Join one of our Skate Classes!
Beginner Class
Learn to Roller Blade or Roller Skate
For any age
You will learn the skills that will enable you to enjoy lifetime of FUN and exercise. Step-by-step instruction in pleasant, supervised surroundings, makes learning safe and easy.
The following skills are taught to the Beginning class:
- Stretching exercise
- Balance, posture, form
- Marching
- Starting & stopping
- Scissors pushing
- Two foot push
Intermediate and Advance Class
For roller blades or roller skates
for any age
The following skills are taught to the Intermediate and Advance class:
- Edges (forward & backward)
- Mohawk turns
- Thtree turns
- Chasse, cross over & leg swing dance steps
- Figure eight
- Arabesque
- Spread eagle
- Introduction to dance skating
Skaters learn according tot individual abilities. Masering the above skills will require time, patience, and lots of practice.
Cordova Skating Center
7970 Club Center Drive
Every Thursday Night
Practice: 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm
Lesson: 6:15 pm - 7:00 pm
New class starts:
April 3, 1997
Class ends:
April 17, 1997
Private or Group Lessons
- Lessons for Roller blades or Roller skates
- Any age from Tiny Tots to Adults
- Private lessons may include: Free style, dance, figures, or even pair skating
Caroline Mirelli is an advanced coach certified by the United States Amateur Confederation of Roller Skating. She has been recognized and awarded the Teacher of the Year and inducted into the Roller Skating Hall of Fame. She has over forty years of teaching experience. Ms. Mirelli can be reached through the Cordova Skating Center at 901/755-0221 or 901/332-0628.
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