Info-Mac Digest Wed, 27 Aug 97 Volume 15 : Issue 182
FROM : TidBITS Editors <>
DATE : Mon, 25 Aug 1997 19:16:57 -0700
[*] TidBITS#394/25-Aug-97
You want analysis, we got analysis! Apple and the Macintosh continue to
swirl in a pool of rumors and speculation, this time regarding clone
licensing. Fighting the spins put on the issue by Apple and clone maker
Power Computing, Adam attempts to clarify the situation. Also this week, we
bring the German TidBITS mailing list in-house, share responses to the
Macintosh media market, and remind developers that software should aspire
to simplicity.
German TidBITS Mailing List and Overseas Mirrors
Magazine Mergers, Media, and Advertising, Continued...
Clone Licensing Brouhaha
[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-394.etx; 30K]
FROM : "Paul [not \"Brian\"] Brians" <>
DATE : Tue, 26 Aug 1997 07:33:49 -0700
(Q) Why is cursor pointed left?
All of a sudden the arrow cursor on my 7100/80 is pointing left rather than
right, both in applications and in the finder. I'm running System 7.5.3.
Scans with SAM 4.5.1 and Norton Disk Doctor 3.5.1 find nothing untoward.
I'm not aware of having changed anything. What's up?
Paul Brians, Department of English,Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020
FROM : (Patrick M. Ring)
DATE : Tue, 26 Aug 1997 12:29:58 -0500
7.6.1 problems
Has anyone else had a barrage of problems with Mac Os 7.6.1?
Many of the problems I've been having are:
chooser doesn't keep settings for my printer
I get numberous type 1 and/or type 3 errors
-this is especially when I have the PPP running
Netscape (301) and Eudora are usually the quitters, but I've seen
When I go to restart I get a freeze (loss of all control)
-on one occassion a type 10 error box came up
Unable to access TCP stack and then trouble shutting it back down. (usu
Corruption of Finder
get message: System Error Occurred
Bus Error
or: System Error Occurred
CHK Error
-Replacing the Finder by itself usually alleviates most of my
problems temporarily.
Error type 2 while running Netscape
Temporary folder becomes visible in System Folder
Loss of TCP stability (in PPP) after sleep
There are a few more problems that I have, but I feel like they are
redundancies of these. A brief run down of my system is as follows:
MacIntosh 9500/132
48 Mb RAM
2 Gb HDD
ATI Exclaim GA Vid. Card
ext. Iomega ZIP drive
I'm running system 7.6 updated to 7.6.1. I have clean installed it (twice
recently and installing all ext's new, not just transferring over). I
keep the Virtual Mem. off and the disk cache set to 512K.
If anyone can give me a pointer/reason/hint/cure.... I would be very
Pat. @-)
>I was wondering if Apple was/or has come up with a program for detecting
>bad system extensions. The only one I am familiar with is the Conflict
>Catcher which is made by Cassidy & Greene and was told by one of the
>Apple Tech's that Apple did not recognize the product. With the amount
>of extensions I need to run it is a long and tedious prossess to catch
>the right one.
Well, unfortunately, there's a few problems with what you're asking for.
Apple has, in the past, made "compatibility checkers" for Applications,
CDeV's, and extensions in the past, which scan & compare them against a
known database. This of course means that they'd have to know everything
out there & keep their knowlege current, which is a tough task.
Unfortunately, however, most people who have extension-related problems
would not have their problems detected. The main reason is that most
extensions work perfectly fine in an isolated environment. It's kinda like
drugs. There's nothing wrong with taking Erythromyecin. Likewise, there's
nothing wrong with taking Seldane D. But unfortunately, when you mix the
two, you can have an instant heart attack. Similarly, many extensions step
on each other's toes when they try to trap the same system calls. Conflict
Catcher is about the closest thing to AccuFays as it gets (ok, so Fay's
wasn't a great example ;-) for helping to find these problems. Apple can't
vouch for CC however, because it's not their program. I wouldn't want to
offer a "warranty" on anyone else's work either. One item that you might
look into also is the InformInit. It tells you what most extensions do, & I
think you'll be surprised to find out just how many you can live without.
Bikers don't *DO* taglines.
FROM : Jason Haines <>
DATE : Tue, 26 Aug 1997 01:18:01 +1000
Does my 7100 use a Display Card 8*24 GC
>Bissia <> wrote:
>>with a little question : how do I know if my 7100 have the Macintosh
>>Display Card 8·24 GC. pluged on that machine board,
>>without the need to open the Mac case Š
>There are no current Macs which use that card. It is an _old_ card!
Yes, the 8*24GC card originally came out with the Mac IIfx back in March
1990 , and most definitely won't work in PowerMacs with NUBUS like the 7100.
However, it may work in some Quadras.
Jason Haines IRC: matreya #macintosh/
>I have had a problem with receiving mail on Eudora Light. Whenever I
>have mail to be transferred the application quits. When I then try to
>restart Eudora I get a screen freeze that is only overcome by turning
>off the mac and then turning it back on. I have an LC with a SupraFax
>28.8 Modem. Any suggestions? I don't think my problem has to do with
>too much mail as some have suggested to me.
>Thanks for any help!
While in the finder, go to the Apple menu & select About This Mac (or
equivalent under newer systems). Move that window out of the way but
somewhere you can still see it. Watch the amount of memory that Eudora has
left unused when it tries to get the mail. If it ever gets close to the end
of the bar, then you should increase Eudora's preferred mem setting. Also,
the LC had a bug in its serial ports that wouldn't let it handle high
speeds. Try forcing your modem to use a lower speed. To my knowlege, this
is the only Mac that was ever affected by this.
Bikers don't *DO* taglines.
FROM : J Rahmandar <>
DATE : Mon, 25 Aug 1997 09:54:08 -0500
Eudora Lite S-ERR error msg
Recently, my Eudora Lite (v1.5.5) started acting up. I can connect to
the ISP with FreePPP just fine, and when I launched Eudora it would
attempt to get mail and came back with an S-ERR status saying that my
mailserver setup needs to be set to Well, I already
have it set to
QUITTING and re-launching Eudora a couple more times usually got it
going without any setting changes. Does anyone knows what is causing
this problem? This account is accesible via Netscape just fine, albeit
I am using P-Mac 6118, OS 7.5.5, 24MB RAM, 28.8 modem. Will soon upgrade
to Eudora Lite 3.1.
FROM : "Randall G. Floyd" <>
DATE : Tue, 26 Aug 1997 06:23:24 PDT
Folder Aliases under the Apple Menu...
I think I've had this problem pre-OS8, but it seems like every time I
restart, aliases to folders on drives other than my startup drive don't
work properly under the Apple Menu. I can see the folder structure just
like it should be (with the hierarchical menus), but when I select a folder
or file to open, no matter which one, it opens the System Folder or a
folder inside the System Folder. If I drag the alias out of the Apple
Menu, wait for the hard drive to settle down again and then drag it back,
it works fine until another restart (or maybe a few restarts). Does anyone
know what could be causing this problem and how to fix it?
On Fri, 22 Aug 1997 15:37:24 -0500 (CDT), Chaz Larson <> wrote:
>At 1:59 AM -0600 8/21/97, Scott A. Gorman wrote:
>>> ...I am trying to get all of
>>> the information from my old LC III (also a gift from this friend)
>>> using Local Talk cables and having NO success! I have ALL the right
>>> things turned on--Sharing Setup (file sharing is on), Users & Groups,
>>> File Sharing Monitor, Sharing... (under FILE menu), Apple Talk is on,
>>> etc... Is it a problem with the computers not being compatible? Am I
>>> missing something? Any help would be appreciated!
>There's not a compatibility problem. I've transferred data over Localtalk
>between a wide variety of machines including between a PowerCenter 120 and
>a Mac Plus.
>However, before we can offer any specific suggestions, we'll need to know
>specifically what "having no success" means. Can either machine see the
>other in the Chooser? Do you get an error? What is it? etc.
>chazl - 8.22.1997 -
h. My last try was between the LC520 running Sys 7.6 with Open Transport on, and my StarMax running Sys 8.0.
Could it be faulty hardware?
On 8/21/97 3:32 PM Info-Mac stated this interesting tidbit:
>I have had a problem with receiving mail on Eudora Light. Whenever I
>have mail to be transferred the application quits. When I then try to
>restart Eudora I get a screen freeze that is only overcome by turning
>off the mac and then turning it back on. I have an LC with a SupraFax
>28.8 Modem. Any suggestions? I don't think my problem has to do with
>too much mail as some have suggested to me.
>Thanks for any help!
In my experience, this problem is usually caused by Eudora's memory
partition being too small. The default memory size needs to be increased
as your mail boxes fill up. This also affects the ability to download
large attachments.
With this type of problem it is also very helpful to give OS version
number, software version number, ammount of real RAM, ammount of virtual
memory, and other software (ConfigPPP, FreePPP, etc.) running at same
time. I believe you must be running at least System 7.1 for Eudora Lite.
The last question I have... Do you make your connection first, then start
Eudora? Or do you start Eudora and have it initiate a tcp connection?
If you do the latter then try the former and see if it helps. Eudora is
known to time out fairly quickly. On your system that may have
detrimental results.
Hope this helps.
FROM : Jan Weijers <>
DATE : Mon, 25 Aug 1997 18:58:01 +0000
Mac LC II, which version of MacOS ?
>I have an LC II at home, which by current standards is an old machine, of
I use an LC II as well, but with 8 MB RAM. I have just 7.5.3 for some time,
which worked fine but needed close to 3 MB RAM. Yesterday I installed the
7.5.5. upgrade which increased the systems RAM use by a full 1 MB.
Conclusion: if you do not want to invest in extra RAM you should probably
not go beyond system 7.1
With My 8 MB I use Netscape 2, Eudora Pro 3.1.1 and Newshopper (Usenet
news). These all work fine on 8 MB RAM. I am certain you could still get
Eudora to run on a 4MB system, but not the other software. Netscape 3
requires 16 MB RAM so that is out for me. Explorer 3.01 theoretically works
on my machine, but I find it extremely unstable.
I use MacTCP and FreePPP. I have no experience with OT so I cannot tell you
if it will run on a small machine like ours. You can find some information
about installing MacTCP and FreePPP on my website
Jan Weijers
I own Ram Doubler 2.0.1, and I need to know if there is an updater that I
need in order for it to work with system 8.
I'd also like to know if I could get any kind of speed benefit from Speed
Doubler (I have an 040).
Thanks for your help.
FROM : Jason Haines <>
DATE : Tue, 26 Aug 1997 01:18:05 +1000
OS 8 install
At 6:52 AM +1000 23/8/97, Chaz Larson wrote:
>Note; this will whack all your prefs, notably your network/PPP settings,
>whch might be a pain. I had about 6 accounts set up in OT/PPP that I didn't
>want to recreate. Here's how I got around this:
>Before installing OS8, I installed OT 1.2 and OT/PPP 1.0.1 on my System
>7.6.1 system, so my network prefs files [ppp, tcp/ip] were already updated
>for the versions in OS8 [I do not know if the format differs at all, but
>better safe than...]
>After I installed OS8, I bailed out of the "Internet Setup Assistant" and
>copied my PPP and TCP/IP prefs from my Zip backup into my new OS8 System
The way to avoid this every time you upgrade your OS is to save your
modem, tcp/ip & ppp configurations to a folder and keep them. Then it's
a piece of cake.
Jason Haines IRC: matreya #macintosh/
FROM : Jason Haines <>
DATE : Tue, 26 Aug 1997 01:18:09 +1000
os 8 problem
At 6:52 AM +1000 23/8/97, Chaz Larson wrote:
>At 8:20 AM -0500 8/21/97, Lee wrote:
>> my son has problem with OS8 corrupting btree of his drive volumes.
>> what is happening?
>Sure sounds to me like the hard disk drivers are not compatible with OS8.
>Upgrade to the latest version of whatever driver you're using, and that
>should take care of it.
Also make sure that if you're using Norton's to repair disks that you have
at least version 3.5.1.
Jason Haines IRC: matreya #macintosh/
FROM : Roy & Anne <>
DATE : Mon, 25 Aug 1997 21:30:58 -0400
Performa 6400 HD
>Date: Wed, 20 Aug 1997 15:30:51 +0200
>From: John Williams <>
>Subject: Apple ! Honour your guarantee for the 6400 CD-ROM bug
>Ther are network problems (in our case with Ethernet) and you cannot
>re-install the system completely from the CD-ROM.
John, if you're talking about the Performa 6400 (I'm a pc person, my wife
is the mac lady) there may be a problem with your hard drive. After we had
our Performa 6400 for two months, (it was a refurbished unit with 90-day
warranty), we started having problems which quickly escalated into the hard
drive not showing up on the desktop.
I ran APS powertools diagnostics and got several bad blocks reported,
which, when printed out, amounted to three and a half columns in 9-point
font of bad blocks. Previous to my running this diagnostic, the system was
sent to the authorized Apple repair place, Computer City (UGH!), for the
same reason. The first time I think they simply initialized the drive and
said it was fixed. When I took it back with the APS report, they changed
the drive and the logic board. I got it back last Saturday and when I
started it up I got a Control Panel error which I could only get rid of by
re-initializing the hard drive and reinstalling from the CD. It's been two
days now and so far everything seems to be working. It gets fairly heavy
duty use.
BTW, the performa 6400 uses a Western Digital IDE drive.
I have not had trouble reinstalling from the CD at any time, so you might
want to check your hard drive for bad blocks. And make sure you have a
utility that can handle IDE drives.
FROM : Greg Jewett <>
DATE : Mon, 25 Aug 1997 12:31:49 -0500
PERSONAL: Looking for lost bag...
** I apologize for the wide distribution, possible irking some
** since it is not related to list topics, or cross-posting
** if you are on more than one list.
To: Anyone who had gone to MacWorld
Anyone who knows vendors who were at MacWorld
Vendors at MacWorld
Bayside Expo Center Staff, Volunteers, User Groups, etc..
From: Greg Jewett, owner of the lost bag of really important stuff.
This is my very last attempt/ditch effort to locate a bag that was lost
when I was at MacWorld this month. The event happened on Friday, August
8th, the last day of the show, when I set the bag down next to a vendor's
podium for a moment to watch a demo, only to look back 5 minutes later to
not find it in same location I left it.
I immediately filed a claim with the security desk and left a description.
They have not found it yet.
The bag is black, has a flap with two buckles. The inside portion has a
zippered top. The flap has "MacWorld Boston" and "APS" embroidered with
red and yellow letters on it. There is a note pad binder in the bag that
has my old "Apple Computer" business card stuck in the business card
window. The bag contained some personal items, a Zip Drive, 4 Zip Disks,
and a 35mm Camera.
I would love to find the bag, and get the camera and Zip drive back. I am
asking anyone and everyone who might be able to forward this message to
any friends or acquaintances, or associations with vendors that might have
seen it. I suspecting someone picked up the bag by mistake, or it was
moved and then packed up with a vendor's booth equipment, or worse, I
would hate to think a fellow Mac user stole it.
If you find it, please call me via my pager at (800) 478-4034, or write me
personally at
Any help would be immensely appreciated, and thrown in is a thank you
reward of $50 is in it if someone is able to find it, and have it returned
to me.
Gregory Jewett
** Gregory Jewett **
Personal Web Site:
"Next week there can't be any crisis. My schedule is already full."
- Henry Kissinger
FROM : Al Bloom <>
DATE : Mon, 25 Aug 1997 17:51:26 -0400 (EDT)
PM 6.5 Printer Help (?)
Leslye was printing some rather thick stock from PageMaker 6.5 at noon to
our new LW 12/640 and couldn't get it to print to the face-up output tray,
so the stock came out a bit curly.
It didn't help that she had told PM to use the PPD for our old LW IIf,
but it didn't much help when I fixed that problem. Nothing we found in the
PM print dialog allowed selection of the f-u output tray.
I snooped the Adobe site and found only a 6.5.2 bug fix updater. I missed
PPD's completely (I was distracted by the day job), so I don't know if PM
is using the wrong PPD (Everything *else* is fine) or if it can't interpret
what it sees or if we've done something terribly stupid and deserve to die.
Basic info: PM7300, Sys 7.6.1, usual large complement of third party CP's
and extensions. Nuthin special.
Do any of y'all have suggestions?
FROM : Antaeus Feldspar <>
DATE : Mon, 25 Aug 1997 17:59:04 -0700 (PDT)
Speech the next paradigm? Don't think so...
Not all bold new frontiers lead places that are actually worth
going. There's a big difference between the stuff that actually sounds
exciting and the stuff that actually represents the future. I am willing
to bet that if speech-recognition ever really becomes the main mode of
operating a computer, it will be more than a century from now. It's
certainly not going to be a threat to GUIs for several decades.
Why? Because computers aren't people, and people aren't
computers. Obvious as that may seem, many bad decisions have been
founded on the non-understanding of that distinction. Computers are
precise. That's what they specialize in. There is really no reason for
them to trade their current interface, which allows them to get precise
input, for the imprecise interface of speech.
I've seen this before. Where? HyperTalk, anyone? The idea
sounded good, even sounded revolutionary: a scripting language that
resembled English as closely as possible. Great idea, hunh? It didn't
work so well, as most HyperCarders will attest, because for everything
you could want to do, there are probably at least eight ways to say it,
and only four of them would be legal ways to express it in HyperTalk. It
was much harder to remember which four were the acceptable ways than it
would have been to remember one arbitrary way.
If there's one thing HyperTalk proved to me, it's that sometimes
flexibility is the last thing you want. As anyone who's tried pushing a
rope can tell you. (Or as the bishop said to the actress... =)
If I had Steve Jobs' ear for five minutes, I'd tell him: good
position on Java, bad position on the clone manufacturers, and when can
we get HFS Plus so that an alias doesn't take up 16K on my hard drive?
Wouldn't push the speech thing. =)
! -jc IS !
! "'Asa Nisi Masa!' How strange! But what does it mean?" !
! *** Fight spam! Sign up at ! *** !
On Fri, 22 Aug 1997, Jamie Dananberg <DANANBERG_JAMIE@LILLY.COM> wrote:
>I know that sounds petty, but I really use and depend on
>SuperBoomerang (part of
>Now Utilities). I've actually resisted upgrading to OS 8 since Now
>Software has
>said that SB is not compatible with OS8 and that users should do so only at
>their own risk.
>Are they just doing a CYA or are there other successful alternative to SB?
I've had OS8 running for about a week. Last night I realized how much I
missed Super Boomerang. (That and Now Scrapbook were the ONLY component
of Now Utilities I had been using before the upgrade.)
Today I installed SB just to see what would happen. Nothing crashed,
but now my Startup Items refused to run. My first pass at a conflict
test pointed out a conflict with Mad ppatter!, with more possible
conflicts down the road... At that point, I decided to trust the
"experts" and wait 'til they fix SB.
Chris Schram -- --
Until Now upgrades its Utilities to OS* (if it ever does) you should try
the shareware Default Folder, which you can get from the archives.
Graeme Forbes
FROM : Jason Haines <>
DATE : Tue, 26 Aug 1997 01:18:29 +1000
Using TCP/IP & PPP on an SE with 6.0.7
Can anyone point me in the right direction to setup TCP/IP and PPP on an
SE w/ 4MB RAM running 6.0.7? I have a friend who wants to use his SE for
email. Is there an email client that runs under 6.0.7 with only 4MB of RAM?
Jason Haines IRC: matreya #macintosh/