Info-Mac Digest Fri, 29 Aug 97 Volume 15 : Issue 185
DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 08:47:47 -0700
[*] Ares Demo 1.0; a networkable tactical space game
Ares is a action/strategy fusion set in space. The player controls an
individual ship as in traditional space-shooters, but also has the
ability to construct and direct additional ships. It's a little like a
cross between Blizzard's WarCraft and Accolade's StarControl.
Ares has head-to-head network play over LocalTalk or over the internet.
Ares also has a unique dynamic scaling engine, which smoothly changes
from long-range tactical symbols to large colorful sprites for combat --
you have to see it to believe it.
Get the demo and see for yourself why Inside Mac Games said "this game is
going to be hot!"
For more information visit:
To find internet opponents, visit the #ares IRC channel on EFNet (thanks
to The_O), or try:
- 68040 25MhZ or better (accelerated for PowerPC)
- System 7.1, Sound Manager 3.1 (7.5.2 recommended)
- 640x480 Color Display
Additional Networking Requirements:
- NetSprocket (PowerPC version included, 68K coming soon)
- OpenTransport 1.1.2
[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/ares-demo-10.hqx; 3380K]
Bob vs The Aliens! You take control of secret agent Bob. Two years ago an
alien ship attacked earth. We defeated them. Now we hear that some aliens
survived and are building an advanced base underground on earth. You must
defeat the aliens with the help of technology we stole from them last time.
You have an energy gun, and a rather cool suit. Be careful, we believe the
aliens may have humans and all sorts of monsters on their side.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/bob-121.hqx; 698K]
FROM : richwolf@UIC.EDU
DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 08:48:06 -0700
[*] Cohiba 1.0 -- Making Life with NetWare a Little Easier
*Cohiba is a control panel designed to make your life easier if you must
live, as I do, within the bounds of a NetWare universe. Basically, *Cohiba
allows you to log into a Netware Directory Services (NDS) tree during
bootup. "What's so great about that?" you may ask. Well, with *Cohiba
installed you will be able to put aliases of items found on NetWare
fileservers inside your Startup Items folder and have them resolved for you
automatically every time you boot your Mac up!
In fact, *Cohiba has been found to be useful in the following sorts of
1. You (or a client) would like to have NetWare behave more like the way
AppleShare can (i.e., log into a server automatically during bootup).
2. You have a kiosk Macintosh which should log into a NetWare fileserver
without human intervention.
3. A public access lab Macintosh should log into a NetWare fileserver
automatically as part of your administrative schema.
*Cohiba requires that you have the Novell Client for the Macintosh (version
5.1 or greater) already installed on your Macintosh. (The NW Client
Installer is avaiable free from Novell.) *Cohiba's Mac OS requirements are
the same as the NetWare Client for the Macintosh's. *Cohiba must load
after the MacIPX control panel (if you do not change *Cohiba's name, this
will happen automatically).
*Cohiba is nothing-says-thank-you-better-than-beer-ware. If you find
*Cohiba useful, and you would like to let me know in a tangible way, please
send me some of your favorite local, microbrewed beer. It should be sent
Richard K. Wolf
University of Illinois at Chicago
Computer Center (M/C 135)
1940 West Taylor Avenue, Room 124
Chicago, Illinois 60612-7583
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/cohiba-10.hqx; 33K]
Frost-free verse
All those years of hearing Steve Jobs refer to the Mac as an information
appliance must have gotten to me. Here's the result - refrigerator verse
comes to the Macintosh.
Cubes allows uses the metaphor of fridge magnets to allow the user to
create poetry. Clicking on the ice maker delivers a random sprinkling of
words. Drag the words around to make poetry. If you don't need/want a
word, drag it off the screen.
Many words (verbs and prepositions, mostly) can be changed to reflect
different tenses/genders/numbers. Option-click on a word to toggle
through the choices.
Fun, in a oracular sort of way...
Cubes allows you to save your poems, to open poem files, and to play
back an entire folder of poems.
It is a FAT application. It should work on both PPCs and older
Macintoshes, as long as they have a 640x480 (or larger) monitor.
This is version 1.1 -- August 20, 1997 -- first general release.
Charlie McGrath
[Archived as /info-mac/art/cubes.hqx; 1424K]
DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 08:47:57 -0700
[*] Cyberdog Window ID picture
This is a picture that "identifies" almost all of the windows on the "WIND"
resource of the "Cyberdog Editors" file.
I noticed that there wasn't one already: I hope that others find it as
useful as I do.
"Being a Mac user is like being a Navy SEAL: a small, elite group of
people with access to the most sophisticated technology in the world, who
everyone calls on to get the really tough jobs done quickly and
-- Nick Lehmann
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/cyberdog-window-ids.hqx; 26K]
DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 08:47:54 -0700
[*] Deskpop 1.0b5
What does "Deskpop" do?
Deskpop is a Control Strip module which lists all volumes, folders and
files currently on the Mac's desktop.
This is especially useful for the (hopefully short) time the desktop is
Folders are displayed with the underline style.
Volumes (a.k.a. Disks) are displayed with the bold bold+underline style.
The Trash is displayed with the bold style.
Selecting an item from the Deskpop menu will open it.
Holding down the Control+Option keys will reveal it in the Finder.
Holding down the Control+Shift keys will move the selected item to the
If the selected item is a volume, Control+Shift+selecting it will not
affect it at all.
Requires Mac OS 7.1 or better, and scriptable Finder (which is integrated
into Mac OS 7.5 and better, I believe).
For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed.
Reveun Sherwin
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/deskpop-10b5.hqx; 12K]
The Arctic in spring. Beautifully cold.
Image is 832 x 624, millions of colors, and in high-quality JPEG format.
Feel free to resize the image to your liking, but distribute it anywhere in
original format only.
All my images can now also be found on my extremely rudimentary web page at All the images are thumbnailed there, so
you know what you're downloading!
-Peter M. Bukowinski
[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/arctic-spring.hqx; 186K]
Three different orbs arranged over water.
Image is 832 x 624, millions of colors, and in high-quality JPEG format.
Feel free to resize the image to your liking, but distribute it anywhere in
original format only.
All my images can now also be found on my extremely rudimentary web page at All the images are thumbnailed there, so
you know what you're downloading!
-Peter M. Bukowinski
[Archived as /info-mac/art/grf/orbic.hqx; 98K]
DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 08:48:07 -0700
[*] dump-netscape-cache.hqx
This is an AppleScript. It isn't much, but I think it's a worthwhile
one. All this basically does is dumps the Netscape Cache file, which
is filled with virtually useless items from Netscape. It takes you from
your hard drive root directory all the way to the Cache , then puts it
in the trash and deletes it. I set up the memory to 5,000 Kb-at the
time my cache file was 2.3 MB-but if you want to change this to suit
your needs, go into "Get Info" under the "File" menu, and change the
Suggested Size and the Minimum Size.
Web Addresses:
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/ntscp/dump-netscape-cache.hqx; 9K]
Gander Quill is an easy-to-use layout editor for Font Gander 2.0 and
above. If you haven't heard of Font Gander, that's a program which allows
you to view and print fonts without installing them. Font Gander relies on
external layout modules to do its printing. Gander Quill allows anyone to
design and build those modules. It's as easy as a typical draw program.
The layout modules which result from this demo version of Gander Quill will
only print 3 pages at a time, and they expire completely after 15 minutes.
There is no time expiration limit on the application itself.
Requires: System 7 or higher, MacII or higher
Hugh Johnson | "I have gone out to find myself. If I | should return before I get back, hold
(612) 792-0583 | me until I get here." -Anonymous
[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/gander-quill-102-demo.hqx; 130K]
InfoShare is a customer database designed primarely for use in a local
network, although you can use it on a single computer too. With
InfoShare you have access to your customer (or friends
etc) information from every computer in the network. Information
entered on one computer is available at all computers. Simple, easy
and very practical.
InfoShare is shareware.
Kenneth Drycksback
[Archived as /info-mac/data/info-share-20.hqx; 431K]
DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 08:48:10 -0700
[*] Location Manager Desktop Hack v1.0.2
This patch can be used to hack Apple's Location Manager v1.0.2 (included
with MacOS 8) to work on Macs other than PowerBooks. It may or may not work
on previous or future versions.
It works by removing the 'lner' resources from the Location Manager's
Control Panel, Extension, and Control Strip Module. These resources
regulate the software to run only on certain machines.
To use, simply run a normal installation of Apple's Location Manager. After
restarting with extensions off, run this patch and follow the dialog boxes
to apply the hack. Restart again. That's it!
Use of this patcher is completely at your own risk. I accept no
responsibility for what may result from using this patch or running the
Location Manager on machines it was not designed for. I'm fairly certain
that Apple and the author of ResCompare feel the same.
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/location-manager-desktop.hqx; 37K]
Lord Of The LAN V.1.0b1 - Lab Management database
Lord Of The LAN is a set of relational FileMaker Pro database templates
that are useful in in computer lab for administration purposes. It
helps in organizing the data of all those users, accounts, passwords, IP
addresses, network adapter hardware IDs, configurations, etc. A
must-have for every lab administrator!
Claris FileMaker Pro V.3 for Mac or Windows (the included files are Mac,
but can be used without difficulty with the Windows version as well)
Lord Of The LAN is shareware, it's not free. The version distributed is
restricted in use, i.e. you can only add up to 5 users / 5 computers / 5
network data sets, respectively.
If you find it useful, the price is
US$ 15
or the equivalent in any major curency
Version information:
This is "beta" in that it's still got a few "ja" and "nein" instead of
"yes" and "no"... A fully de-germanized version will follow soon. Also,
there are some more possible LAN setups I have to take into account.
And... there is no documentation at that point!!! I'll do that as soon
as possible, but then, the templates are quite self-explanatory for
people who have already dealt with piles of paper, trying to get their
LAN job worked out.
Harald Rauser
[Archived as /info-mac/data/lord-of-the-lan-10b1.hqx; 106K]
This is the newest version (1.5) of a german database for managing your
stocks. It requires Filemaker Pro 3.x.
Meine Boerse entstand aus dem Beduerfnis, beim Kauf und Verkauf von
Aktien den Ueberblick ueber die anfallenden Gebuehren (Provision,
Mindestgebuehren, Grundgebuehren, Courtage, Depotgebuehren) zu bekommen.
Meine Boerse ist eine spezielle Depotverwaltungs-Software fuer
Boersen-Neulinge und Privat-Anleger, die anzeigt, wann Sie eine Aktie
tatsaechlich - nach Abzug aller Gebuehren - mit Gewinn verkaufen
Benoetigt Filemaker Pro 3.x !!!
Autor: Arne Wiehe
Sharewaregebuehr: DM 40,-
Aenderungen seit Version 1.4:
- bis zu 5 Depots mit individuellen Einstellungen moeglich
- Aktienwert zeigte bei Sortierung nach Namen falschen Wert
- "Passwort aendern"-Script,
- einige gesperrte Menuebefehle durch Buttons ersetzt
- "Handeingabe"-Script fuer Kursaktualisierung
- Aktien-Splitting
- Import von Kusdateien per AppleScript
- Shareware-Einschraenkungen herausgenommen->Nur noch entsprechender Hinweis
[Archived as /info-mac/data/meine-borse-15.hqx; 1295K]
ProcessMenu Contextual Menu Manager (CMM) Plugin
george (ty) tempel,
If you decide to keep this utility, please send
$1.00 to the address found at the bottom of this
document. Come on, just a dollar!
The software is also available directly from my website
Mac OS 8.0, the Contextual Menu Manager extension,
and the SOMobjects for Mac OS shared library. Sorry,
but ProcessMenu is a PowerPC-only utility.
It works here at home on my PowerMac 7500/100 (604/150),
as well as on my PowerMac 8100/80 at work. I'm going
to leave the "beta" designation on it for a bit
since I'm open to suggestions.
Feel free to contact me, or check my website for
more information.
george (ty) tempel
65 West George Street
Freehold, NJ
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/process-menu-cmm-10b2.hqx; 8K]
Take control of one of six (of more with cheats) star ships. Battle each of
the others in one on one combat. But be careful of the space station.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/star-fighters-141.hqx; 680K]
To celebrate the cancellation of my service with America Online, here is
a small collection of tools that enhance the AOL software. AOL 2.7 Tools
includes AutoOpen, Big Board, and Recent Places. These tools have been
tested extensively and are very stable, though some of the features may
not work as expected in the future as America Online modifies and
expands its system. To install these tools, place them in the "Online
Tools" folder that is located directly inside your "America Online 2.7"
folder. If the America Online application is running, it will need to be
relaunched in order for you to use the tools. These tools work only with
versions 2.5.1 through 2.7 of the AOL software. They do not work with
AOL 3.0 or later.
The tools:
When AutoOpen is installed and set up, you are automatically taken to a
preset keyword each time you log onto the service.
To set up your AutoOpen keyword, select "Preferences" from the "Members"
menu and choose "AutoOpen" from the preferences selection.
Big Board is a tool from the old, wonderful days of eWorld. In essence,
Big Board is the predecessor of AOL's "Buddy List" service.
When Big Board is installed, you can keep track of other AOL users that
are logged onto the service. To use Big Board, select the "Big Board"
menu item from the "Members" menu.
The Big Board interface is self-explanatory.
At the time of this writing, Big Board seems to work only if the Big
Board window is open. Also, Big Board's features are slowly being phased
one by one as AOL adds different functions to the service
Recent Places adds a new "Places" menu to the AOL menu bar. As you
navigate through the service, Recent Places keeps a log of everywhere you
go, and if at any time you want to go back to a specific area, you can
find the area's name in the "Recent Places" submenu of the Places menu.
Recent Places also has a customizable menu, in which you can add your
favorite areas to an easy to access submenu. Unfortunately, Recent Places
is rumored to have been originally brought over to AOL from eWorld, and
its menu customization feature doesn't work very well with the AOL
An Important Note:
There is no support for these tools, not from me and not from America
Online (you could try but you would probably be asked not to use
"unauthorized software"). I've found these useful tools to be very
stable and used them the entire length of time I was an AOL member, but
I'm not in a position to support them. If you use these tools you're on
your own! That said, I hope you get as good a use out of these tools as
I have. Enjoy!
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/aol-27-tools.hqx; 35K]
Swap 'em Over, the latest release from Sevensquare, is a puzzle game,
featuring the thing many other puzzle games lack - nice graphics, theme
music, and best of all - a real original game, not just another clone of
something released 10 years ago. More info at our homepage,
System requirements:
* Power Macintosh with at least 2 MB of free RAM
* Display capable of showing 256 colors in 640x480 pixels or larger
* 1 MB of free hard drive space
Claes Jacobsson, Sevensquare
<-- end snip -->
Claes Jacobsson, Sevensquare
[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/swap-em-over-15.hqx; 756K]
The Eraser 2.1.0 - is an useful application for erasing files, folders,
disks. The Eraser performs security deletions, by using a sophisticated
procedure. It lets you customize many details of its "security" job,
making impracticable the files recovery by whatever utilities. The
Eraser can also perform simple deletions, allowing the files recovery by
appropriate utilities. You can even customize the simple deletion.
Working on disks The Eraser performs a complete deletion of
hard/floppy/removable disk catalog (on floppies it skips the
initializing/verifying process reducing considerably the waiting time).
The Eraser returns a lot of informations while is working and allows to
stop its performance at any time, moreover works fine and fast in
background, deleting large groups of items. The Eraser is Drag Manager
and Internet Config aware. It requires at least System 7 to run. The
Eraser 2.1.0 package contains both 68K and PowerPc versions.
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/the-eraser-210.hqx; 182K]
DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 08:47:59 -0700
[*] Visual Balloons DR3
Visual Balloons(tm) for PowerPlant(tm)
Written by Andreas Pizsa <>
Copyright (C) 1997 Tools & Toys(tm)
All rights reserved.
Developer Release 3
August 21st, 1997
[Archive Keywords: Development Tools, Libraries, Metrowerks, CodeWarrior,
PowerPlant, Balloon Help]
About Visual Balloons
Visual Balloons(tm) is the coolest way to add Balloon Help to your PowerPlant
projects (really! *:o). With Visual Balloons, you simply drag a help balloon
from the PowerPlant Catalog window to any of your PowerPlant Panes, add no
more than two lines of code to your application, and Visual Balloons does the
rest! No subclassing, no code modifications, just add your balloons!
+ only two additional lines of code to write
+ Seamless integration with PowerPlant Constructor
+ Easy to use through Drag & Drop
+ supports PICT-Balloons, styled text, "embedded" strings, 'STR ' and 'STR#'
+ Small, efficient library (less than 10K)
+ Accelerated for PowerPC
+ compatible with 680x0 Macs
+ Mac First, Mac Only, Mac Forever
System Requirements
For development, you'll need CodeWarrior and PowerPlant Constructor 2.4 or
Visual Balloons will work on any computer that has System 7 or later
installed. Visual Balloons disables itself automatically when running on a
pre-System 7 computer.
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/visual-balloons-dr3.hqx; 286K]
Window Monkey adds background pictures or textures to any window in the
Finder. You can color-code your windows to see at a glance what they
contain, or use wild patterns just for fun.
It's useful, too: you can use the handy Window Monkey menu to quickly go
to any window in any application, even if it's buried beneath many other
windows. Window Monkey also remembers recently used folders and lets you
instantly jump to any open or recently used folder from an Open or Save
dialog box.
35 background patterns are included, and you can add as many as you wish
by simply pasting pictures into the control panel. Window Monkey is
completely compatible with Mac OS 8 and other utilities such as
Version 1.2.2 includes fixes for conflicts with PopupFolder and the
Japanese version of the Mac OS, cosmetic improvements for
multiple-monitor computers, and other small improvements. The update is
completely free to registered users.
Robert L Mathews, Tiger Technologies <>
[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/window-monkey-122.hqx; 492K]
This is a bug fix release to version 2.0 of Word Search
Fixed the bug which substituted "coded font 1" for "coded font 2" when
"Word Search" creates word searches (now there's a surprise!) and has the
following features:-
Create square searches from 8 X 8 up to 32 X 32 and in any user defined
shape on a 32 X 32 matrix.
Up to 100 words can be inserted into each word search (depending, of
course, on size of the search and the length of the words)
Use any font and size (from 9 point up to 30 point) for the words and the
word search in the printed output.
Words can be placed in the word search to read in eight possible
directions. The user has full control over which directions are used.
The user has full control over
spacing of the letters of the word search in the printed output.
spacing between the rows of words in the printed output.
the title at the top of the printed output page.
the instruction text on the printed output.
Words can be printed in a coded form with a key to allow the user to
decode them.
Words can be printed in scrambled form (anagrams).
A cheat sheet may be printed showing the position of the words in the
grid and the direction in which they are read.
The words and word search may be exported for inserting into a word
System Requirements :- Any AppleMac running under System 7 or greater and
having a minimum display of 640 x 480 pixels
For more information, please read the Read Me file.
[Archived as /info-mac/edu/word-search-201.hqx; 542K]
ZipIt is a Macintosh program to zip and unzip files. It can be used in
much the same way as other popular Macintosh compression programs are
used, such as Bill Goodman's Compact Pro. Documentation is provided in
stand-alone format, so if you have problems using ZipIt, please refer to
the documentation. (Note that there are multiple sections in the
documentation. You may switch sections by choosing the appropriate
chapter from the Chapter menu.) You may also contact me. Refer to the
bottom of this document for my contact information.
You can automatically decompress an archive by dragging it onto ZipIt
and then holding down the option key. Alternatively, if the archive is a
ZipIt document, you can double-click on it and then hold down the option
key. The ZipIt drop box, included in the Goodies folder, will
automatically compress files. You must hav AppleScript installed.
However, the drop box is not a supported product, so you are on your own
if you discover bugs in it (unless the bugs are in ZipIt itself).
[Archived as /info-mac/cmp/zip-it-137.hqx; 611K]