Info-Mac Digest Fri, 12 Sep 97 Volume 15 : Issue 196
FROM : Christian F Buser <>
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 17:48:44 +0200
3400 & Scanning...
"Steven J. Tryon" <> wrote:
> In the case of the Microtek, the software doesn't see the scanner on the
> SCSI chain. It does it's own little SCSI check and shows something at
> that SCSI id, but instead of putting in information about the device, I
> see just a string of small square boxes.
Did you go to the choser and select the Microtec software and determined
at what SCSI ID the software should look for the Scanner? I know it's
weird, but it's necessary.
Good luck, Christian.
Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>
FROM : (Chris Reed, BBR)
DATE : Thu, 11 Sep 1997 06:47:44 +0100
3400 & Scanning...
"Steven J. Tryon" <> wrote:
>I have a PowerBook 3400c (200MHz version) that I have been trying to
>connect to a desktop scanner. I have tried with the Umax Astra 600s (two
>separate scanners) and the Microtek ScanMaker E3. Each time, some sort
>of weird SCSI thing takes place.
I had a similar problem when I first connected my Umax Apus 3000 PPC clone
to my Umax Vista S8 scanner - everything acted up like I had a faulty SCSI
cable, even though everything worked fine with my existing LCII. Couldn't
believe there'd be such hassle connecting two devices from the same
Anyway, I was aware that the Apus 3000 uses the same motherboard as the
Apple 5400/6400, as a specific patch was supplied by Umax on their System
Then I saw on the Umax website a different patch advertised to make Apple
5400/6400s work with Umax scanners - something about the SCSI clock being
slightly out of synch on that motherboard.
I put two and two together, downloaded and installed the patch, and it
solved the problem - it may or may not be of use for your situation.
For reference, here's what the 'read me' from the patch says:
>Important Information
>About the 6360/64xx/54xx Update
>The 6360/64xx/54xx Update corrects problems that may occur with external
>SCSI devices and adds support for additional Ethernet network protocols.
>The Update is designed for use with the following Power Macintosh and
>Performa models:
>* Macintosh Performa 6360
>* 64xx series Macintosh computers, such as the Macintosh Performa 6400 and
>the Power Macintosh 6400
>* 54xx series Macintosh computers, such as the Macintosh Performa 5400 and
>Power Macintosh 5400
>Fixes and Features Provided by this Update
>The 6360/64xx/54xx Update provides the following corrections and features
>for 6360, 64xx series, and 54xx series Macintosh computers:
>* Fixes problems with using some external SCSI devices, such as external
>hard disks, scanners, or removable storage devices.
>* Fixes problems with printing to a Personal LaserWriter SC or LaserWriter
>II SC printer.
>Apple recommends using QuickDraw GX and the LaserWriter II SC GX printer
>driver with LaserWriter SC printers because there are known problems with
>the non-GX LaserWriter SC printer driver. You can install QuickDraw GX
>from the system software CD-ROM disc that came with your computer or
>download the software from the Apple Software Update sites on the Internet
>via <>, America Online, or CompuServe.
>* Adds support for additional Ethernet network protocols. If your computer
>uses the optional Ethernet CS II card to provide Ethernet networking, the
>6360/64xx/54xx Update installs files that provide support for the MacIPX
>and Local Area Transport (LAT) network protocols.
FROM : "Gordon Watts (Info-Mac Moderator)" <>
DATE : Tue, 09 Sep 1997 22:07:46 -0500
[!] Digest 188... oops!
No, that wasn't an effort to make you life a little more interesting. I
was clearly asleep at the wheel when I let that hyno-sex article through in
digest 188 (so... how many of you missed it and are now going back to look
it up, eh!? :-)). Sorry about that. And, yes, we do look at every message
before it is put in the digest; no messages are ignored. Sometimes we hit
the wrong key, however...
Gordon Watts, Info-Mac Moderator (
FROM : Maurice Mike McNeil <mmcneil@BBN.COM>
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 15:50:37 -0700
[A]: OS8 Random Freezes.....
>I have installed OS8 and the AppleVision 1.5.3 update on my system. My
>configuration is as follows:
>PowerPC 7500 with Apple 132Mhz daughter card upgrade
>1mb L2 cache from PowerLogix
>HDT 2.0 formatting my Non-Apple Quantum 500MB HD
Very possible that these drivers may not be OS8 compatible.
>32 MB RAM
>Ram cache set to 34 MB
Do you mean Virtual Memory? Make sure you have RAM Cache set to at least
what the defaults are.
FROM : Christian F Buser <>
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 18:00:34 +0200
[Q] MAC-OS - German-localized? International-English?
Thomas Rohde <> wrote:
> Now, many ppl talk of certain incompatibilities/idiosyncrasies of
> machines/non-/localized OS. Esp. it is said that US-English OS won't run,
> or give problems, with international machines. ISDN, VIDEO, GEOport,
> whatever.
I am running Internatrional English system software on my desktop computer
and US English on my Powerbook (bought in the USA). No problem so far. The
only advice: Don't mix systems on one single machine (e.g. 7.6 German and
a 7.6.1 Updater English on top of it).
Best wishes, Christian.
Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>
FROM : Sven Luetkemeier <>
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 18:52:11 +0200
[Q] MAC-OS - German-localized? International-English?
At 16:57 +0200 09.09.1997, Thomas Rohde wrote:
> Now, many ppl talk of certain incompatibilities/idiosyncrasies of
> machines/non-/localized OS. Esp. it is said that US-English OS won't run,
> or give problems, with international machines. ISDN, VIDEO, GEOport,
> whatever.
I use US-versions since 7.6 on two "German" macs: a PowerBook 190 and a
PowerMac 7500/100 (recently upgraded to a 604/150). I didn't run into any
problems, but I didn't use features like Geoport or Video in/out.
I just tried Apple Video Player and one can still choose PAL, even with an
US-system. So, video editing in the PAL format doesn't seem to be a problem.
FROM : Charles Pearce <>
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 97 07:56:36 -0500
[Q] OS8 and Audio CDs
On several of the machines that I have installed OS8 (including my own),
the "Monitors & Sounds" control panel "forgets" its setting from startup
to startup. This means that in order to play an audio CD, the user
(including myself) has to go into the control panel, change the input
from "microphone" to "internal cd." When the computer is restarted, it
reverts back to microphone. This happens on my Power PC 8100AV, a 7100
and several Performa 6115. Any ideas on why this does this and how the
control panel can be set to remember the settings? Thanks.
Charles Pearce (
Can anyone help me? I want to access a PC formatted zip disk
but can't seem to - it won't even mount it - the same applies
to a PC formatted syquest - any ideas? I can read normal PC disks
FROM : Miles Abernathy <>
DATE : Thu, 11 Sep 1997 16:19:53 -0500
Annoyance: MS Office and Generic Documents
Last night the departmental guru installed Micorsoft Office (Word and Excel
only, not Microsoft Office Mangler) on the Mac of a friend of mine. He is
running System 7.1, 16 megs of real RAM, virtual memory on. The
applications might have been installed via Timbuktu.
Today his documents are all generic. They show the correct icons, but they
show as "document" in the Finder list views (even ClarisWorks docs). Double
clicking on a document brings up the "can't find an application for this"
dialog box.
He rebuilt the desktop (3 times). Restarting with Shift key doesn't help.
Opening a doc from within Word makes it into a Word document again, but
only for a few minutes...then it reverts to generic status.
I don't find anything about this at, and Microsoft's web
site is verrrry slow.
Anyone got a solution?
Miles Abernathy,
FROM : (Antonio Fernandez Martinez)
DATE : Thu, 11 Sep 1997 09:01:32 +0100
Arabic System Software
Recently, I've finally retired my trusty SE, and now I own a new PM-5400.
In the ol SE, I have the system 7.1 with the arabic as a secondary
language, obtained throught the Arabic System. My question is anybody knows
where can I find an Arabic System for the PM-5400? (an internet address
would be preferred). I gues that I need 7.5.3 or later.
Thanks in advance
Antonio Fernandez-Martinez, Ph. D.
Mathematics Department
Salamanca University
Postal address:Dpto. Matematica Pura y Aplicada
Pza. La Merced 1-4, 37008
telephone nș: +34 - 23 - 29 44 59,
Fax: +34 - 23 - 29 45 83
Hope this is an easy question to answer. I have a Powermac 8100. For the
first time I decided I'd play a music CD thru the systems speakers.
Following the HELP instructions, I set Sound Input to CD-ROM and clicked on
"Play Through". In the Apple CD Player, the track plays but I do not hear
any sound. What am I doing wrong? Tnanks to all.....
In article <5uhpq3$ecp$>, wrote:
> Does anyone know of a MacOS 8 version of Dialer FKEY, a simple and
> speedy tool for taking the contents of the clipboard and throwing it at
> your modem along with initialization string, so that your address book
> will autodial without you having to pick up the handset?
We're working on an update to PhoneWatcher (2.0) and this will be one of
its features. There is a public beta available at and a mailing list that you can
sign up for. We're currently at 2.0d7, with d8 coming out this weekend. If
you join the list you can watch to see when that feature makes it in.
Basically you will hit a user-defined hot key (not an FKEY) and it will
dial the phone number in the selected text and make a note of the phone
number called as well as time in the phone log.
> NOTE: I *do*
> have QuicKeys which *does* have a "dial" macro but it is pathetically
> slow in comparison with the old FKEY. I want to be able to hit a
> keystroke combo and have the modem start beeping immediately, not wait
> for something to *launch*.
Since PhoneWatcher has an extension to do the work, there is nothing to
launch. If you want, you can later launch the app portion and see a record
of your call in the phone log.
> Under OS 8, Dialer FKEY jams the serial port requiring a
> reset, and does not dial.
What number did the FKEY use? 1-5 are used by the System in 8.0, whereas
only 1-3 were used before then.
Brian Hall
Mark/Space Softworks
FROM : Mario Luoni <>
DATE : Thu, 11 Sep 1997 10:07:09 +0200
DOS Compatibility Card & CD-ROM
I have a DOS Compatibility Card on a 6100/66, and until recently
evertything worked fine. However, when I wanted to reinstall it (for the
x-th time, by the way), it coudn't read the CD-ROM anymore (and yes, I
did install the "DOS Compatibility Card Installer Disk for DOS
environment). The only thing I get is the following message (for all
possible CD ROMs):
CDR101: Not ready reading drive E
Abort, Retry, Fail?
Answering with A(bort does abort the attempt to read, R(etry does retry
an infinite number of times, and F(ail entails additional messages:
Volume in drive E has no label (after typing F(ail once)
Fail on INT 24 (after having chosen F(ail three times).
The cntrl-Y to eject the CD doesn't work anymore either. I have to
switch back to the MacOS to eject the CD. Is this a symptom for when the
MacOS is monopolizing the CD reader?
Maybe the installer disk has been corrupted, though I don't know when
and wher this could have happened.
So, if somebody knows how to get rid of this problem, I'd be very
grateful. And secondly, if somebody would send me by email (or let me
ftp) an image of the installer disks (1. DOS Compatibility Card
Installer Disk for Mac environment, 2. MS-DOS installer disks, 3. DOS
Compatibility Card Installer Disk for DOS environment), that would be
very much appreciated as well.
Thanks a lot in advance.
FROM : Mario Luoni <>
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 17:01:17 +0200
DOS Compatibility Card Installer disk image wanted
I have a DOS Compatibility Card on a 6100/66, and until recently
evertything worked fine. However, when I wanted to reinstall it (for the
x-th time, by the way), it coudn't read the CD-ROM anymore (and yes, I
did install the "DOS Compatibility Card Installer Disk for DOS
environment). The only thing I get is the following message (for all
possible CD ROMs):
CDR101: Not ready reading drive E
Abort, Retry, Fail?
Answering with A(bort does abort the attempt to read, R(etry does retry
an infinite number of times, and F(ail entails additional messages:
Volume in drive E has no label (after typing F(ail once)
Fail on INT 24 (after having chosen F(ail three times).
The cntrl-Y to eject the CD doesn't work anymore either. I have to
switch back to the MacOS to eject the CD. Is this a symptom for when the
MacOS is monopolizing the CD reader?
Maybe the installer disk has been corrupted, though I don't know when
and wher this could have happened.
So, if somebody knows how to get rid of this problem, I'd be very
grateful. And secondly, if somebody would send me by email (or let me
ftp) an image of the installer disks (1. DOS Compatibility Card
Installer Disk for Mac environment, 2. MS-DOS installer disks, 3. DOS
Compatibility Card Installer Disk for DOS environment), that would be
very much appreciated as well.
Thanks a lot in advance.
To those who were/are interested in making an extension for '030 computers
that makes them use the new 3-D Finder/System suitcase icons from my
Fake-8 icon set, Fake-8 RE (ResEdit) is available from Info-Mac. All I
ask is that I be sent completed extensions for trial/approval and that the
completed extension be 100% freeware.
thank you
send attachments to:
FROM : Jeff <>
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:27:02 -0400 (EDT)
Future Direction of Info-Mac (fwd)
Following are some assorted feelings and some ideas which I've seen in
part in recent postings, but which haven't quite clicked in my mind.
I would love to see the list offer both digest and non-digest versions.
I'm also in favor of somewhat of a separation of the discussion and
archive portions of the list.
* Non-Digest:
Discussion messages are sent to the submission address, approved, and go
directly to the members of the list. This will allow the list to gain some
of the immediacy of a newsgroup, and should make participation easier,
since one can simply reply to a message, and will be able to quote, etc-
without having to cut and paste from the digest.
I prefer single messages to bulk digests, as I can read each message as I
have time, whereas with a digest I either have to sit down and read the
entire thing, or read half and never come back because the message is no
longer flagged as new and I forget about it.
A good portion of users on this list have some form of mail filtering
either in place, or lying dormant in their email client, just waiting to
be put to use. I use a Pine/Procmail combination myself, and find that it
works wonders. Those who do not have the ability or inclination to filter
are free to join the digest list.
Archive additions go out in their own digest of sorts daily as needed.
* Digest:
Similar setup as is currently, with archive submissions in one digest,
discussion in another.
So I guess what it would work out to be is thus:
The info-mac list would be available in digest or non-digest form.
The info-mac-archive list would be available in digest form only.
(there's actually no reason why the archive list couldn't go out in
non-digest form, except for the fact that it is very likely done en masse
Just some suggestions from someone up *way* too early,
Jeff -
PGP Public Key available at
I was just about to ask for help in this forum, when I found the answer in
TidBITS. I think you also want to know, so here is the story:
PROBLEM: Illustrator 7.0 has a bug; when printing a PageMaker or
QuarkXPress document with Illustrator 7.0 EPS-pictures, you get a
Postscript error.
SOLUTION: Update to 7.0.1. At this writing moment, there is only an update
for the US version. Local versions is about to pop up soon (I hope). You
will find the US update at this address:
SOURCE: TidBITS #396. TidBITS is a free, weekly online newsletter about the
Macintosh community that you *absolutely* should subscribe to! (As well as
Info-Macs newsletter...) It delivers short, well written information about
what is going on in the Macintosh hemisphere. You will get it by e-mail
once a week (have no fear for junk mail). Sign up today at
Be careful out there,
FROM : "Scott A. Gorman" <>
DATE : Thu, 11 Sep 1997 15:28:16 -0600
Info-Mac Digest V15 #195
Hello once again,
thanks for all the input as to how to get Local Talk to work...I was
never able to find the problem, but I was able to borrow a hard drive
from my dad so I could manually put everything on it and then hook it to
my new computer. Anyway, thanks again for all of your help!
new question: could anyone help me find a couple of applications?
First, I'm trying to find a password recorder so I don't have to
remember ALL of my passwords for everything that requires
passwords--Opera News, Firefly, BMG, Columbia House, etc... anyhow, I'd
like to find something that would automatically (not an absolutely
necessary feature) bring up my password to any certain website so I
don't have to go searching for it... Second, I am also looking for an
app like Oil Change that would alert me to new updates of software I
currently have so that I could update it on the web. I have seen ads
and reviews on shareware products like this but I cannot seem to locate
those now...when I need them. Anyhow, any help would be GREATLY
If music be the food of love, where's the buffet line?
FROM : "Michael Busha" <>
DATE : Tue, 09 Sep 1997 22:28:37 -0500
Japanese to English OS
I am thinking about trading my OS (Japanese) for the new and only
English OS8 because I don't use the Japanese much anymore and can get
the Kanji Kit if that changes.
The problem is that the dealer here in Tokyo where I bought my computer
says that the processor is different in the machine I bought (Apple
8500/120/48) and an English OS cannot be used. I doubt that but have no
other information. Does anyone know? Is there a difference? As far as
I know I can do a clean install of OS8 after maybe reformatting the HD.
I did it for my LC 575 and had no problem.
Thanks for your help.
Michael Busha
FROM : Larry MacDonald <>
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 97 09:20:38 -0000
Laserwriter slow printing on OS8
I've got very poor throughput on my Laserwriter using system 8. What
once took 30 secs. now takes a few minutes. Any thoughts?
Larry MacDonald
FROM : "Matt Neuburg" <>
DATE : Tue, 09 Sep 1997 22:23:52 -0500
older shrinkwraps
It seems that with the advent of ShrinkWrap 3 (/disk/shrinkwrap-30.hqx),
earlier versions of ShrinkWrap have been purged from the archive. Is this
fair? The older versions were freeware/shareware. This new version is
commercial; what is posted is a 15-day self-disabling demo. Many people may
not wish to purchase it; why should they be robbed of their chance to
download a perfectly good working freeware utility?
Just my 2 cents - m.
matt neuburg, phd =,
apertam in mentem inrepit sapientia
Thank you for your input on my "difficulties". As you can well imagine I
was under great pressure from my twin, 5 year olds to get it going! After
several days I have been crash free by doing the following:
1. Turn OFF Virtual Memory - hit with increased memory requirements but
2. Disk Cache to Default (1024)
I am constantly amazed by our Mac community and its ability to help each
other. Thank you again and Kick Butt!
Rick WIntheiser
Don't know if you can get a demo off the web, but it is by Todd Ouzts from Scenaro Software, through Electronic Arts (PO Box 7578, San Mateo, CA 94403-7578. Tel: 415 572-2787).
And the full game is great - find it and buy it.
all the best,
FROM : (Jerome Peirick)
DATE : Thu, 11 Sep 1997 16:52:04 -0500 (CDT)
Printing from Quadra to Personal LW NT
I find myself in a position of wanting to print from an old Quadra to an
equally old Personal LaserWriter NT. If I turn off AppleTalk, I can
connect a plain old 8 pin printer cable between the two and everything
works just fine. However, when I turn AppleTalk back on and try using
LocalTalk adapters, the printer doesn't show up in the Chooser. Frankly,
I'm stumped. The Quadra is running System 7.1 and only has 8 meg of RAM.
The dedicated application that the machine runs takes up about 5 meg of
that RAM, so upgrading the OS is only a possibility if we upgrade RAM
as well.
Any ideas are welcome. Thanks in advance for the help.
Jerome Peirick
I'm clearly doing something silly, so I'd be grateful for advice.
I have a Performa 6300CD and previously used FreePPP under system 7.5.5
to connect to the PPP server at work from home. This script waited for
the login prompt, sent my ppp_username, waited for the Password: prompt
then sent the password. After this the PPP session ran nicely.
Since installing OS8, I don't seem to be able to get OT/PPP to do the
same thing. To generate a script you first have to run a successful
manual login session. So following the instructions in the guide I run
a manual session in a terminal window, put in the right answers to the
prompts, but the server won't allow me to connect. As a result I can't
generate a script and of course can't run a PPP session. I have checked
all the relevant numbers, addresses, capslock key etc.
Any clues as to what I am doing wrong here? Any advice gratefully
accepted, email is probably best.
Ian Davis
FROM : Michel Jorda <>
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 20:04:18 +1100
Problems with GEOPORT/Express Modem
Hi everybody.
I try to install a second Hand Geoport on my PowerMacitosh 7200, running
sys 7.6, and I'm totally confused with the numerous extensions/Control
I may use. until then , I did succeed in running the express modem, but
Megaphone is unable to find the geoport. Therefore, no fax/voice
application for the device.
By the way, the geoport don't answer to phone rings.
I use:
Express Modem 1.5.5
Geoport for PowerMacintosh F1.0.2
Telephone Mgr 2.0
Geoport is on the modem port as required.
A DeskWriter is on the printer port
Any expert advice will be much appreciated !
I was given a dead Quadra 950 (on start-up I get four tones rising and
then four tones going down). The drives have been removed, the RAM is
gone, etc. All I have is the case, the motherboard, and the power supply.
Anybody want some spare parts? Need a nice power supply cheap? A 68040
I'll probably keep the motherboard to show student what one looks like.
Any other ideas?
> how does one go about making an extension that, say changes the
> appearance of the trash-can?
>private e's only (my news-reader's temporarily broken),
>Mark. <>
The easiest, but least safe way of changing the Finder icons (including the
Trash can) is to edit the icons held in the Finder itself with ResEdit.
There is a much safer way, and again, it doesn't need a system extension. If
icon resources with the appropriate resource numbers are stored in the
Finder Preferences file, then they are used instead of the standard Finder
icons. If you trash the Preferences file by mistake (with ResEdit for
example), you can just delete it and the Finder will generate a new one.
So, copy the Finder icons from the Finder file into a copy of the Finder
Preferences file using ResEdit. Then just edit the icons as required, an
delete any you didn't change.
You can then distribute the Finder Preferences file for others to use. Note
that a minor snag is that when people copy your customised Finder
Preferences file into their own Preferences folder, they will lose any old
preferences settings they had in the Finder, like default icon size, font,
etc. But these are easy to change back manually.
Alternatively, you could distribute a ResEdit file containing the icon
resources (appropriately numbered) for people to copy to their own Finder
Preferences file with ResEdit. It's not hard to do, but some people are
uncomfortable with using ResEdit.
I certainly would not use an extension to change the icons though.
Does anyone know of a good stasticis program thad does regression lines of
various forms(linear,power, quadratic). I really need one.
Also, does anyone know of any apple menu config extensions that are
compatible with OS8.
Joel "energetic apathy" Carranza
FROM : (Kevin Jones)
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 16:10:19 -0500
Supporting the Archive
Dan Frakes <> wrote:
>However, I personally like the archive
>info. I _really_ appreciate getting a regular list of new files posted to
>the archive, and would not be terribly disapppointed if that's all the
>digest was... not because I don't like normal messages, but because
>normal messages can be found on any list, but the software archive
>updates can _only_ be found here.
Semi-ditto. Having others then take the archive/discussion combine to the
web provides nice one-stop shopping for my Mac shareware and info needs.
I'm running an old machine or two or three, so the current app stagnation /
K'scope saturation doesn't discourage me as much as it would if I had
invested in a recent Power Mac. But that is part of the larger 'Whither
Apple?' question.
In short, for what it's worth, I-MD in its traditional form suits me
fine--like comfortable old mocs. I imagine most of us who subscribe also
browse other Mac sources for info, and while there's some overlap, I don't
see the need to revamp. That broader influences on Apple and the Internet
are reflected in I-MD 'quality' is not a Digest-specific problem.
FROM : (Doug Hardie)
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 01:28:01 -0700 (PDT)
UART on Performa 575
I have a Performa 575 that has blown its UART on the serial port several
times. Previously the machine was under warrantee and Apple replaced the
digital board. However, the warantee has expired and I don't want to pay
that much for a single chip. Does anyone know if that chip is socketed or
if not, how many layers are in that area of the board. If its only a 2
layer board and the pin holes are plated, then the old technique of cutting
the chip and sucking the pins out will work. Thanks,
-- Doug
FROM : Maurice Mike McNeil <mmcneil@BBN.COM>
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 11:36:13 -0700
URGENT: Techtool 1.1.5, OS8, & PB5300
We have had one incident where Techtool 1.1.5 was used on a PB5300 which
had just been upgraded to OS8. The PB worked fine for three days, Techtool
1.1.5 was used and the system became corrupted. We have not verified this
with a second attempt (for obvious reasons).
Al Bloom wrote,
>Is anyone else as distressed as I at the direction that I-M seems to
>be taking? I-M used to be a community. The digests we get lately seem
>all or mostly postings of software of varying general utility. I dunno
>about y'all, but I don't see much if any utility personally. Or much
>interest personally.
>I just don't think the archive is all I-M should be about.
>Your comments?
>Al Bloom
You mean we can talk about Mac related stuff on this group, and it's not
just a promotional tool for Mac Shareware/Freeware/Software?
Wow!! I've got a couple of threads that I'd love to see going on here, I
mean were Mac users entering a new era of Apple, in a world dominated by
ignorant, yet high and mighty pc advocates!
My first query would be what kind of results have all you Mac clone owners
had with the particular manufacturer you are using? There are some major
differences between the clones, some good, some bad.
I heard UMAX were one of the best designed... Any comments?
My second interest would be in opinions from users in the music and audio
industry on which PowerMac model and configuration under $2000 over 160 Mhz
would be the best for audio production... (I know Performas were a problem
due to something related to internal 8 bit audio conversion...)
Sometimes it's good when people like Al speak up...
Jarome Matthew
Dimension Arc Media
Pro Soul Production
FROM : Neal Blank <>
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 97 10:28:33 -0400
What is this group?
On 9/10/97 4:32 AM, Adam Engst wrote:
>There are plenty of issues here to think about - what do people think
>Info-Mac should, in an ideal world, be? (Note that that's not necessarily
>what it has been.)
I find the archive far more useful than the discussions. General Mac
issues, as Adam noted, can be found on other mail lists. Keep the archive
Neal Blank
Beginning with the switchover from sumex, there has been a lost of
"responsiveness" in the whole system. For awhile, posts went into
oblivion, and even once Info-Mac was back online, the backlog must have
been immense -- postings would take a long long time to appear. My
guess is that at least temporarily people got out of the habit of
posting questions and info requests to Info-Mac.
Allan Hunter <>
"Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU> wrote:
>I'm becoming progressively annoyed with digests that
>are no more than ads for personally useless stuff going into the archive.
If you are looking for discussions about increasing your productivity
using the Macintosh, try subscribing to The Organized Macintosh (TOM)
Digest. To learn more hop over to
Patrick L. Reilly, Chief Gnome, Valpatken, Ltd., Chandler, AZ
'The Organized Macintosh- TOM' @
Subscribe to TOM news at w/Subj: TOM Me
FROM : KrishnaMohan & Bhuvaneswari <>
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 10:45:21 -0400
What is this group?
>We have talked about running Info-Mac as two separate lists - one for the
>discussion and one for the archive postings. It would require some work,
>but could be done. And then there's the question of if Info-Mac should be a
>digest or a normal list (and if it would be way too much for for us if it
>were a normal list).
>There are plenty of issues here to think about - what do people think
>Info-Mac should, in an ideal world, be? (Note that that's not necessarily
>what it has been.)
I think that Info-Mac as two separate lists would be a great idea. Although
there are some lists at [which are subject
specific] , almost all the other lists are run by inividuals and people
would feel much comfortable with a Community like atmosphere here &
problems would be discussed in a global perspective on a wider subject
spectrum in Info-Mac than other lists run by individuals.
Best Wishes - KrishnaMohan.
Hi - hope someone can help me with a problem.
I have an old Mac SE that I can't bear to part with (who can ever bear to
part with an old Mac?). I still use it at home and recently was given a
Brother HL-760 laser printer that is Mac compatible, but only with system
6.0.7. or later. Unfortunately my SE only has 6.0.4. I have tried a
number of times to download 6.0.8 (via Netscape) from the Apple SW site
but with no success. I keep getting a dialog box saying "Mac-binhex 40.
Warning: unrecognised encoding" despite the fact that the files are meant
be self-extracting. When I continue with the downloading of the files
appear to be bugged in some way and there is no way to install the system
files. The SE only has 1mb of RAM, so system 7.0 won't fit.
So I can't use my fab new printer which is a pain. Can anyone help?
Please reply privately to I realy manage to read
all of the info-mac digests.
Many thanks
Ruth Gallagher