It?
This application was born because Netscape didn't let users of the
Navigator change the six directory-buttons.
With Navigator Enhancer you have a quick and easy tool to change the URLs
and the names of the directory buttons of the Netscape Navigator. These
useless buttons will change to the best location for your favourite
bookmarks. Try it!
Please notice that this application will only work on a 2.x or 3.x
version of Navigator.
System Requirements
* 68020 processor or better
* System 7.0 or later
* Netscape Navigator 2.x or 3.x
Shareware Registration
Navigator Enhancer is shareware. You are permitted to use the application
on a trial basis. If you wish to keep using the product beyond a period
of some days (two or three), you must register by paying a fee of US$3
via the Kagi shareware system. Otherwise you must remove Navigator
Enhancer from your computer storage medium.
This Version
v1.2.1 - Aug. 31, 1997
I just added Kagi's Register application and information in the manual.
The application itself remained unchanged.
Marc Mennigmann
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/navigator-enhancer-121.hqx; 418K]
This file contains the source for Raven 1.2 a new C++ framework for
Macintosh programming. Raven is similar to PowerPlant and MacApp but
takes full advantage of newer C++ features, has a more modular
structure, and makes extensive use of programming by contract.
There are too many changes to list here, but they boil down to numerous
bug fixes and enhancements, support for the Appearance and Context Menu
Managers, support for opaque panes, StandardAlert is used wherever
some cool deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata classes,
recursive descent parser classes built on top of the automata classes,
and TArray, TSparseArray, TVector, and TSafePtr classes.
Like ODF and MacApp Raven makes extensive use of multiple inheritance
by means of mixin classes. Raven also uses the standard C++ classes
wherever possible, including the string class, the standard exception
classes, and STL. Raven also makes use of template classes and RTTI.
Raven is divided into four layers: Foundation, Core, Application,
and Esoterica. Each layer is composed of a number of packages. For
example the Core layer has a Files package containing classes to
manage things like reading/writing a file, iterating over files,
accessing the Desktop Manager, and CustomGetFile and CustomPutFile.
The Foundation layer contains low level classes for things like
memory management, debugging, broadcast/listener, exceptions, string
utilities, and geometry classes.
The Core layer includes a large number of generally useful classes for
things like graphics, sound, files, menus, command objects, drag and
drop, preferences, etc.
The Application layer contains higher level classes for views, windows,
and application objects.
The Esoterica layer contains more exotic classes that most applications
won't need. It includes classes for compression (using zlib), finite
automata, regular expressions, parsing, QuickDraw 3D, 2D graphing, 3D
graphing, and mathematics.
Because the lower layers are independant of the higher layers and
coupling between packages is minimized you can easily use parts of
Raven with other frameworks. For example, most of the Foundation
and Core layers can be used with PowerPlant.
-- Jesse (
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/raven-12.hqx; 3600K]
DATE : Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:23 -0700
[*] Raven 1.2 Examples
This file contains some CodeWarrior projects for the Raven 1.2
C++ framework. The projects are:
IconEdit - A simple document oriented application similar to the
MacApp example of the same name.
DropCount - A drag and drop app that counts the number of source
lines in C/C++ code.
Skeleton - A do nothing app for use as the base for new projects.
Quill - The Raven view editor.
-- Jesse (
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/raven-12-examples.hqx; 3000K]
DATE : Sat, 13 Sep 1997 07:30:34 -0700
[*] SysLog 1.0.2 - "Keep track of your Mac."
About SysLog
SysLog is a simple program to to let you keep track of when a Macintosh has
started up, shutdown or crashed. You might find this information
useful for:
- finding out if someone has been using a computer when they weren't
supposed to be
- figuring out how often a computer gets used
- letting you know if a computer has been shutdown improperly
- troubleshooting (since you can know how often a particular computer
has crashed )
- loads of other things
New in Version 1.0.2
- Reduced the memory requirements
- SysLog is now distrubuted as seperate 68k and PPC applications.
- Fixed the last of the memory related bugs. If you are still having
please let me know.
System Requirements
680x0 or PowerPC
System 7 or greater
56K of Free memory for the PowerPC version
20K of Free memory for the 68K version
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/syslog-102.hqx; 95K]
This is version 1.2.3 of my TFTP Daemon. This version fixes a couple of
bugs, and adds an installer.
TFTP Daemon is a full TFTP implementation - use it on your MacOS machines
for storing the configurations from isdn dialups, routers, and other
network equipment.
System Requirements:
* System 7.1 or greater - 7.5 or greater is recommended
* Open Transport 1.1 or greater (TFTP Daemon will not work with MacTCP)
The latest version can always be found at:
Jonathon Fletcher
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/tftpd-123.hqx; 183K]