Info-Mac Digest Sun, 31 Aug 97 Volume 15 : Issue 187

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DATE : Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:20:42 -0700
[*] acDoc 1.2

MacDoc is a powerful tool for creating standard or stand-alone documents
(also called: self-reading, portable or autonomous documents) from
existing documents and with almost any application. A stand-alone
MacDocument can be read and printed without the original application
created from. Therefore, MacDoc is ideal for creating and distributing
any kind of electronic documentation, for archiving, for making a snapshot
from a  web page or just for creating a print preview.

Features MacDoc Writer:
- creating a MacDocument is as easy as printing
- MacDocuments can be created from your favoured application
- a MacDocument can be created from your existing files
- a MacDocument look like the original
- stand-alone MacDocuments can be read and printed without any other
- optionally incl. files e.g. fonts or the original document for archiving
- optionally protect your MacDocument by a password (index, copy, incl.
- creates MacDocument up to 600 dots per inch

Features MacDoc Viewer:
- fast and easy to use
- copy and drag & drop of text with styles or pictures
- creating a hierarchical index with styles is very easy
- printable index
- information about the fonts used in the document
- bookmarks let you mark places in a document with your own labels
- Find text functionality

The Standard MacDocument
A standard MacDocument look like your original document, but has
some addional benefits:
- it can be read and printed with the (license free) MacDoc Viewer.
- The original application is not required.
- a MacDocument contains optional features like an index, bookmarks
  and more.

The Stand Alone MacDocument
The difference between a standard MacDocument and a stand-alone,
self-running MacDocument is the embedded MacDoc Viewer. It's an
"All In  One" package, no other software is necessary to view and
print your document.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/app/mac-doc-12.hqx; 676K]

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DATE : Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:21:02 -0700
[*] Beatnik Plug-in update--version 1.1.7

The Beatnik Plug-in is a driver which manages the playback of RMF and
other audio files within Web browsers. The greatest strengths of the
Beatnik Plug-in are its high fidelity and its potential for
interactivity. The sound quality is comparable to high-end PC wavetable
sound cards even though the processing is entirely
software-based. The potential for interactivity results from Beatnik's
support of a comprehensive set of JavaScript functions, which allow for
a richer and more personalized musical experience than other multimedia
delivery solutions. Beatnik allows a Web page to play music not only on
opening, but also on an event such as a "mouse click" or "mouse over."
These events can also trigger individual notes, sampled voices, or sound
effects; start or stop music; and change tempo, volume, pitch, or mix.
This is revolutionary in that it allows and even encourages direct
musical interactions with Web pages, instead of the current use of the
Internet as a playback-only system.

Special requirements:  none.
Freeware.  Uploaded by the author.

thank you,
Kari Friedman
(415) 373-1155

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/beatnik-plug-in-117.hqx; 2082K]

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DATE : Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:21:01 -0700
[*] C.H.A.T. Demo v2.3

the file will be bin-hexed and called:  C.H.A.T. Demo v2.3 Installer
C.H.A.T. stands for Computerized Home Aphasia Therapy.  It is designed
to run with HyperCard 2.2 or later.  It will not run correctly with
HyperCard Player 2.2 or 2.3  It is a program designed to help with the
continuation of speech therapy for people who suffer from a stroke and
are attempting to regain their motor / vocal skills.  2.7 Megs in size.
This is the Demo version of the 37 Meg complete program.

Mark Hamilton

EEEV (Electric Vehicle Project)

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/chat-demo-23-hc.hqx; 3748K]

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DATE : Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:21:04 -0700
[*] DockMaster (FAT) 1.1J - Japanese Version

This is the Japanese version of the DockMaster package.
New for this version - popup menus for the folder contents of all files and
folders icons. By just holding the mouse down for a while a popup of the
folder and three levels of subfolders will be available. Chossing an item
will open or launch it. If the command key is down a popup of the path will
be shown.

Also you can make user definable actions, such as launch files just with a
key press. You will need to pay the low shareware fee to make the actions

The main features of this application are windows that can optionally float
above other applications, hot keys to hide the windows or to switch to
another app. This is the fast launcher, with many more options than others
added on. Just drag any application, file, folder ..... anything at all
really and it will add it to the launcher module, just click and away you
go. Drag any files on to an application icon and it will launch it.

There are 8 different types of modules:

1. The launcher module - you drag files, applications or folders to this
module and it will then provide an icon that you can click on to open the
file, launch the application or open the folder.
2. Process - This shows the icons of the currently running applications, so
you can drag files so that application will open them. Or click to put that
application in front. Or you quit the application without brining it to the
3. File utility - This provides a set of icons that have a few different
functions for file manipulation and doing batch file changing.
4. Peeker - This is designed to let you drag a file and it will display a
preview depending on the type of file. eg, text, pict, any file with an
inbuilt preview etc.
5. Url address - This is for storing address and letting you launch a
browser with the url. The url's are editable and drag & drop as text.
6. Memory - This shows the current memory usage of all currently running
applications with both progress bars and text figures in kb.
7. Disk Volumes - This shows the volumes and disk usage off all currently
mounted volumes. Using both progress bars and text figures in Mb.
8. Cpu Usage - This shows the relative percentage of cpu usage of all
applications in the last 30 seconds.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/dock-master-11-jp.hqx; 669K]

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DATE : Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:21:00 -0700
[*] Dto-loa 2.0

Dot-loa 2.0 brings powerful new features and enhanced usability to the
Macintosh version of America Online's software.

To very briefly describe its highlight features, with Dot-loa you can:
* Log on to AOL while AOL is running in the background
* Run an "Automatic AOL" session with AOL in the background
* (New to 2.0) Have AOL continue to redial indefinitely until it connects
* (New to 2.0) Precisely schedule Auto-AOL sessions with a variety of options
* (New to 2.0) Run scheduled Auto-AOL sessions with AOL in the background
* (New to 2.0) Have Dot-loa notify you when new e-mail has been retrieved
from AOL

None of these things are possible with the AOL software itself. Normally,
while the AOL software is going through the process of  dialing your modem,
connecting and signing you on, you are "stuck" in AOL. You can't switch to
another application until AOL has completed the connection process. (And this
is often a painfully long time.) Likewise, when AOL runs a scheduled Auto-AOL
session, it begins by "forcing" its way to the front. If you're trying to use
your Mac for something else at that moment, too bad; you'll have to wait for
AOL to finish connecting before you can switch it to the background.

With Dot-loa you don't have to stare endlessly at AOL's useless "progress"
screen, waiting for AOL to connect so you can get on with your life. You can
"Do Other Things" -- working productively in some other application,
blissfully unconcerned about how long it's taking AOL to connect. When AOL
does connect, Dot-loa will notify you with a beep and a flashing icon in the
menu bar. If AOL isn't running when you activate Dot-loa, Dot-loa will launch
it for you.

The new scheduling and e-mail notification features of Dot-loa will be
particularly attractive to those who depend on AOL for their e-mail service.
Dot-loa brings to AOL some of the most useful features of dedicated e-mail
applications such as Eudora. You can set Dot-loa to run Auto-AOL sessions
that check your e-mail at precisely controlled times or intervals, and have
it notify you if new mail has arrived. AOL remains in the background, so you
don't even have to look at AOL, much less have it "take over" your Mac for
some indeterminate length of time, until it has successfully downloaded new
mail for you. Dot-loa can then notify you of the new mail with either a small
floating window, or a flashing icon in the menu bar.

Shareware, $13.00.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/dot-loa-20.hqx; 394K]

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DATE : Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:20:57 -0700
[*] Gecko

Gecko is a handwriting font based on the supposed handwriting of a gaming
character I play.


Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/font/tt/gecko.hqx; 24K]

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DATE : Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:20:48 -0700
[*] Ghent Percussion Font GIF/PS Preview v1.2

Ghent Percussion Font GIF/PS Preview v1.2

is a replacement for

Ghent Percussion Font GIF/PS Preview
(previously submitted on 06/23/96)

Ronald Caltabiano

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/font/ghent-perc-gif-ps-preview.hqx; 151K]

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DATE : Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:20:49 -0700
[*] Ghent Percussion Font PDF Preview v1.2

Ghent Percussion Font PDF Preview v1.2

is a replacement for

Ghent Font PDF Preview
(previously submitted on 06/23/96)

Ronald Caltabiano

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/font/ghent-perc-pdf-preview.hqx; 73K]

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DATE : Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:20:58 -0700
[*] Jeni

Jeni is a font made mf my own messy handwriting.


Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/font/tt/jeni.hqx; 60K]

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DATE : Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:20:47 -0700
[*] Les =?iso-8859-1?Q?Héros?= de la Tour Noire - a game scenario for

The attached file contains "Les Héros de la Tour Noire", a French
language scenario for Sword Dream 3D. This is the scenario we suggest
that players try first. Version 1.0.1, French. Contains release notes.
Requires Dream v2.1 or greater.

Sword Dream 3D is a fantasy adventure gaming system. Old role playing games
had you play over a boring 2D map. In Sword Dream 3D, your surroundings are
in three-D (just like in Marathon, Doom or Descent). Still, this
 isn't a
shoot-em-up videogame: it's a think-first, act-later game.
Sword Dream 3D is a full adventure gaming system, and is endless and
modular by design. Dream allows players to download new adventures and
continue their adventuring inside the new mileu.

Full details on Sword Dream 3D (along with the application itself - in
English, French or Italian) are available at
English and Italian versions of this scenario, along with all other
available scenarios can be downloaded from

The game scenario can be freely redistributed on the Internet, inside
CD-ROMs and via BBSs.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/adv/sd3d-tournoire.hqx; 1346K]

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DATE : Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:20:51 -0700
[*] Rehearsal Font gif/ps prevw.sit

Rehearsal Font is a family of three fonts for generating rehearsal
numbers, letters, and combinations within any of five enclosure shapes
(circle, oval, box, shadow box, drop-shadow box).

The font family contains three fonts allowing you to choose the one most
consistent with your layout:
   Rehearsal Helvetica
   Rehearsal Times
   Rehearsal Simple

This sample package includes a GIF image for on-screen viewing and a
PostScript file of the three fonts.  (A printer utility is required for
sending the PostScript file to the printer.)  Ordering information is
included in a ReadMe file.

A separate PDF preview file for use with Adobe Acrobat may be downloaded
separately.  See "Rehearsal Font pdf prevw.sit."

Rehearsal Font is available for Macintosh and Windows in a TrueType

Information on this and other shareware music fonts can be found at:

Ron Caltabiano

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/font/rehearsal-font-gif-ps-prev.hqx; 100K]

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DATE : Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:20:52 -0700
[*] Rehearsal Font pdf prevw.sit

Rehearsal Font is a family of three fonts for generating rehearsal
numbers, letters, and combinations within any of five enclosure shapes
(circle, oval, box, shadow box, drop-shadow box).

The font family contains three fonts allowing you to choose the one most
consistent with your layout:
   Rehearsal Helvetica
   Rehearsal Times
   Rehearsal Simple

This sample package includes a PDF file of Rehearsal Font which can be
viewed on screen and printed.  An order form is included.

A separate GIF and PostScript preview file for use with a printer utility
may be downloaded separately.  See "Rehearsal Font gif/ps prevw.sit."

Rehearsal Font is available for Macintosh and Windows in a TrueType

Information on this and other shareware music fonts can be found at:

Ron Caltabiano

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/font/rehearsal-font-pdf-prev.hqx; 49K]

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DATE : Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:20:53 -0700
[*] Sicilian Numerals Font GIF/PS Preview 1.2

Sicilian Numerals Font GIF/PS Preview 1.2

is a replacement for

Sicilian Numerals Font (PS)
(previously submitted on 06/19/96)

Ronald Caltabiano

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/font/sicilian-num-gif-ps-prev.hqx; 200K]

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DATE : Sat, 30 Aug 1997 20:20:55 -0700
[*] Sicilian Numerals Font PDF Preview 1.2

Sicilian Numerals Font PDF Preview 1.2

is a replacement for

Sicilian Numerals Font (TT)
(originally submitted on 06/19/96)

Ronald Caltabiano

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/font/sicilian-num-pdf-prev.hqx; 227K]

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