Info-Mac Digest Wed, 10 Sep 97 Volume 15 : Issue 194
FROM : TidBITS Editors <>
DATE : Mon, 8 Sep 1997 20:40:10 -0700
[*] TidBITS#396/08-Sep-97
Wondering about Apple's future in a world without Power Computing clones?
Guest writer Matt Deatherage provides detailed analysis and posits that
Apple is afraid to compete. Other news includes Apple plans to retain the
Newton, CompuServe's sale to WorldCom and AOL, and notes on key updates to
RAM Doubler, Conflict Catcher, OneClick, and other programs for Mac OS 8
compatibility. We promise to continue our Successful Shareware series in a
future issue.
Update at OS 8
Apple's Competitive Nature
[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-396.etx; 30K]
I have a PowerBook 3400c (200MHz version) that I have been trying to
connect to a desktop scanner. I have tried with the Umax Astra 600s (two
separate scanners) and the Microtek ScanMaker E3. Each time, some sort
of weird SCSI thing takes place.
In the case of the Umax, the scanners would prescan the bed, but then
when told to scan, would only move the light bar about 1/4 inch, return
to it's original position, than show me the scanned image. The scanned
image was always just a plain white image because the light bar never
moved more than 1/4 inch.
In the case of the Microtek, the software doesn't see the scanner on the
SCSI chain. It does it's own little SCSI check and shows something at
that SCSI id, but instead of putting in information about the device, I
see just a string of small square boxes.
I tried tech support with Umax, Microtek, and Apple. The net result is
that my ear is sore from listening to all the stupid hold music, and
nothing works yet because none of them have a clue.
So, has anyone on Info-Mac ever successfully connected either one of
these devices to a PowerBook 3400c? If so, I would love to talk to you
via email about what I might be doing wrong!
Steven J. Tryon - VP Marketing - New World Media -
FROM : "David P. Baker" <>
DATE : Mon, 08 Sep 1997 13:39:52 -0400
7.5.3 and nt server: vanishing files?
hi. we have macs running 7.5.3 connected to an NT 4.0 server, and the macs
keep losing files from the server: some files will disappear from finder
windows, even though the files are still on the server. they won't come
back until we go to the server directly (or through a pc) and move the
files into another folder. anyone have any info about this, or a solution?
would 8 have any effect on this--is 8 supposed to interact better with NT?
thanks much.
David P. Baker
Director of Engineering Voice: 203.698.0777
StarMedia Network, Inc. Fax: 203.698.1524 Email:
FROM : Thomas Rohde <>
DATE : Tue, 9 Sep 1997 16:57:10 +0200
[Q] MAC-OS - German-localized? International-English?
Dear all,
I have the following problem, and I guess, apart from Mac-OS gurus, my
German collegues might be the best candidates for answering:
living in Germany, purchasing "germanized" machines/OS. Switching my
OS/software to English coz of better availability of updates/patches/etc.
(And my English is better than their German!)
Now, many ppl talk of certain incompatibilities/idiosyncrasies of
machines/non-/localized OS. Esp. it is said that US-English OS won't run,
or give problems, with international machines. ISDN, VIDEO, GEOport,
Please folks, could any of you enlighten me? Currently I'm using the
International English OS, but that takes just as long to come out as does
the German localization. So, I am thinking of switching to US-English,
but I'd like to know about any problems since every switch costs time and
Thanks in advance,
Thomas Rohde, Dorfstrasse 3, 29646 Bispingen / Huetzel, GERMANY
Phone (++49)-5194-6741 office / -6746 private / -6742 FAX
;-) signature updated: September 9, 1997, 16:55:08 q-:
FROM : Andrew Murray <>
DATE : Mon, 8 Sep 97 17:57:24 -0400
[Q] Power Poker - a really good poker game, but i can't find it!
While I was at a friends house in Winnipeg this summer, i found a game
they had on a Nautilus CD (i believe) that was called "Power Poker Demo"
and it was a really great poker game for macintosh, not just some dumb
video poker game, you could actually play real poker against computer
opponents. I looked everywhere on the net and couldn't find it anywhere!
I'd REALLY like to have a copy of this game. If anyone out there has this
game could you please either tell me where you got it, or even stuff and
e-mail me the whole thing. I'd also like know where i can get the full
commercial product from. (is there a web site or something?)
thanks for your help!
Andrew Murray (
please reply directly to my e-mail address (as well as posting to the
list if you wish).
FROM : "B.J. Major" <>
DATE : Tue, 9 Sep 97 12:58:15 -0800
Mac IIcx--which monitor???
I just picked up a Macintosh IIcx in a Goodwill store here for a great
price. Can someone tell me which older Mac monitor can be used with this
model? Thanks in advance.
In article <acarnley-1408971545240001@>,
(Al Carnley) wrote:
>Can 8 be installed on a 6300? If so, how?
Forget the other advice. I had the same problem last night and managed
to solve it with the help of something buried at the Apple web site. Do
the following:
Restart, with CD in drive of course.
Hold down c key until small smiley face appears.
Immediately let go of the c key and hold the shift key down to turn off
It will then work.
Be warned: the install takes over an hour on a 6300. Now if only I can
work out how to connect to my work ppp server... 8^}
Ian Davis
how does one go about making an extension that, say changes the
appearance of the trash-can?
if any of you has such an ability and would like to make an
extension that installs my "Fake-8" 3-D Finder/System icons over
the old 2-D ones, let me know. I'll send you the necessary
private e's only (my news-reader's temporarily broken),
Mark. <>
In response to Al Bloom's recent comments about the lack of lively
discussion on Info-Mac of late ...
I too had been having very similar thoughts. I wondered if it might be an
indication that there just wasn't anything Mac-wise to talk about anymore.
Depressing thought, but maybe...? However, I had a recent experience that
got me thinking in another direction. A couple weeks ago, I tried posting
a message to the digest. Initially I sent it to the address indicated at
the top of each digest for article submissions. It bounced back to me with
an automatic message from a "robot". So I tried another address... To cut
the story short, I sent it four separate times, including once to the
moderator's address that is supposed to be read by a human, but each time
it got bounced by the robot. My posting never did show up in the digest
and I finally gave up.
My submission of this message is therefore an experiment to see if I can
get through! I'm wondering aloud here if there might be some generic
glitch in the digest software that has been inhibiting others besides
myself from submitting. Is it possible that there are teeming masses of
would-be submitters who just can't figure out how to get through? I
suppose the probability of this is sort of small, but I had to mention it
just in case...
- Greg Lyzenga
Gregory A. Lyzenga, Dept. of Physics, Harvey Mudd College
-> <-
FROM : Eric William Burger <>
DATE : Tue, 09 Sep 1997 13:01:17 -0400
What is this group?
I have to admit to the same feeling. I've neither unsubscribed nor killed IM
messages. On the other hand, IM is about the last mail in my inbox I do read.
In the last year, I [anecdotally] receive 3 archive summary digests to 1 Q&A
summary digest.
I actually DO value the archive digest. It's much more efficient *for me* to
get the information in a digest when it's available than browsing the
abstracts [e.g. at MIT Hyper Archive].
Wanting my cake and to eat it, how is this for a proposal: Split off the
discussion vs. archive abstracts. We could do this by either noting in the
Subject line that the digest in question is all-abstract or all-discussion OR
splitting the list itself into two lists (e.g. info-mac-archive and
It seems [again anecdotally] that the moderators have already gone in that
direction: most digests lately (but not this one!) seem to be either
all-abstract or all-discussion.
> Subject: What is this group?
> Date: Sun, 07 Sep 97 19:44:17 EDT
> From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
> Is anyone else as distressed as I at the direction that I-M seems to
> be taking? I-M used to be a community. The digests we get lately seem
> all or mostly postings of software of varying general utility. I dunno
> about y'all, but I don't see much if any utility personally. Or much
> interest personally.
FROM : "Adam C. Engst" <>
DATE : Mon, 8 Sep 1997 09:09:16 -0700
What is this group?
Hey Al,
>Is anyone else as distressed as I at the direction that I-M seems to
>be taking? I-M used to be a community. The digests we get lately seem
>all or mostly postings of software of varying general utility. I dunno
>about y'all, but I don't see much if any utility personally. Or much
>interest personally.
Couple of things. I've noticed of late that the postings have tended toward
the aesthetic. Tons of Kaleidoscope themes, desktop pictures and patterns,
that sort of thing. My suspicion is that this is merely a phase prompted by
Mac OS 8's different visuals. We've seen similar things in the past, I
suspect, with After Dark/Darkside modules and wallpaper PPATs.
Despite that, we've had huge numbers of uploads recently. Michael Bean, our
main archivist, reports that he's uploading about 160 files per week (about
70 MB). Of that, it's roughly split down the middle as far as upgrades
versus new material.
>Last year we saw a new very bright and informed guru join the group. I
>was properly impressed and sent him a note asking where he'd come from.
>He said he'd been hanging around the comp/sys/mac/system newsgroup, but
>it got trivial so he came to I-M. I haven't seen him lately, and I'm not
>much surprised.
The quality of the discussions is of course another issue entirely, and I
worry that it's one that's related more to the changes on the Internet than
the changes in Info-Mac. The delay we've had in moving over to the new
machine may have reduced enthusiasm slightly, and the fact that as a
digest, Info-Mac is by definition slower than a newsgroup may have hurt the
discussion aspect of Info-Mac. However, my feeling is that discussion
groups in general are taking a hit from the growth of the Internet. There
are more novices than ever, and more of the gurus are burning out or
leaving for small private lists.
Combine all those factors, and it may account for the drop in popularity
and thus utility of Info-Mac's content.
>The newsgroup may be mostly trivial, but I'm finding it more interesting
>than I-M. I certainly don't have to subscribe to I-M to access the files
>in its archive. And I'm becoming progressively annoyed with digests that
>are no more than ads for personally useless stuff going into the archive.
>I'm certainly not against the archive. I was one who helped pay for a
>larger I-M HD at Stanford a couple years back.
>I just don't think the archive is all I-M should be about.
This is a discussion we moderators have every now and then. The general
consensus is that we agree with you, that Info-Mac is both the digest and
the archive, but the reality of the matter seems to be that the archive is
unique (most of the other Mac sources of files get their stuff from us,
especially now that UMich seems essentially moribund) whereas the digest is
merely a general Mac discussion forum. There are a number of those, not to
mention the tons of specific Mac discussion groups.
Also note that the archive is what sucks most of our effort as volunteers.
160 files/70 MB a week requires significant attention on a constant basis,
whereas Gordon's moderation of the digest contents doesn't take nearly that
much time. And, we're just moderating for basic acceptability of postings,
not attempting to drive or direct discussions.
We have talked about running Info-Mac as two separate lists - one for the
discussion and one for the archive postings. It would require some work,
but could be done. And then there's the question of if Info-Mac should be a
digest or a normal list (and if it would be way too much for for us if it
were a normal list).
There are plenty of issues here to think about - what do people think
Info-Mac should, in an ideal world, be? (Note that that's not necessarily
what it has been.)
cheers... -Adam
Adam C. Engst, TidBITS Publisher/Info-Mac Moderator -- --
FROM : Dan Frakes <>
DATE : Tue, 9 Sep 97 14:50:50 -0700
What is this group?
"Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU> wrote:
>I'm becoming progressively annoyed with digests that
>are no more than ads for personally useless stuff going into the archive.
Well, there are plenty of other, more informative, mailing lists that
answer questions, act as a "community" etc. for Mac Users. Mac-Info,
IO-MUG, PowerList, MacPCI... I subscribe to all of those, and they
provide infinitely more "information" than Info-Mac.
I know that Allan would like Info-Mac to provide similar resources, and
think it would be great if it did! However, I personally like the archive
info. I _really_ appreciate getting a regular list of new files posted to
the archive, and would not be terribly disapppointed if that's all the
digest was... not because I don't like normal messages, but because
normal messages can be found on any list, but the software archive
updates can _only_ be found here.
Just my opinion, not intended to spark flames ;-)