Info-Mac Digest Thu, 21 Aug 97 Volume 15 : Issue 177

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DATE : Mon, 18 Aug 1997 14:06:08 -0700
[*] Bob12

Bob vs The Aliens! You take control of secret agent Bob. Two years ago an
alien ship attacked earth. We defeated them. Now we hear that some aliens
survived and are building an advanced base underground on earth. You must
defeat the aliens with the help of technology we stole from them last time.
You have an energy gun, and a rather cool suit. Be careful, we believe the
aliens may have humans and all sorts of monsters on their side.

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/bob-12.hqx; 765K]

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DATE : Mon, 18 Aug 1997 14:06:10 -0700
[*] StarFighters14.sit.hqx

Take control of one of six (of more with cheats) star ships. Battle each of
the others in one on one combat. But be careful of the space station.

Laurie Murphy
FoxChange Productions

Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/star-fighters-14.hqx; 573K]

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FROM : TidBITS Editors <>
DATE : Mon, 18 Aug 1997 20:10:03 -0700
[*] TidBITS#393/18-Aug-97


Wondering what you'll do next time you run into an extension conflict? Adam
provides some ideas this week in his review of Casady and Greene's Conflict
Catcher 4.0. In addition, we continue Macworld coverage with our
traditional Macworld Expo superlatives article; report on the cracking of
Hacke, the Web server in the second Crack-A-Mac contest; follow up on the
MacUser-Macworld merger; and note a number of techniques for avoiding Word
macro viruses.

    Macro Viruses (Slight Return)
    Macworld Boston '97 Superlatives
    Magazine Merger Redux
    Conflict Catcher 4.0 Ups the Ante


Australia U.S.A U.K. Japan
Canada Sweden Finland Switzerland
[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-393.etx; 30K]

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FROM : John Williams <>
DATE : Wed, 20 Aug 1997 15:30:51 +0200
Apple ! Honour your guarantee for the 6400 CD-ROM bug

	I have a feeling that this is a European only problem, however, if
the readers of the digest will bear with me, I'd like to use a little bit
of the space her to berate Apple and to try to bring pressure on them.
	The problem is that the French (and maybe other localized versions)
of system 7.5.3 for the 6400 (and those for the 4400 and 5400) are bugged.
Ther are network problems (in our case with Ethernet) and you cannot
re-install the system completely from the CD-ROM.
	Although our machine is still under warranty (purchased April this
year and just returned from Apple after a 2 month long intervention in the
same broken state), the solution is to PAY for system 7.6. Also, we will
have to wait 6 weeks for delivery.
	And there's a sting in the tail. Only checks or credit cards
accepted, they won't take our P.O. Looks like someone will have to use
their own money to get round this problem.
	Gee, Apple, if you want to turnaround your situation, here might be
a good place to start....

John Williams

INRA Station de Recherches Avicoles, Centre de Recherches de Tours, 37380
Nouzilly, France

Tél 		02 47 42 78 47   International Tel	: 33 247 42 78 47
Télécopie/Fax   02 47 42 77 78	 International FAX	: 33 247 42 77 78

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FROM : Thomas Rohde <>
DATE : Tue, 19 Aug 1997 22:37:10 +0200
Apple Scanning software and OS 8....

Hi folks,

anybody using UMAX scan plugin for Photoshop & UMAX UC 630 (that's
scanner utility version 3.7, as far as I know)?

If that wouldn't work I'd have to stick with 7.6.1 for a while :-(


Thomas Rohde,   Dorfstrasse 3,   29646 Bispingen / Huetzel,   GERMANY
Phone (++49)-5194-6741 office    /    -6746 private    /    -6742 FAX
;-)          signature updated: August 19, 1997, 22:37:01         q-:

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FROM : Bissia <>
DATE : Wed, 20 Aug 97 00:25:51 +0200
Does my 7100 use a Display Card 8=?ISO-8859-1?Q?·24_GC_??=

Me again,

with a little question : how do I know if my 7100 have the Macintosh
Display Card 8·24 GC. pluged on that machine board,
without the need to open the Mac case Š

Many thanks

read you soon, Bissia at

Beauty is a creation of love
Visit artist Merel Mirage's Web pages at

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FROM : William Wahl <>
DATE : Tue, 19 Aug 1997 22:07:45 -0400
Eudora has the quits!

I have had a problem with receiving mail on Eudora Light. Whenever I 
have mail to be transferred the application quits. When I then try to 
restart Eudora I get a screen freeze that is only overcome by turning 
off the mac and then turning it back on. I have an LC with a SupraFax 
28.8 Modem. Any suggestions? I don't think my problem has to do with 
too much mail as some have suggested to me.
Thanks for any help!

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FROM : Thomas Rohde <>
DATE : Tue, 19 Aug 1997 22:56:55 +0200
H2 make invisible files visible

Hello donner,

on 16-08-97, at 18:58 +0100, you wrote

with subject "Info-Mac Digest V15 #172":

> How do i make invisible files visible?

you could use ResEdit, for example. Launch ResEdit, then choose Get
Info... from the File (?) menu. There you can change some flags for
files. Be careful, though, weird things may happen if you make special
invisible system files visible.

With ResEdit you enter the Twilight Zone. Careful. Only use on copies of
files, usually. Coz it saves in the background while you work and puts
the file back in it's original state when you close it without saving...
and if you crash before closing the file you've got a changed file, and
might not even know.

There are some other utilities available for in/visibilizing, but I dunno
the names, but you're right in the best place to find it here: on

Ah: Greg's Browser (shareware) is said to show invisibles (Yes it's The
Greg - Gregory Landweber)... but it didn't show it's Browser window on my
system, so I deleted it. But I loved the screenshots of the window that I
saw somewhere, resembled NeXTstep's beautiful browser window to a good
lot. I've used NeXTstep for about three years and I loved the ease that
the browser gave me when I surfed through the thousands of folders.

I'll be glad to have something like that on my Mac.

Sorry for straying off-topic... no, not really sorry. Sorry for saying
sorry when I wasn't really sorry ;-)


Thomas Rohde,   Dorfstrasse 3,   29646 Bispingen / Huetzel,   GERMANY
Phone (++49)-5194-6741 office    /    -6746 private    /    -6742 FAX
;-)          signature updated: August 19, 1997, 22:56:42         q-:

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FROM : Thomas Rohde <>
DATE : Tue, 19 Aug 1997 23:02:12 +0200

Gordon Vickrey wrote... and I'd like to add:

> ***
> >
> >  How do i make invisible files visible?
> ***
> Hit Command F, which will bring up your 'find' box. Now option-click on
> the 'name' slot within that find box to  generate a pop-up menu that
> includes "visibility" near the bottom.  Selecting "visibility" makes the
> word "invisible" appear in the slot over the find button. Hit the find
> button, and your invisible files are listed for you.

good idea. And then you can drag the file to ResEdit, e.g.

But careful, you might want to exclude invisible files with name "icon"
since you might find many, many icon files in the window.....

> You may need to give your 'find' file more memory to see all your
> invisibles.

see above for the most common reason for memory need when searching

On my system and application disk, 4 GB HD there are over 500 icons - one
invisible file of 32 or so K with name "icon" that gives a folder it's
custom picture.

Good day,

Thomas Rohde,   Dorfstrasse 3,   29646 Bispingen / Huetzel,   GERMANY
Phone (++49)-5194-6741 office    /    -6746 private    /    -6742 FAX
;-)          signature updated: August 19, 1997, 23:02:03         q-:

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FROM : Magnus Hoek <>
DATE : Wed, 20 Aug 1997 11:57:12 +0900
Japanese Language Kit

Hi there Mac friends

Recently I got the US version of System 7.6.1 with the purchase of my
PowerCenter Pro 210. In my old computer, with the Japanese version of
system 7.5.5, I can write/read the Japanese characters in a very elegant

Would it be possible for me to copy the Japanese language kit from System
J-7.5.5 and drop it on my US system and in that way get the US alerts,
prompts, menus, etc. but also write Japanese characters ???

In that case, what extensions etc. should I copy (except from the Japanese
fonts) ???

Another alternative would of course be to buy the Japanese language kit but
why buy it again when I already have it ?

Magnus Hoek
University of Tokyo

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FROM : Bissia <>
DATE : Wed, 20 Aug 97 00:22:20 +0200
Looking for Speed601.lib

I'm looking for someone who would be kind enough to enclose the
to my emailbox as I have now no ftp nor W3 access, thanks for your

Speed601.Lib was written as an ongoing effort by The Usual Suspects to
accelerate the MacOS to it's fullest potential. This library file
translate instructions sent by most PowerPC-native software, which is 601
optimized, faster than MacOS's own instructions emulation. For PowerMac
with 601 chip.

I can't locate that library but I feel I need to have it installed on my
please stuff the original package to


read you soon, Bissia at

Beauty is a creation of love
Visit artist Merel Mirage's Web pages at

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FROM : Peter Van Avermaet <>
DATE : Wed, 20 Aug 1997 13:27:31 +0200
Mac LC II, which version of MacOS ?

I have an LC II at home, which by current standards is an old machine, of
(That is an 68030-based Mac.)
It has 4 MB RAM (could be extended to 10 MB) and a 40 MB disk.

Now that System 8 has been released, I think this is the last opportunity to
"modernise" the machine.

My question to this forum is:
What would be a suitable, recent version of the Mac OS for this machine?
(It currently has 7.0.1 .
 I have been told that it cannot run anything higher than 7.5.* -
 is that correct?
 I have already seen software that runs on 68K but that has a "7.1.0 or higher"

It is our family computer, used for word-processing (using RagTime, not Word),
games and kid's drawing (KidPix, HyperCard).
We could make it our family Internet computer -
buying an external modem and some additional RAM.
(In which case, which version of MacTCP, OT, MacPPP, FreePPP, ...?)

Thank you for your feedback.

PS I should add that I borrow a Wintel laptop from my employer, which has a
PCMCIA modem.
However, this machine is supposed to be used for business only.
(Hance it can't/shouldn't be our family Internet computer.)

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FROM : Thomas Rohde <>
DATE : Tue, 19 Aug 1997 23:07:43 +0200
Making invisible files visible

Chaz Larson wrote:

> You use something like ResEdit, FIleBuddy, or Snitch; something that
> you manipulate the Finder Flags on an arbitrary file.
> With ResEdit, select "Get File/FOlder Info..." and select your invisible
> file; in the info window toggle the "invisible" checkbox.  The other
> work in a similar manner.

well, I, too use Snitch, but it won't work on invisible files... even
when used on invisibles found with Find File.

And FileBuddy, yeah, that was the other util I've seen. Great thing that,
shareware too.

Thomas Rohde,   Dorfstrasse 3,   29646 Bispingen / Huetzel,   GERMANY
Phone (++49)-5194-6741 office    /    -6746 private    /    -6742 FAX
;-)          signature updated: August 19, 1997, 23:07:34         q-:

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FROM : Thomas Rohde <>
DATE : Tue, 19 Aug 1997 22:29:25 +0200
PopupFolder alternative for System 8

Hi folks,

I'd like to know whether MacOS 8 allows Small Icons view on the desktop.
Currently I'm very glad that PopupFolder gives me the option to do this.

I'd be assed with my 220+ icons if I were restricted to Large Icons.

Anybody with 8 tell me?


Thomas Rohde,   Dorfstrasse 3,   29646 Bispingen / Huetzel,   GERMANY
Phone (++49)-5194-6741 office    /    -6746 private    /    -6742 FAX
;-)          signature updated: August 19, 1997, 22:29:15         q-:

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