Info-Mac Digest Thu, 28 Aug 97 Volume 15 : Issue 183

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:19 -0700
[*] "3coll2rev": a Kaleidoscope Color Scheme + 2 dt-textures,

A submission for the Macintosch software-archive. "3coll2rev" is a Color
Scheme for the Kaleidoscope (interface) Control Panel. It's an update
for "3coll2". More 'smoothed' colorscales in windows, buttons, lines and
scrollbars. Included 2 desktoptextures.

Works fine with Kaleidoscope 1.6 and MacOS-system 7.1 (and up?) on a LC475.
Viruschecked with Disinfectant 3.7.1

Rene van den Berg.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/3-coll-2-rev.hqx; 106K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:22 -0700
[*] "Styles" Elegance Argent color scheme for Kaleidoscope

This is a separate release of Elegance Argent, an updated and corrected
midnight blue and silver version of one of the schemes in my Elegance
set, with custom folders and trash.  I have also included desktop
textures.  Compressed by BinHex.

Janet Parris

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/elegance-argent.hqx; 165K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:23 -0700
[*] "Styles" Greek Key color scheme for Kaleidoscope

This separate release of Greek Key, a part of the Patterns color scheme
set, has been updated and tweaked in the buttons and menu/menubar
resources.  It includes custom default folders and trash, and I have also
included desktop textures which were not available in earlier versions.
Compressed by BinHex.

Janet Parris

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/greek-key.hqx; 182K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:11 -0700
[*] Aaron Light 1.1

Aaron Light 1.1 -- 21 August 1997 -- Shareware Fee: $5
by Greg Landweber (coauthor of Aaron, Kaleidoscope)

Aaron Light is an extension that makes Mac OS 8 look more like
Mac OS 8! It patches the progress bars, floating windows, dialog
box backgrounds, and menu glitches in third party applications
that are not yet Appearance-savvy to help them conform to the
Mac OS 8 Platinum interface. It also substitutes Espi Sans Bold 10
for Chicago 12, since many people prefer Espi as the system font.

Free for registered users of Aaron; $5 shareware for everyone else.

-- Greg Landweber

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/aaron-light-11.hqx; 101K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 08:47:07 -0700
[*] Aaron Light 1.1

Aaron Light 1.1 -- 21 August 1997 -- Shareware Fee: $5
by Greg Landweber (coauthor of Aaron, Kaleidoscope)

Aaron Light is an extension that makes Mac OS 8 look more like
Mac OS 8! It patches the progress bars, floating windows, dialog
box backgrounds, and menu glitches in third party applications
that are not yet Appearance-savvy to help them conform to the
Mac OS 8 Platinum interface. It also substitutes Espi Sans Bold 10
for Chicago 12, since many people prefer Espi as the system font.

Free for registered users of Aaron; $5 shareware for everyone else.

-- Greg Landweber

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/aaron-light-11.hqx; 101K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:39 -0700
[*] AchtungSpitfire.sit

Achtung Spitfire DEMO
Copyright ©1997 Big Time Software, Inc.

developed by BIG TIME SOFTWARE

Full program version available in software stores by late
August 1997!  It's a "hybrid" CD-ROM that contains
versions for Macintosh, Windows 95, and Windows 3.1 all
on one disc.

Please check the Big Time website for more information, software
updates, and more!

Achtung Spitfire is a turn-based strategy game of air combat over
western Europe during the first half of World War Two, 1939-1943, with
special emphasis on the classic Battle of Britain in 1940. You can fight
single air battles, fly historical missions, or serve an entire tour of
duty (tours of duty are disabled in the demo). Take command of one
fighter in a dogfight or a whole squadron of front-line airplanes
through the early years of the war. All of the pilots and airplanes
under your command have unique skills and characteristics that affect
how they fly in combat. In the campaign, you select the pilots and
weapons and make coordinated battle plans. You choose the tactical
maneuvers in swirling dogfights. This is not a flight simulator—you do
not need fast reflexes with a joystick. All you need is tactical smarts.
Note: Windows 95 users should turn off their "task bar" because it will
obscure parts of the game window.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/achtung-spitfire.hqx; 15635K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:55 -0700
[*] Ares Demo 1.0; a networkable tactical space game

Ares is a action/strategy fusion set in space. The player controls an
individual ship as in traditional space-shooters, but also has the
ability to construct and direct additional ships. It's a little like a
cross between Blizzard's WarCraft and Accolade's StarControl.

Ares has head-to-head network play over LocalTalk or over the internet.

Ares also has a unique dynamic scaling engine, which smoothly changes
from long-range tactical symbols to large colorful sprites for combat --
you have to see it to believe it.

Get the demo and see for yourself why Inside Mac Games said "this game is
going to be hot!"

For more information visit:

To find internet opponents, visit the #ares IRC channel on EFNet (thanks
to The_O), or try:

- 68040 25MhZ or better (accelerated for PowerPC)
- System 7.1, Sound Manager 3.1 (7.5.2 recommended)
- 640x480 Color Display

Additional Networking Requirements:
- NetSprocket (PowerPC version included, 68K coming soon)
- OpenTransport 1.1.2

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/ares-demo-10.hqx; 3380K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:40 -0700
[*] Blit 2

Blit 2! is an animated puzzle game.  You try to drag pieces of the puzzle
back into the right positions before the timer runs out.  Not a simple
computerized jigsaw, Blit 2! features animated puzzles, with objects
(bouncing balls, swimming fish, buzzing bees, etc.) that move around the
puzzle background continuosly while you are working to solve it.  Many of
the levels require you to watch the objects move through different pieces
to figure out where they go.

The free trial version of Blit 2! has 10 levels, while the registered
version ($15) has 21 total levels.

Blit 2! is the sequel to the puzzle game release by Maverick Software
back in 1992.  The updated version features new graphics, more levels,
more features (clear high scores, jump to any level, skill levels, etc.),
PowerPC support, and has been updated to work with Mac OS 8.

Requirements: PowerPC or 68K Mac (68040 recommended), System 7.0 or
later, 2 megs of free RAM.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/blit-2.hqx; 904K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:56 -0700
[*] Bob 121

Bob vs The Aliens! You take control of secret agent Bob. Two years ago an
alien ship attacked earth. We defeated them. Now we hear that some aliens
survived and are building an advanced base underground on earth. You must
defeat the aliens with the help of technology we stole from them last time.
You have an energy gun, and a rather cool suit. Be careful, we believe the
aliens may have humans and all sorts of monsters on their side.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/bob-121.hqx; 698K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:48:04 -0700
[*] Cyberdog Window ID picture

This is a picture that "identifies" almost all of the windows on the "WIND"
resource of the "Cyberdog Editors" file.

I noticed that there wasn't one already: I hope that others find it as
useful as I do.


"Being a Mac user is like being a Navy SEAL: a small, elite group of
people with access to the most sophisticated technology in the world, who
everyone calls on to get the really tough jobs done quickly and
-- Nick Lehmann

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/dev/cyberdog-window-ids.hqx; 26K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:48:02 -0700
[*] Deskpop 1.0b5

What does "Deskpop" do?
Deskpop is a Control Strip module which lists all volumes, folders and
files currently on the Mac's desktop.
This is especially useful for the (hopefully short) time the desktop is
Folders are displayed with the underline style.
Volumes (a.k.a. Disks) are displayed with the bold bold+underline style.
The Trash is displayed with the bold style.

Selecting an item from the Deskpop menu will open it.
Holding down the Control+Option keys will reveal it in the Finder.
Holding down the Control+Shift keys will move the selected item to the
If the selected item is a volume, Control+Shift+selecting it will not
affect it at all.

Requires Mac OS 7.1 or better, and scriptable Finder (which is integrated
into Mac OS 7.5 and better, I believe).

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed.

Reveun Sherwin

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/deskpop-10b5.hqx; 12K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:14 -0700
[*] desktop-pictures-galore

Desktop Pictures Galore - This set is used with MacOS 8! You cannot use
this set with an earlier OS... Nor can you use the "Desktop Pictures"
control panel on a prior OS. You CAN use these pictures with utilities
such as Decor, etc. Put these patterns anywhere you wish. Open your
"Desktop Pictures" control panel (MacOS 8) and use the "Select Picture"
button to install the picture of your choice on the desktop. Set the
chosen picture, and you're done!

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/desktop-pictures-galore.hqx; 2188K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 08:47:10 -0700
[*] desktop-pictures-galore

Desktop Pictures Galore - This set is used with MacOS 8! You cannot use
this set with an earlier OS... Nor can you use the "Desktop Pictures"
control panel on a prior OS. You CAN use these pictures with utilities
such as Decor, etc. Put these patterns anywhere you wish. Open your
"Desktop Pictures" control panel (MacOS 8) and use the "Select Picture"
button to install the picture of your choice on the desktop. Set the
chosen picture, and you're done!

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/desktop-pictures-galore.hqx; 2188K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:42 -0700
[*] EuroHist10

ake a trip back through the mists of time to faraway lands and
strange places!  Play the challenging and educational "EuroHist!®"
game for the Macintosh.  Point and click, arcade style, graphics-
intensive game.  Learn the history of Europe, and have fun at the
same time!

68000 series and Power PC
System 7.x or later
2 MB free RAM

By Torpedo Software®


Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/eurhist-10.hqx; 269K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:25 -0700
[*] Fake-8: redemption for '030 users!!!


If you've taken a look at the screenshot yet, you've probbly been under
the wrongful assumption that you were looking at, without a doubt, a
brand spanking new Mac OS 8 desktop.  I mean, look ath the 3-D Finder
icon in the menu bar... how can it not be OS 8?

In reality, you are looking at a System 7.5.5 desktop.  I've enclosed are
a few Apple-original OS 8 icons which I painstakingly extracted from a
few Mac OS 8 demos/screenshots.  Both the "Internet" and "Mail" icons can
be easily pasted onto an alias of your favorite browser and mail program.
 The "3-D Finder" icon, with a little ResEdit-ing of your System 7 Finder
and System files, can be pasted into their icon resources.   I've been
running my system for about two weeks now with no glitches since I
applied the patches, but you can never be too careful with ResEdit.  If
you DO decide to patch your system with the "3-D Finder" icon, do so at
your own (however minimal) risk.  I accept NO responsibility from damage
that may occur to a patched Finder/System files.

In order to get what Apple's calling it's new "platinum" appearance,
download (and REGISTER) Greg Landweber's Kaleidoscope/Aaron*.  Marc
Moini's Smart Scroll* blesses you with active, proportionally-thumbed (a
feature Apple doesn't plan to implement until the first Rhapsody-release)
scrolling.  If you were excited about the prospect of displaying an
entire picture across your desktop, Decor 3.0.4* will do the trick, but
if you're attached to your desktop patterns, expand your collection by
downloading TableCloths 2.0 (created by, uhm, me)...
*available at this site

If, after registering all of the great programs mentioned above, you've
still got some money burning a hole in your pocket, Speed Doubler by
Connectix ( allows multitasked copying/deleting,
and, if you download the FREE trial of Now Utilities 6.7
( you will (at least until you register, and
you WILL register) have the ability to create TABBED windows, all without
the system software that we were all denied.

Good luck, have fun, and remember you don't need  OS 8...

the icons/desktop pattern in this collection is the property of Apple
Computers, Inc.  All other software mentioned in this literature is the
property of respective owners.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/fake-8.hqx; 68K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:59 -0700
[*] Gander Quill 1.0.2 DEMO

Gander Quill is an easy-to-use layout editor for Font Gander 2.0 and
above. If you haven't heard of Font Gander, that's a program which allows
you to view and print fonts without installing them. Font Gander relies on
external layout modules to do its printing. Gander Quill allows anyone to
design and build those modules. It's as easy as a typical draw program.

The layout modules which result from this demo version of Gander Quill will
only print 3 pages at a time, and they expire completely after 15 minutes.
There is no time expiration limit on the application itself.

Requires: System 7 or higher, MacII or higher

  Hugh Johnson                  |    "I have gone out to find myself. If I        |    should return before I get back, hold
  (612) 792-0583                |    me until I get here."      -Anonymous

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/gander-quill-102-demo.hqx; 130K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:29 -0700
[*] GIF Utility Pack 1.0b2

Announcing the beta release of the GIF Utility Pack!

The GIF Utility Pack is a friendly, powerful set of 3 drag and drop
utility programs for optimizing, analyzing, and previewing animated GIFs
or static GIF images. These utilities allow users to easily optimize
their GIFs or animated GIFs to maximize the speed and performance of
animations, while minimizing load times and maintaining compatibility
with all popular Web browsers.

GIFBatcher 1.0b2:
Reduce your GIF files to the smallest possible size with our state of the
art Web Smart GIF compression algorithms. Set a variety of options
including, but not limited to: color palette, background color, comment,
compression level, interlacing, and loop count. Get a Batch off with

GiffyView 1.0:
Make yourself aware of download times. The most glorious animation may be
large enough so that most users move on instead of waiting for it to
load. Set the transfer speed and watch your animations download in
'virtual time'. You're shown percentage downloaded, total load time, and

GIF Analyzer 1.0b2:
Everything that can be set for a GIF animation file or individual frame
can be viewed with this utility. This tool should delight any technical
person out there in the breadth of information it provides.

System Requirements:
* Power Macintosh or Macintosh with 68030 processor or higher
* 4 MB of RAM or more
* System 7.0 or higher
* 256 Color Monitor or greater
* QuickTime 2.5 or greater version

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit
our Web page: <>

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/gif-utility-pack-10b2.hqx; 1111K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:43 -0700
[*] Hail! 0.77

This game is still in beta version and probably has various bugs but I
still think it's better than most arcade games and very original.
To win you avoid falling blocks and climb the growing piles of blocks to
the top.

This is the first game I wrote on the Mac.
I have put off posting this game for almost two years now.
I originally wrote it on a Mac Plus which had recently
gone defunct.  I made a few cosmetic changes and
now it doesn't run superfast on faster machines.
Anyway there are still some bugs that I don't know how
to fix.  I don't even know what causes them.  They are
relatively minor, though.

This game seriously slows down the computer.
I haven't a clue why it should do this.  I would
suggest quitting after you are done playing so
that you don't end up wondering why the computer
seems so sluggish.  Even when it's in the background
it somehow slows down the computer...

Anyway, it doesn't slow down the computer when
it's not running.  It's also not very big.  Personally
I still like this program more than a lot of action
games on the Mac...  But I'm not going to be non-biased.
I don't really like action-games that much...

At any rate, I would have modified some minor mistakes
except that I'm too lazy to correct a few simple problems
with ResEdit- I don't feel like downloading it at the moment.
In case you're wondering, Phil Arahp is a name I made up.
Don't ask me why.  People do stupid things when they program
at three o'clock in the morning...

In case you do want to e-mail me...  That's probably one
mistake I should fix, but I won't bother...  If you really
don't care about sending me e-mail, then you probably
wouldn't be reading this anyway...  My address is (at least
until I graduate which should be ~1996, I guess.)

Ken Iwasa
Tuesday 2 November 1993

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/hail-077.hqx; 17K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:31 -0700
[*] JPEG Transmogrifier

JPEG Transmogrifier was the first ever utility for the Macintosh to
convert several different image formats to progressive JPEG. Progressive
JPEGs have recently leapt to the forefront as the premiere solution for
on-line graphics, such as those used on the World Wide Web.

The Transmogrifier is a FAT binary and will run on both PowerPC and 68K

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/jpeg-transmogrifier.hqx; 213K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:37 -0700
[*] JPEGiT! for Macintosh

JPEGiT! for Macintosh is an Adobe Photoshop plug-in enables you to
output and read progressive JPEGs from the most popular and powerful
graphics programs.

The plug-in is a FAT binary and will run on both PowerPC and 68K
Macintoshes.  The plug-in works with Adobe Photoshop version 3.0+ and
other graphic programs which support Photoshop file format filters.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/pshp/jpeg-it.hqx; 219K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:45 -0700
[*] Lenny and Rita [HyperCard interactive adventure

Lenny and Rita is an interactive adventure, featuring a private detective in
LA, doing what fictional LA detectives do best: looking for a hot cookie of a
damsel in distress. It's fun, in color, with some good sound effects, and a
slightly crooked storyline. Recently featured as the Freeware Fink of the Week
on the award-winning Mac Fink site. This is version 1.2, now distributed as a
stack to ease downloading.

System requirements:

Color Macintosh
System 7 or greater
HyperCard Player 2.1 or greater (with 2MB memory partition set in the Finder)
2MB application RAM
4.1MB disk space


Karl Dolenc

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/lenny-and-rita-hc.hqx; 2450K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:32 -0700
[*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04b (68k)--Killer Vector Graphics for the W

LightningDraw/WEB is the innovative, Mac-only product for creating killer
vector graphics for the web! Apply special effects such as
Photoshop-style transparency to your existing graphics and clip art, or
easily create stunning new graphics. Rotate text to any angle, or even
edit text in perspective, Star Wars-style--and in any language supported
by the Mac OS. LightningDraw's powerful, natural drawing tools such as
the Reshaper, make it "a great addition to any Macintosh Web artist's
software collection," says InfoWorld.

Save your web-ready art as GIFs, JPEGs, PICTs or as QuickTime 3 vector
media. LightningDraw gives you a head start on QuickTime 3 graphics with
direct support for the fast-downloading, new QuickTime vector format
ideally suited for the web.

LightningDraw/WEB purchasers receive a comprehensive electronic manual,
free unlimited technical support, automatic notification of product
updates and special discounts on other Lari products.

LightningDraw/WEB's Export as QuickTime 3.0 command will be activated
when QuickTime 3.0 ships. Until then, users can save in any of the other
formats supported.

Visit <> for information, updates, and a
gallery of artwork created with LightningDraw/WEB.

LightningDraw/WEB requires Mac OS 7.5 or later.

This package should replace LightningDraw/WEB 1.0.4a (68k),

     -Stephen Sample
      Technical Support
      Lari Software Inc.

      Stephen Sample
      Lari Software Technical Support

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/lightningdraw-web-104b-68k.hqx; 5109K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:33 -0700
[*] LightningDraw/WEB 1.04b (PPC)--Killer Vector Graphics

LightningDraw/WEB is the innovative, Mac-only product for creating killer
vector graphics for the web! Apply special effects such as
Photoshop-style transparency to your existing graphics and clip art, or
easily create stunning new graphics. Rotate text to any angle, or even
edit text in perspective, Star Wars-style--and in any language supported
by the Mac OS. LightningDraw's powerful, natural drawing tools such as
the Reshaper, make it "a great addition to any Macintosh Web artist's
software collection," says InfoWorld.

Save your web-ready art as GIFs, JPEGs, PICTs or as QuickTime 3 vector
media. LightningDraw gives you a head start on QuickTime 3 graphics with
direct support for the fast-downloading, new QuickTime vector format
ideally suited for the web.

LightningDraw/WEB purchasers receive a comprehensive electronic manual,
free unlimited technical support, automatic notification of product
updates and special discounts on other Lari products.

LightningDraw/WEB's Export as QuickTime 3.0 command will be activated
when QuickTime 3.0 ships. Until then, users can save in any of the other
formats supported.

Visit <> for information, updates, and a
gallery of artwork created with LightningDraw/WEB.

LightningDraw/WEB requires Mac OS 7.5 or later.

This package should replace LightningDraw/WEB 1.0.4a (PPC),

     -Stephen Sample
      Technical Support
      Lari Software Inc.

      Stephen Sample
      Lari Software Technical Support

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/lightningdraw-web-104b-ppc.hqx; 5168K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:09 -0700
[*] LinProPPC

This is LinPro for Macintosh 1.1, a linear programming optimizer using
the simplex algorithm. You can optimize linear models up to 100
variables and a 100 constraints. The model is typed in a text-based
window then results appear in another window. Easy to use. Intended for
students in Operations Research, Maths, Business, Operations Management.

This is a shareware program. The archive cannot be distributed without
permission of its author.

System requirements: PowerMacintosh, system 7.5 or later, 2.5M of Ram.

A 68k version is available upon request.

Patrick Lyonnais

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/sci/lin-pro-11-ppc.hqx; 196K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 08:47:04 -0700
[*] LinProPPC

This is LinPro for Macintosh 1.1, a linear programming optimizer using
the simplex algorithm. You can optimize linear models up to 100
variables and a 100 constraints. The model is typed in a text-based
window then results appear in another window. Easy to use. Intended for
students in Operations Research, Maths, Business, Operations Management.

This is a shareware program. The archive cannot be distributed without
permission of its author.

System requirements: PowerMacintosh, system 7.5 or later, 2.5M of Ram.

A 68k version is available upon request.

Patrick Lyonnais

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/sci/lin-pro-11-ppc.hqx; 196K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:46 -0700
[*] Mac QB Office Pool Manager

The Mac QB Office Pool Manager is a highly acclaimed application that
will run your office pool for you, saving you hours of tedious work. It
prints a weekly players Entry Form, a pre-game Master spread sheet with
all the players picks, and a post game Master spread sheet, showing how
each player did, who won, the payoff, etc.. It also tracks the player
standings and player account records.  It can also create complete Web
pages so you can run your pool on the Internet. File contains Mac QB
Office Pool 3.0.3S, manual, starter files, and step by step instructions
for setting up your pool and pool Web pages.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/mac-qb-pool-manager-303.hqx; 607K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:28 -0700
[*] MovieCD Player 1.0

If you have a PowerMac with QuickTime version 2.5 and the QuickTime MPEG
extension, you can play full length movies on your Mac using this

MovieCD Player knows the format of both CD-i and VideoCD disks. Just
launch the application and insert a movie CD.

MovieCD Player features:

  o - fast forward
  o - slow motion
  o - reverse playback
  o - skip ahead 1 minute
  o - skip back 1 minute
  o - volume up/down
  o - pause
  o - elapsed time and frame rate

When you quit the application, it will even remember where you left off,
a great feature for plane flights!

All functions are controlled via the keyboard, although not the best
Macintosh interface, it works great for movie presentation.

I have tested MovieCD Player on a PB1400/183 and a PowerMac 9500 180/MP.
On the powerbook I get about 7 frames a second, on the 9500 I get around

Search the web for places to purchase the videos, I bought mine at:


This software is e-mail ware, drop me an e-mail if you use it.  This
software copyright 1997 by Jeffrey G. Backes.  All Rights Reserved

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/movie-cd-player.hqx; 59K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:47 -0700
[*] MrCatsQuest143

One day Mr. Cat finds that his wife has been taken by the evil Madison's
Cat. He must find her fast. Madison's Cat live deep underground and Mr.
Cat is going to have to get through many caves to get his wife back. Can
he do it?

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[Archived as /info-mac/game/mr-cats-quest-143.hqx; 356K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 08:47:08 -0700
[*] OS 8 Toolkit

Raul's Toolkit is a collection of Resedit hacks for OS 8. It includes:

1. Patches to add several command keys to the finder.
     cmd-S - Sharing
     cmd-B - Clear
     cmd-[ - View as Icon
     cmd-J - Preferences
     cmd-K - View Options
     cmd-U - Clean Up
     cmd-T - Empty Trash
     cmd-F11 Restart (might not show in menu, but it's there)
     cmd-* Shutdown

2. New icons for the BeOS chooser.
3. A patch for the Appearance Manager so that folders are grey instead of
purple tinged.
4. New System splash screens.
5. Some high art desktop patterns (Warhol, Jackson Pollack, Davinci...)
System requirements:
* System 8
* Resedit

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/rauls-os-8-toolkit.hqx; 1379K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:13 -0700
[*] OS 8 Toolkit

Raul's Toolkit is a collection of Resedit hacks for OS 8. It includes:

1. Patches to add several command keys to the finder.
     cmd-S - Sharing
     cmd-B - Clear
     cmd-[ - View as Icon
     cmd-J - Preferences
     cmd-K - View Options
     cmd-U - Clean Up
     cmd-T - Empty Trash
     cmd-F11 Restart (might not show in menu, but it's there)
     cmd-* Shutdown

2. New icons for the BeOS chooser.
3. A patch for the Appearance Manager so that folders are grey instead of
purple tinged.
4. New System splash screens.
5. Some high art desktop patterns (Warhol, Jackson Pollack, Davinci...)
System requirements:
* System 8
* Resedit

For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/rauls-os-8-toolkit.hqx; 1379K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:10 -0700
[*] PowerCalc 2.0.2.sit - RPN Calculator for the Mac

MaBaSoft PowerCalc is the ultimate RPN calculator for the Macintosh.

PowerCalc is:

* a versatile calculation tool, providing more than 140 mathematical
functions ranging from scientific to logical calculation, from matrix
algebra to statistics, from complex to rational calculation.

* a powerful tool for performing conversions: its Conversions module offers
you more than 600 units belonging to 57 different physical quantities. You
need more? PowerCalc enables you to add and edit physical units and to
define special-purpose custom conversions.

* a comprehensive library of more than 200 high-precision physical
constants, expressed in SI units, CGS units and in English units. PowerCalc
constants can be edited, to.

* an easy-to-use tool, because it provides an extensive Balloon Help, a
detailed Online Help with pictures, examples, formulas etc. and a Quick
Reference Card for functions (a printed User's Guide is also available).
Try MaBaSoft PowerCalc: you won't be able to do without it!
System requirements:
 Mac Plus or better with System 7.0 or higher.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/power-calc-202.hqx; 504K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 08:47:05 -0700
[*] PowerCalc 2.0.2.sit - RPN Calculator for the Mac

MaBaSoft PowerCalc is the ultimate RPN calculator for the Macintosh.

PowerCalc is:

* a versatile calculation tool, providing more than 140 mathematical
functions ranging from scientific to logical calculation, from matrix
algebra to statistics, from complex to rational calculation.

* a powerful tool for performing conversions: its Conversions module offers
you more than 600 units belonging to 57 different physical quantities. You
need more? PowerCalc enables you to add and edit physical units and to
define special-purpose custom conversions.

* a comprehensive library of more than 200 high-precision physical
constants, expressed in SI units, CGS units and in English units. PowerCalc
constants can be edited, to.

* an easy-to-use tool, because it provides an extensive Balloon Help, a
detailed Online Help with pictures, examples, formulas etc. and a Quick
Reference Card for functions (a printed User's Guide is also available).
Try MaBaSoft PowerCalc: you won't be able to do without it!
System requirements:
 Mac Plus or better with System 7.0 or higher.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/sci/calc/power-calc-202.hqx; 504K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:49 -0700
[*] Pro Predictor

Pro Predictor predicts the outcome of each week’s NFL games: it tells
you who is going to win each game, by how many points, and the
approximate score. Over the last eight years, it has had an accuracy
rate of 65-75 percent in predicting the weekly winners. It can also
project ahead and tell you who is most likely to make the play-offs and
who’ll win the Super Bowl!

But, perhaps its best feature is its record keeping.  With Pro
Predictor, you have an encylopedia of NFL facts right at your finger
tips. All you have to do is enter the scores each week.  File contains
Pro Predictor 4.0.1S, a manual, and data files for the years 1992 to

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/pro-predictor-401s.hqx; 546K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:26 -0700
[*] SoundApp 2.4.1 - sound player and converter

I'm happy to announce the availability of SoundApp 2.4.1. SoundApp is the
premiere sound playback and conversion utility for the Macintosh. It is
suitable for use as a sound-playing helper application with any of the
popular WWW browsers, in addition to managing a collection of favorite
sound samples and stand-alone usage. SoundApp remains freeware, so you
may use it at no cost. Information regarding licensing the conversion
and playback routines can be found in the internal "About SoundApp..."

SoundApp has been mailed to the popular "macgifts" list, and should
appear on Info-Mac and the University of Michigan's archive sites in a
few days. In addition, you can download it directly via the WWW from:


Changes to SoundApp 2.4.1 include:
* Fixed a problem with the OMS output device getting corrupted in the
  Preferences dialog and changing the output device no longer requires
  quitting SoundApp to take effect,
* SoundApp now recognizes two more file types as MP3 files: Shockwave's
  and MacAmp's,
* Incorporated new MacAmp MPEG playback code which now handles MPEG
  Layer II,
* Slipping around in an MPEG Layer III file now no longer resets the
  volume to 100%, removed a slight glitch with some low bit-rate MPEG
  Layer III files and improved disk reading for smoother playback,
* Fixed a glitch when jumping around in a MPEG Layer I file which would
  result in some odd noise,
* Fixed a problem playing sounds that are less than 100 ms long and MPEG
  Layer I files less than 64K.

SoundApp requires the following:
* At least a 68020 or PowerPC-based Macintosh (sorry 68000 users!),
* System 7.0 or greater, and
* Sound Manager 3.1 or greater (3.1 can be obtained from Apple, 3.2
  is part of System 7.5.3 or greater and 3.2 is part of QuickTime 2.5).
In addition, the following optional items are recommended:
* QuickTime 2.0 or greater for QuickTime support (2.5 preferred),
* The Drag Manager for drag and drop use in the Play Lists (part of
  System 7.5 and later),
* A PowerPC-based Macintosh for MPEG support and better performance.
SoundApp is fully compatible with MacOS 8 and now comes with a "Read Me" file.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/sound-app-241.hqx; 1019K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:50 -0700
[*] StarFighters141

Take control of one of six (of more with cheats) star ships. Battle each of
the others in one on one combat. But be careful of the space station.

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Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/star-fighters-141.hqx; 680K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:58 -0700
[*] StarFighters141

Take control of one of six (of more with cheats) star ships. Battle each of
the others in one on one combat. But be careful of the space station.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/star-fighters-141.hqx; 680K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:21 -0700
[*] Styles" Eagle color scheme for Kaleidoscope

Eagle was originally released in a set.  This is a separate release of
just Eagle, which has customized Eagle system folders and trash and
spread eagles in the windows and scrollbars, with gold scrollwork.  It
also includes textures for the desktop.  Shareware.  Compressed by BinHex.

Janet Parris  (MamaDragon's Lair) (Styles
Kaleidoscope Color Schemes) (The Silver Dragon
Website) (GemstoneLady's Mine)

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/eagle.hqx; 178K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:53 -0700
[*] Swap 'em Over 1.5

Swap 'em Over, the latest release from Sevensquare, is a puzzle game,
featuring the thing many other puzzle games lack - nice graphics, theme
music, and best of all - a real original game, not just another clone of
something released 10 years ago. More info at our homepage,

System requirements:
* Power Macintosh with at least 2 MB of free RAM
* Display capable of showing 256 colors in 640x480 pixels or larger
* 1 MB of free hard drive space

Claes Jacobsson, Sevensquare

<-- end snip -->

Claes Jacobsson, Sevensquare

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Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/brd/swap-em-over-15.hqx; 756K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:48:03 -0700
[*] The Eraser 2.1.0

The Eraser 2.1.0 - is an useful application for erasing files, folders,
disks. The Eraser performs security deletions, by using a sophisticated
procedure. It lets you customize many details of its "security" job,
making impracticable the files recovery by whatever utilities. The
Eraser can also perform simple deletions, allowing the files recovery by
appropriate utilities. You can even customize the simple deletion.
Working on disks The Eraser performs a complete deletion of
hard/floppy/removable disk catalog  (on floppies it skips the
initializing/verifying process reducing considerably the waiting time).
The Eraser returns a lot of informations while is working and allows to
stop its performance at any time, moreover works fine and fast in
background, deleting large groups of items. The Eraser is Drag Manager
and Internet Config aware. It requires at least System 7 to run. The
Eraser 2.1.0 package contains both 68K and PowerPc versions.

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Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/the-eraser-210.hqx; 182K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 08:47:12 -0700
[*] Typo-graphics 1: Desktop Pictures

A set of four desktop pictures based on typographical characters.

Requires OS8.

Ted Compton

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Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/typo-graphics-1.hqx; 153K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:15 -0700
[*] Typo-graphics 1: Desktop Pictures

A set of four desktop pictures based on typographical characters.

Requires OS8.

Ted Compton

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/typo-graphics-1.hqx; 153K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:17 -0700
[*] Typo-graphics 2: Desktop Pictures

A set of four desktop pictures based on typographical characters.

Requires OS8.

Ted Compton

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Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/txtr/typo-graphics-2.hqx; 165K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:36 -0700
[*] WebPainter 2.0

Announcing the release of WebPainter 2.0!
WebPainter is an application that allows you to animate graphics for use
on the World Wide Web. WebPainter 2.0 is designed for the novice or
professional, includes a friendly interface and supports JPEG and PNG
graphic formats. This demo unlocks to a full version after purchase.

New WebPainter 2.0 now provides even more artistic control and increased
creativity - whether you're creating Web images and animation for
personalized home pages, or professional quality multimedia for the World
Wide Web.

Incredibly Easy to Use:
Integrated interface for easy tool and palette changes. Extensive
tutorials covering animation practices and principles. Many beginners
started created animations in under an hour.

Extensive importing and exporting capabilities:
Supports open standards for batch importing and exporting of all your
favorite file formats: Animated GIF, GIF frames, PICT, PICS, Sizzler,
PNG, JPEG Photoshop layers and more.

Comprehensive Tools:
All-in-one Web graphics editor and animation tool. Includes unique
animation tools: onion skinning, foreground/background layers, cel strip
window, multiple cel editing and inspector windows and robust paint
tools, custom color palettes and enhanced transformation tools.

Total GIF building tool:
Easy editing of animation settings such as interlacing and transparency
preferences and speed and time delays. World-class GIF compression

Animated GIF Previews:
Preview your GIF animations at different modem speeds

System requirements:
* Power Macintosh or Macintosh with 68030 processor or higher
* 4 MB of RAM or more
* System 7.0 or higher
* 256 Color Monitor or greater
* QuickTime 2.1 or greater version
For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit
our Web page: <>

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[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/webpainter-20-demo.hqx; 4130K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:47:35 -0700
[*] WebPainter SE.sit

Announcing the release of WebPainter SE!

WebPainter is an application that allows you to animate graphics for use
on the World Wide Web. WebPainter SE is designed for the novice or
professional, includes a friendly interface and supports GIF, JPEG and
graphic formats. This shareware version is a scaled down version of 2.0
and can be purchased using the Kagi system.

Incredibly Easy to Use:
Integrated interface for easy tool and palette changes.Get started
creating animations in under an hour.

Extensive importing and exporting capabilities:
Supports open standards for batch importing and exporting of all your
favorite file formats: Animated GIF, GIF frames, PICT, PICS, Sizzler,
JPEG and more.

Comprehensive Tools:
All-in-one Web graphics editor and animation tool. Includes unique
animation tools: onion skinning, foreground/background layers, cel strip
window, multiple cel editing and robust paint tools, custom color palettes
and excellent transformation tools.

System Requirements:
* Power Macintosh or Macintosh with 68030 processor or higher
* 4 MB of RAM or more
* System 7.0 or higher
* 256 Color Monitor or greater
* QuickTime 2.1 or greater version
For more information, please read the Read Me file enclosed, or visit
our Web page: <>

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Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/web-painter-se.hqx; 3032K]

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DATE : Thu, 28 Aug 1997 07:48:00 -0700
[*] Word Search V 2.0.1

This is a bug fix release to version 2.0 of Word Search

Fixed the bug which substituted "coded font 1" for "coded font 2" when

"Word Search" creates word searches (now there's a surprise!) and has the
following features:-

Create square searches from 8 X 8 up to 32 X 32 and in any user defined
shape on a 32 X 32 matrix.

Up to 100 words can be inserted into each word search (depending, of
course, on size of the search and the length of the words)

Use any font and size (from 9 point up to 30 point) for the words and the
word search in the printed output.

Words can be placed in the word search to read in eight possible
directions. The user has full control over which directions are used.

The user has full control over
      spacing of the letters of the word search in the printed output.
      spacing between the rows of words in the printed output.
      the title at the top of the printed output page.
      the instruction text on the printed output.

Words can be printed in a coded form with a key to allow the user to
decode them.

Words can be printed in scrambled form (anagrams).

A cheat sheet may be printed showing the position of the words in the
grid and the direction in which they are read.
The words and word search may be exported for inserting into a word

System Requirements :- Any AppleMac running under System 7 or greater and
having a minimum display of 640 x 480 pixels
For more information, please read the Read Me file.

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Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/edu/word-search-201.hqx; 542K]

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