Hoo's Who's That?
The Underrated/Unknown Actors Page

This page is devoted to the underrated/unknown actors that
might have caught your attention while channel surfing.
You know..the people that make you sit up and say, "Who
is *that*?" ;)
If you feel that I've unjustly left some people out write

Paolo Montalban

This guy's got it all, the looks, the dance moves and
the great voice. He played Prince Charming in ABC's
Disney Cinderella production (Nov. 2) starring Brandy, Whitney
Houston, Whoopi Goldberg, Bernadette Peters and Jason

Johnny Yong Bosch
This guy had it all, the looks, the kung fu moves and an
action figure. I say had because he is no longer on the
Power Rangers. He was the black/green Ranger who never
got the girl, always in the background and had crappy lines.
I hope he gets better roles in the future.

David Borenaz

This guy plays Buffy's vampire love interest. Not much of an
actor but boy can he growl! ;) He's also been on Married With
Children as one of Kelly's boyfriends.

Ming Na-Wen

This actress is so cool. She's the Graham Greene of Chinese actresses (ie. anytime a chinese actress is needed, she's usually the one to fill the role). She's been in a couple of movies, notibly Joy Luck Club and Streetfighter, and she had a starring role in the TV show The Single Guy.

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