Info-Mac Digest Wed, 10 Sep 97 Volume 15 : Issue 195
This supercedes old versions of the font A.D. Mono. The typeface has not
been changed, but I updated the readme to include my street address and
new web address. Thank you.
Matt Denton
Network/IS Manager
UCSF Radiology Dept.
San Francisco, USA
[Archived as /info-mac/font/ad-mono.hqx; 101K]
This is the first release of And the winning ticket..., a raffle program
for the Macintosh. After entering the low and high ticket numbers it will
calculate the attendance and will randomly draw tickets.
This is ideal for use at a User Group meeting or software demo in which
prizes are raffled off. It is a fat app and takes up less than 50k, and
will run on any macintosh, though it looks better if you are running with
at least 256 colors.
And the winning ticket... is my first Macintosh program, which I wrote to
replace the aged hypercard based raffle program we were using at UCDMUG.
The source code is available on my page at the URL below, as will future
updates and new programs of mine.
Aaron Daniel
Hot Stuff Cafe
[Archived as /info-mac/app/and-the-winning-ticket.hqx; 35K]
A parent-teacher appointment scheduler.
A black & white Hypercard Stack designed to provide individual appointment
lists for parents wishing to interview teachers. Teacher appointments are
also provided and the program is fully customisable. It is time limited to
30 days.
It requires Hypercard 2.2 or higher and system 6.05 or higher
The archive contaisn 5 files viz APTAS itself, a readme file and 2 sample
text files to allow for testing.
The program limitations are
>Macintosh compatible version only
>needs Palatino and Zapf Dingbats type fonts to be present on the system
>maximum of 69 staff can be entered
>maximum of 755 pupils can be entered
Feature summary
>clickable lists - minimum of typing
>individual parent appointment list
>parents can indicate the earliest time they can attend
>individual staff appointment lists
>staff can indicate their earliest and latest appointment times
>staff and pupil lists can be imported from a wordprocessor
>appointment lists can be browsed and printed
>time interval between teacher interviews can be set to 5, 10, 15, 20 or 30
>time interval between parent interviews can be set to 10, 15, 20 or 30 mins
>printed parent invitation customised to school and evening
>facilty to include your own two line message at the foot of the parent
>a help screen is available
[Archived as /info-mac/edu/aptas-standard-hc.hqx; 58K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:04:56 -0700
[*] Attack of the Ma-Ma's! 1.0
The great new game "Attack of the Ma-Ma's" simulates an attack of oddly
shaped aliens! The Ma-Ma's are little creatures that look like the form
your fingers take when you make a little man out of your middle and
index finger. They come along the screen and you get to destroy them
with either a Machine Gun, Double Barrel Gun, Lightning Bolt, and an
atom bomb! The plot thickens as you play, and you find out they're there
because they want to take over the world!
This is the first version, but I found no bugs in here.
System Requirements
*System 7 or later
*256 Colors
*2.5 MB of RAM
*1.4 MB of disk space
Please visit my website at
Thank you,
David Derwin
[Archived as /info-mac/game/aotmm.hqx; 628K]
BANQUET MASTER(TM) 2.0 Copr. 1994-95, 1997 Bruce A. Pokras
[Requires HyperCard Player 2.2 or higher, or Hyper-Stack Player (any version)]
BANQUET MASTER is a full-featured, general purpose guest list organizer for
your next party (large or small), banquet, wedding, bar/bat mitzvah, Sweet
Sixteen, retirement party, etc.
BANQUET MASTER helps you figure out who you are going to invite by allowing
you to start with people in catagories such as DEFINITE, PROBABLE, and
MAYBE. Until you register, you will be limited to 10 Invitation Cards
(which can be used for 10 individuals, 10 couples or 10 families, or any
mixture of individuals, couples and families).
The names and addresses of potential guests can be typed in, or can be
imported from a return-delimited text file. BANQUET MASTER displays the
number of people in each catagory, so that you can keep a count as you move
people from one catagory to another (children and adults can be counted
separately). The list of the names and addresses of your final "definite"
guests can be printed and used by the person who is addressing the
invitations. Alternatively, the name and address list can be saved to disk
for use with a computerized addressing system (e.g., computerized
caligraphy). For more business-related uses, you can print to standard
address labels.
BANQUET MASTER keeps track of how many invitations you will need, who has
responded to the invitation, and who is actually attending.
If you are having a large affair where people are assigned to specific
tables, BANQUET MASTER has a "seating function" with a drag-and-drop
interface which makes the task of assigning tables very easy. The seating
list can then be printed and used by the person who is preparing the
Shareware $10. May be registered worldwide through the Kagi Shareware service.
Bruce A. Pokras
[Archived as /info-mac/app/banquet-master-2-hc.hqx; 437K]
Remember your favorite arcade from the early 1980's? A dark room lit only
by bright video game displays and flashing lights, brimming with electronic
bells and explosions? Well, get ready to relive those days. Or maybe
experience them for the first time. Ultra/United Games brings the
excitement and gameplay you crave home to your Macintosh with battle-girl,
the hippest, fastest, most dazzling arcade game ever on a desktop computer!
With a pounding dance soundtrack and visuals created by Ultra/United's
TripTronic graphics system, battle-girl will keep you up nights dreaming of
it's super fast action and nonstop high-tech combat. For more information,
visit the Ultra/United web site: <>
TripTronic Graphics
Slamming Techno Soundtrack
16-bit Stereo Sound
8 Weapons Systems
99+ Levels
Full 2D Multiscreen Action
Dazzling Special Effects
Particle System Explosions
15 Fiendish Enemies
High Speed 360 Degree Gameplay
scott laing
ultra | united games
[Archived as /info-mac/game/battle-girl-demo.hqx; 2756K]
Decorate your macintosh with these lively, coloUrful icons! Deep swirls
and beautiful gradients--and more! Created by Epoch Icons:
with Adobe Photoshop 3.0 and the wonderful ZONKERS!
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/colours.hqx; 64K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:04:39 -0700
[*] Default Folder 2.7.6 - OS 8 Compatible Open/Save Dialog Enhance
Default Folder is a shareware control panel that enhances Open and Save
dialog boxes to make it easier for you to manage files on your Macintosh.
It provides many of the essential features of the commercial SuperBoomerang
and Directory Assistance utilities, but without the infrequently used
extras that take their toll in compatibility, memory, and CPU usage. And
it's fully compatible with Mac OS 8!
Default Folder's time-saving Open and Save dialog enhancements allow you to:
- Set up a default folder for any or all applications.
- Switch among recently used folders from a pop-up menu.
- See available disk space and switch between disks from a pop-up menu.
- Click on a Finder window to display it in an Open or Save dialog.
- Open the folder shown in an Open or Save dialog in the Finder.
- Create folders, get information (including changing name, type, and
creator), and move items to the Trash from within file dialogs.
- "Rebound" back to the last file you used.
- Make "Replace" the default option instead of "Cancel" when saving
a file with the same name as an existing file.
- Speed up the display of Open and Save dialogs by turning off custom
color icons in the file list.
Default Folder will operate on any Macintosh running System 7 or higher,
and is accelerated for PowerPC. In addition to the standard internet
archives, information and updates are available at:
Default Folder may be included on the UMich and Info-Mac CD-ROMs.
Version 2.7.6 incorporates the following changes:
- Fixed a bug in drawing of PICT resources that could cause file dialogs
to crash in some circumstances.
- Updated PICT resources to be more consistent with Mac OS 8 appearance.
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/default-folder-276.hqx; 300K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:02:35 -0700
[*] emeec.sit =?iso-8859-1?Q?"English-Español_Cognates"?=
English-Español Cognates is a pack for Pairs(tm), the freeware screen
saver from Engaging Media(tm), that contains 685 words of identical
spelling and meaning in English and Spanish, speaks via Carlos and
Catalina (Apple's Mexican-Spanish voices), and helps you quickly learn
some Spanish with English words that you already know!
Kirk Mahoney, Ph.D.
Engaging Media
[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/emeec.hqx; 250K]
Macromedia Shortcuts is a set of packs for Pairs(tm), the freeware
screen saver from Engaging Media(tm), that help animators, artists, and
audio engineers master the keyboard shortcuts to everything in Director
6 Multimedia Studio and FreeHand Graphics Studio 7.
Kirk Mahoney, Ph.D.
Engaging Media
[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/emms.hqx; 1098K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:04:55 -0700
[*] Enhance 4.0 Demo
Further information available from:, by e-mail to or by calling MicroFrontier at (515)270-8109.
Enhance 4.0, MicroFrontier's professional-level image editing program
premiered at Macworld Boston on August 6th. The latest version of this
Mac-only program adds many new features such as layers, drag and drop,
fully-integrated image catalogs, Web image map creation and GIF color
table reduction, PNG and progressive JPEG file formats and new image
retouching tools and filters that make Enhance a powerhouse tool for
graphic designers. Other expanded capabilities include full support for
Photoshop-compatible filter, export and acquire plug-ins (including
multiple-acquire auto-save capability), pressure-sensitive tablets
(including assigning any tool for the Wacom stylus eraser), and
additional paint modes (multiply, lighten, darken, colorize and
difference). Selections may be saved as alpha channels in PICT and
Photoshop file formats, or added to a Web image map. In addition to a
palette with specialized tools for image map creation, many new
Web-oriented features have been added, including RGB color readouts in
decimal, percent and hexadecimal; interactive previews of different
color tables or bit depths; minimizing color tables and saving files
with picture data only to reduce file sizes; generating HTML <IMG> image
tags including file name, width and height information, and the ability
to preview any file in the Web browser of the user's choice. Estimated
download times for images may also be displayed for various modem
speeds. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS-Fully PowerPC-native, Enhance 4.0 requires
any color-capable Mac (68020 or- greater), Mac OS 7.0 or greater, 6MB of
RAM and 10MB free disk space. PRICING AND AVAILABILITY-Regularly
$349.95, Enhance 4.0 will be available during the Macworld Expo for a
show special price of just $99.00. After the show and through October
31, 1997, Enhance will be introductory-priced at $224.95. Owners of
previous versions of Enhance or MicroFrontier's Color It! may upgrade
for just $69.95 and 'sidegrades' from other MicroFrontier products are
$99.95 through October 31, 1997. Pricing as of November 1, 1997 will be
$349.95; upgrades from previous versions or Color It! will be $99.95 and
'sidegrades' from other MicroFrontier products $129.95.
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/enhance-4-demo.hqx; 3116K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:02:26 -0700
[*] Fake-8 RE: salvation made easy
enclosed is a ResEdit version of my "Fake-8" icon set. Use of ResEdit
when applying the new icons should eliminate the need to "touch-up"
small icons. When using ResEdit (especially on system software) ,
always remember to work with a COPY of the software you are patching (in
this case, the System suitcase), just to be on the safe side. I created
this ResEdit version shortly after submitting the original "Fake-8", so
that means I've been using my system for FOUR weeks now with no signs of
any glitches. Three beta testers report identical results, but that
still doesn't mean that I will take responsibility for damage that MAY
occur. Just remember that what you are patching is a picture: nothing
more. So there is really no real excuse I can come up with as to why
you SHOULD experience problems after using "Fake-8." Still, you won't
find any promises in this Read-Me...
Oh yeah...
...this ResEdit version contains a bonus 3-D System suitcase icon. THE
FINDER AND SYSTEM ICONS. The "Internet" and "Mail" icons are still
applied by the time-tested "Get Info" method (see instructions below)
* open your System Folder * option-drag your System suitcase to the
desktop (this action makes a copy of the suitcase) * open the files
System (from the desktop, don't forget) and System resources (from the
"Fake-8" download) using Apple's ResEdit (available from this Info-Mac
site) * with the System resources window active, hit the key-combination
COMMAND A * use the key-combination COMMAND C (this copies the patches
that will be made to the System suitcase) * click on the System window
(to make it active) and use the key-combination COMMAND V (this
transfers the icon changes). You will be presented with a dialog box to
which you should answer "Yes". * close all of ResEdit's open windows.
You will se another prompt asking if you would like to save the changes
to System, to which you should answer "Yes" as well. * quit ResEdit. *
now comes the tricky part: getting your newly updated System folder
back into your System Folder. You'll need to startup from some startup
disk other than the one that contains the System folder you'll be
replacing. The "Disk Tools" disk, or it's equivalent (which is usually
supplied with your computer) works nicely here. * drag the updated
System suitcase back into the folder that you option-dragged it from way
back when this all started. You will be prompted as to whether or not
you wish to replace the "older" System suitcase. This, ultimately, is
your decision, but I think you should say "Yes." * restart, using the
disk with the "new" System suitcase on it as the startup disk (which
should be the same startup disk that you normally startup from (and
probably your main hard drive).
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/fake-8.hqx; 73K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:04:34 -0700
[*] hexy-10.hqx - A hex dump plug-in for BBEdit
Hexy is a hex dump plug-in for BBEdit or BBEdit Light.
It will create a hex dump of the current selection or of the whole document
if there is no selection.
Source code in the form of a CodeWarrior Pro 1 project is available from
the Hexy homepage at
It should probably go into
and permission to include it on CD-ROM products is granted.
-Marc Liyanage
[Archived as /info-mac/text/bbe/hexy-10.hqx; 23K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:04:41 -0700
[*] Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.7.3
Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection 1.7.3 (September 4th, 1997)
by David-Artur Daix
David's Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection contains new color
schemes for use with Kaleidoscope, the now famous control panel written
by Greg Landweber, Edward Voas and Frederick Bass. Those schemes are
enhanced to take full advantage of Kaleidoscope 1.7.2 latest features for
Mac OS 8 compatibility. They require Kaleidoscope 1.5 or later to work.
David's Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection is shareware and costs
$10. Registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware.
For the latest versions of my shareware, visit my home page located at
Thanks for supporting the shareware system!
(David's Kaleidoscope Hi-Tech Schemes Collection may be included on the
Info-Mac and AMUG CD-ROMs. It has been checked with SAM 4.5.1)
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/kalscp-hitech-schemes-173.hqx; 717K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:04:49 -0700
[*] Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.7.3
Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection 1.7.3 (September 4th, 1997)
by David-Artur Daix
The Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection contains new color schemes
for use with Kaleidoscope, the now famous control panel written by Greg
Landweber, Edward Voas and Frederick Bass. Those schemes are enhanced to
take full advantage of Kaleidoscope 1.7.2 latest features for Mac OS 8
compatibility. They require Kaleidoscope 1.5 or later to work.
The Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection is shareware and costs $10.
Registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware.
For the latest versions of my shareware, visit my home page located at
Thanks for supporting the shareware system!
(David's Kaleidoscope Patterned Schemes Collection may be included on the
Info-Mac CD-ROM. It has been checked with SAM 4.5.1)
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/kalscp-pattern-schemes-173.hqx; 998K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:04:50 -0700
[*] Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.7.3 (updated)
Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection 1.7.3 (Resent September 5th, 1997)
by David-Artur Daix
The Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection contains new color schemes for
use with Kaleidoscope 1.5, the now famous control panel written by Greg
Landweber, Edward Voas and Frederick Bass. Those schemes are enhanced to
take full advantage of Kaleidoscope 1.7.2 latest features for Mac OS 8
compatibility. They require Kaleidoscope 1.5 or later to work.
David's Kaleidoscope Schemes Collection is shareware and costs $10.
Registrations are handled by Kagi Shareware.
For the latest versions of my shareware, visit my home page located at
Thanks for supporting the shareware system!
(David's Kaleidoscope Silver Schemes Collection may be included on the
Info-Mac and AMUG CD-ROMs. It has been checked with SAM 4.5.1)
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/kalscp-silver-schemes-173.hqx; 700K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:02:21 -0700
[*] Language Toolkit Reader 1.3 - foreign languages learning
'Language Toolkit Reader' is an interactive multimedia program for language
learning. It features the integrated use of text, illustrations, sound,
QuickTime movies, vocabulary, exercises based on text and sound, and notes on
grammar. You use the program to access 'lessons' which are prepared
A teacher can prepare multimedia lessons for any target language by using the
companion program 'Language Toolkit Writer'. An associated program ('Verbs &
Nouns') gives access to additional support in the way of dictionaries, and
offers the opportunity for further practice of inflection and translation
at the
level of single words.
Jacek Iwanski.
[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/language-toolkit-reader-13.hqx; 1157K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:02:22 -0700
[*] Language Toolkit Writer 1.3 - foreign languages learning
'Language Toolkit Writer' is an authoring tool for preparing interactive
multimedia lessons for any language. You build a lesson by
dragging-and-dropping ready-made components, pasting illustrations,
adding QuickTime Movies, sound, vocabulary, exercises based on text and
on sound, and notes on grammar. To save you time the program includes
five ready-made exercise layouts. Students use the companion program
'Language Toolkit Reader' to make use of the lessons. An associated
program ('Verbs & Nouns') allows an author to prepare additional modules
to support a series of lessons, i.e. for use as dictionaries and for
practising inflection and translation at the level of single words.
Demonstration lessons are available for Polish, Danish, Italian, Dutch,
French, Spanish and Russian, and others are in preparation.
Jacek Iwanski.
[Archived as /info-mac/edu/lang/language-toolkit-writer-13.hqx; 1217K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:02:16 -0700
[*] macattack-192.sit
MacAttack is a fast-paced arcade game only available on (you guessed it)
the Mac. The game plays similar to the classic arcade game "Tempest".
However, the graphics have been updated substantially. Version 1.92
fixes some minor bugs.
MacAttack is fun for players of all skill levels. There are 5 difficulty
settings and unlike most games they significantly affect the way the
game is played. With this download you can only play 3 levels of the
game until you send in the shareware fee of $15. When you send in the
fee you'll get a password to unlock all 30 levels of the game. For more
info and to order the game visit our web page:
* Full-screen play on any Monitor. MacAttack will scale to the size of
your monitor (even 20 inch ones) if you give it enough memory.
* Smooth animation - 30 frames/second, digitized explosions
* Rendered 3d graphics
* Digitized explosions
System requirements:
* System 6.07 or later
* Any Macintosh capable of running color Quickdraw. Including: Mac SE30
or later and most PowerBooks
* 2MB of free RAM
For more information visit our web page:
Roger Kemper
New Reality Entertainment, Inc.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/com/macattack-192.hqx; 1566K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:02:25 -0700
[*] MacDNR submission
MacDNR is a simple utility for doing DNS lookups. It allows you to
perform all lookup services offerred by the MacDNR. Further, it is
fully asynchronous so that you can run lookups in the background and, if
you have Open Transport, can run any number of simultaneous lookups. It
was constructued using the EasyTCP(tm) DNR library that I have just
completed, which makes DNS queries on a Mac very easy. Look for the
EasyTCP(tm) TCP/IP library in the future.
Scott DeWitt
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mac-dnr-12.hqx; 69K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:02:23 -0700
[*] NameCleaner 1.7.0 - Cross-platform file renaming
NameCleaner is a popular utility to manipulate file names and types.
Batch-rename and retype entire folders or disks quickly and easily. It
is specially designed to move files to and from foreign file systems
such as MS-DOS, Windows 3.x, Windows95, Windows NT, NetWare and Unix.
Filters ("Cleaners") are available for a multitude of functions,
including mapping DOS extensions to and from Mac Type/Creator codes,
filtering file names for other operating systems, smartening quotes,
padding punctuations, rule- or dictionary-based capitalisation, find and
replace phrases, append file information such as date or size, and more.
Version 1.7.0 enhances trailing space/period removal, adds capabilities
for 1, 2, and 4-character extensions, and includes entries in the
built-in settings for Web formats and Unix extensions.
NameCleaner needs System 7, is 7.5 savvy and PowerPC native.
(c) 1st September 1997 - Sig Software -
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/namecleaner-170.hqx; 206K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:02:28 -0700
[*] OS8 Toolkit 2.02 submission
Raul's OS8 Toolkit 2.02 is a collection of Resedit hacks for OS 8.
Version 2.02 fixes several minor glitches and includes a few tweaks.
There are now no known problems. It also corrects an ommission of one of
the resources in 2.01.
It includes:
1. Patches to add several command keys to the Finder.
cmd-S - Sharing
cmd-B - Clear
cmd-[ - View as Icon
cmd-] - View as List
cmd-J - Preferences
cmd-K - View Options
cmd-U - Clean Up
cmd-T - Empty Trash
cmd-- Restart
cmd-* Shutdown
2. A patch for the Appearance Manager so that folders are grey instead of
purple tinged. This allows you to color folders with labels.
3. Patches for new System splash screens. Including a 1984 splash, a
Japanese splash, a Gothic splash, and a Riven splash.
4. Some art desktop patterns (Warhol, van Gogh, DaVinci...)
5. A patch for Emailer 2.0 so that mail folders are Coplandish.
6. A patch for non-dayglow icons in OT/PPP strip.
7. New icons for the BeOS chooser.
Note that patches can be applied individually.
System requirements:
* System 8
* Resedit
* Stuffit
* Emailer 2.0 if you use the emailer patch.
* BeOS if you use the Be patch.
The primary reason to get these hacks is to make your Mac work better and
look better. The feature most commented on in 1.0 was the ability to
switch from icon views to list views with the keyboard.
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/os-8-toolkit-202.hqx; 2388K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:04:40 -0700
[*] Pretty Scroll 1.0.2 - animate scrolling - Johnny C N Lee
Pretty Scroll 1.0.2
(c) Copyright 1997 Johnny C N Lee, All Rights Reserved.
PrettyScroll is a control panel that animates scrolling. When scrolling
through a document, it is sometimes hard to find the last
point you viewed, especially if it was located near the end of the
document. PrettyScroll makes it easier. Because the scrolling
process is animated, you can follow the movement and find the last
point easily.
What's new in 1.0.2?
- This version supports more applications.
- Changed currency exchange rates in Register program.
Johnny C N Lee
A Hong Kong Mac OS Developer
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/pretty-scroll-102.hqx; 77K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:04:36 -0700
[*] ProCreation Life 1.2 - Fast A-Life Simulator
ProCreation Life is a state-of-the-art artificial-life simulator.
It has an extremely simple, slick interface, where all controls are 'live'. It
can cope with enormous world sizes (over 4 million cells per 1Mb memory), and is
blindingly fast, e.g. 21 million cells per second on a 66MHz 601. The world is
automatically wrapped to provide infinite scrolling in all directions.
ProCreation Life's rules are editable, and there is a split-screen genetic mode.
The Artificial Life game was originally developed by James Conway and is the
basis of hundreds of implementations on every conceivable platform.
Version 1.2 is 30% faster than previous versions, and has other improvements.
ProCreation is distributed as a fat application, and requires System 7. It is
shareware, and may be included on any archive if the entire package is present.
Email Effects, Email Merge, MADE, NameCleaner, ProCreation Life
(c) Sig Software -
[Archived as /info-mac/sci/procreation-life-12.hqx; 122K]
The 'Protractor' is a tool to measure an angle.
It has a semi-transparent view just like a protractor in real world.
Using this tool with some graphics application, you can understand
and study mathematical facts on your computer.
It is not only for an entertainment, but also for an educational
New version 2.0 has got many features to achieve both of them.
[Archived as /info-mac/sci/protractor-20.hqx; 642K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:04:52 -0700
[*] silvser for kaleidoscope.hqx
Enclosed are a bunch of Kaleidoscope schemes I've been working on. Enjoy.
for Christian stuff
for my New Kaleidoscope Schemes
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/silvser.hqx; 413K]
Sim Cinema Deluxe is a simulation of the filmmaking process. In the
game, you're a producer who owns a small production company. You decide
all aspects of the movie: name, genre, directors, cast, crew, and more.
You are given a budget from your distributor, and among other objectives,
you must use it for pre- and post-release advertising. If your film's
gross is high enough, you get a spot on the Top 10 list among the rest
of the season's blockbuster hits.
Updates from 1.0:
* Minor bug fixes.
* Improved interface.
* Fixed certain text problems. (running off some windows)
System Requirements:
PPC or 68k Macintosh
System 7.0.1 or later
Sound Manager 3.0 or later
2 MB of RAM
256 color monitor
For more info on this program please visit my homepage.
Shannon Schroeder, Author
[Archived as /info-mac/game/sim-cinema-deluxe-15.hqx; 1003K]
Open the vodka bay door, HAL. You're a Russian cosmonaut with the
mission of docking your Soyuz capsule with the space station Mir, while
avoiding the scow-loads of space junk. You'll have endless eons of
enjoyment, and best of all: it's FREEWARE.
Requires Macintosh or Macintosh-compatible computer running System 7 or
later, with monitor capable of supporting 16 or more colors. This
software has been tested on, and has been found to be compatible with,
both 68K-based Macintoshes and PowerPC-based Macintoshes.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/simmir-100.hqx; 296K]
DATE : Wed, 10 Sep 1997 05:02:32 -0700
[*] Software & Hardware Tracker II
Software & Hardware Tracker II (September 4th, 1997)
by David-Artur Daix
Software & Hardware Tracker II (Info-Mac directory and reference
"app/software-hardware-tracker.hqx") is a FileMaker Pro 3.0 relational
database which will help you collect, store and organize useful
information (such as registration codes, serial numbers, product notes,
useful adresses as well as phone/fax numbers and URLs for software
authors, companies and distributors, etc.) about all your computer
products (hardware, software and freeware/shareware). Even better, you
can launch URLs directly from inside the database, which will then call
upon the Internet Config system to open them with the proper helper
applications. That means Software & Hardware Tracker II can also be used
as a powerful FMPro based Internet bookmark manager.
Software & Hardware Tracker II is shareware and costs $15 (as always,
upgrades are free for registered users of version 1.x). Registrations are
handled by Kagi Shareware.
Thanks for supporting shareware!
(Software & Hardware Tracker II may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.
It has been checked with SAM 4.5.1)
[Archived as /info-mac/app/software-hdware-tracker-20.hqx; 1608K]
WorldClock CSM 1.2
About This Module
WorldClock CSM is a Control Strip module that displays the current
time of the selected location. You can choose the location from the
popup menu. 18 cities are available now.
System Requirement
MacOS which Control Strip is installed on. MacOS 7.5 or later recommend.
Control Strip Control Panel is included in MacOS.
Changes from 1.1
Compatible with Adobe Type Reunion. No more broken popup menu.
Set drawing color correctly.
Need your own cities ?
Now you can edit them !
Makoto Seki
[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/worldclock-csm-12.hqx; 136K]