Well golly. Ya'll come back now, you hear.

BRADY - 10/24/00 21:08:16
My Email:bhamon@yahoo.com
Nickname: HAMBONE
Favorite position: wing,flanker
Happiness is...........: BEER and RUGBY

GOOD page just checkin her out from canada.

David Pendleton - 08/20/00 17:55:47
My Email:ark1dlp@scrmail.ups.com
Nickname: DOC
Favorite position: 8 Man
Happiness is...........: Beer

I like the web site and what you all are doing for the game. Please conatact me if there you need a player or two.

john gault - 06/13/00 23:16:04
My Email:gtengine@evansville.net

I am looking for information regarding the King 7's tournament. We may be able to bring a side from E'ville. Are you the hosts?

- 05/20/00 13:39:13


Dave Hill - 05/03/00 13:20:26
My Email:epo_ne@cnrc.navy.mil
Nickname: Dave
Favorite position: Hooker
Happiness is...........: Finding this page

Hi to all of my old friends. I will be in Memphis this summer and try to get together. Dave

joe dischner - 04/27/00 22:49:54
My Email:daodejoe@aol.com
Happiness is...........: sports

love the page it is nice to let people in on the fun locally

Brian Welsh - 04/23/00 10:36:11
My Email:brianwelsh@globalfreeway.com.au
Nickname: The "Aussie"
Favorite position: Fly Half

Just a big "g'day" from downunder. To all my friends from the previous Old No.7 - Ron Mc Gee, Brian Devitt, Tony Brooks, Dale Canada, I hope things are going well. I played for Old No.7 in 1990 while at Cotton School & had a great time. I retired playing in 1997 & now referee (Level 2) in the Southern Inland Zone - New South Wales. Currently living in a small town named Young & enjoying life & of course rugby. We re ently had the Webb Ellis trophy in town and it was a real buzz. If anyone would like an e:mailled photo please let me know. As the Old No.7 t-shirt I still have says about Elvis "you want him, we have him", well that's what we say about "Bill" (Webb Ellis Trophy) - Go the Wallabies!!! I'd love to hear from anyone in Memphis. Please reply via return e:mail. The site is great. Best Regards, Brian Welsh.

Charlie Liles - 04/07/00 20:45:06
My Email:cliles@emergent-atlanta.com
Favorite position: Fullback
Happiness is...........: successfully catching a high kick


jay hawkins - 03/20/00 04:45:42
My Email:wahoohawk@aol.com
Favorite position: tight head
Happiness is...........: waking up the next morning

good to see memphis stills has a team. the scary thing is that the 1st picture one sees on this web site is the "mental giant" steve skinner. i recruited this guy to play rugby at msu and #7. i hope to see some #7 guys this weekend at nashbash.

Graham Morton - 02/29/00 14:24:23
My Email:g.morton.dia.bath@gtnet.gov.uk
Nickname: Buster
Favorite position: Loosehead Prop
Happiness is...........: a good ruck

nice to see such interest in the great game. I play for Salisbury RFC in England (vets now as 37). We're thinking of touring the USA March/Apr 2001 - any suggestions. All the best for the season ahead.

joe dischner - 02/28/00 02:21:38
My Email:daodejoe@aol.com
Favorite position: hooker ? wing?.....
Happiness is...........: friends and working on engines

nice site i was excited to find a club page to represent memphis

Matt Hirzel - 02/16/00 19:59:02
My Email:kids@surf1.de
Favorite position: Flanker
Happiness is...........: RUGBY

Looking for a tourney in New Orleans about 26 of Feb, any Info would be good.

georgie balas - 01/24/00 22:25:41
My Email:gkbalas@aol.com
Nickname: goulash
Favorite position: center
Happiness is...........: healthy knees


Christopher Taylor - 01/17/00 22:00:15
My Email:Jgtbr@aol.com
Favorite position: winger
Happiness is...........: the Raiders beating the Chiefs at Arrowhead


John Hopkins - 01/16/00 01:45:33
My Email:hopkins@nscs.com
Nickname: Ranger
Favorite position: Prop/2nd Row
Happiness is...........: a pint of Kilkenny

Nice page....OMBAC alumnus looking for good Rugby in Athens Georgia...and not finding it!

raymond mantych - 01/13/00 23:37:20
My Email:gate @ us west.net
Nickname: "lil" ray
Happiness is...........: being alive & healthy


Kirk Wiggins - 01/04/00 20:04:17
My Email:klwiggins@artisanprint.com
Nickname: EARL,Tom Jones
Favorite position: Flanker/ Fullback
Happiness is...........: a warm scrum and winning

For those who havn't forgot me I'm so glad Rugby still lives in Mempho,and I miss you all.I now play for Severn River Rugby witch is in the great state of Maryland we are 12-0 and I would like you to meet them.Could you E-mail me your tournament dates 15's and 7's.Happy New YEAR!!! Keep Rucking

David Miller - 01/01/00 08:49:20
My Email:davidm@mtco.com
Nickname: Big Dave
Favorite position: Prop
Happiness is...........: Cold Beer

I played in Little Rock for 10 years and played often against Old#7 both in 15's and 7's. I am married and fat now living in Peoria IL You have a great web site and good luck with merger.

- 09/29/99 02:36:15


Mark Manty - 09/21/99 20:31:06
My Email:mmanty@ev1.net
Happiness is...........: Bliss

Cool site

S.Nigel Platt - 08/20/99 01:53:28
My Email:sirplatt@hotmail.com
Nickname: Coach USI

Good luck in your forthcoming games. We will have to play again next spring. Hopefully we will field a stronger side to give you boys a real game. Keep on rucking.

Mal Jones - 08/15/99 11:56:04
My Email:geodesy@iinet.net.au
Happiness is...........: one guy trying to push 2 guys heads up 3 guys arseholes

From Cottesloe Rugby Club (Some where on the West Coast of Australia) in Perth. We just hosted the USS Kitty Hawk Rugby Club who were in Perth for some R&R.

Thibaut Aubert - 07/12/99 15:42:23
My Email:taubert@troy.faurecia.com
Nickname: tiebow
Favorite position: lock
Happiness is...........: beer

Nice playing you during play offs in Iowa. Tiebow from the tradesmen.

- 06/18/99 23:08:47


T.J. & Alicia Westerman - 06/18/99 23:07:51
My URL:http://www.hometown.aol.com/tnawest/myhomepage/index.html
Favorite position: ON TOP :)


- 06/11/99 18:51:48


Pat Rogan - 05/18/99 19:53:15
My Email:roganpj@aol.com
Favorite position: flanker
Happiness is...........: not being injured

Nice site, Mark. I will pass info on to the committee.

Leonard Lutche - 01/29/99 18:02:39
My Email:llutche@hfrdesign.com
Favorite position: that's personal
Happiness is...........: my wife and child

nice job Mark, Looks good

Leonard Lutche - 01/29/99 18:00:24
My Email:llutche@hfrdesign.com

nice job Mark, Looks good

Emilie Young - 12/20/98 16:02:33
My Email:eeyoung@mtholyoke.edu
Nickname: bruiser
Favorite position: second row!
Happiness is...........: a warm rugby ball


Cindy - 09/08/98 10:28:55
My URL:http://www.0001011.com/users/cindy
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my 0001011 site :-) Thanks, Cindy

dayna hayes - 04/26/98 21:29:19
My Email:daynahayes@hotmail.com
Nickname: daynad


dayna hayes - 04/26/98 21:28:58
My Email:daynahayes@hotmail.com
Nickname: daynad


Denna Hatfield - 04/11/98 04:15:07
Favorite position:
Happiness is...........: Jason Mantych

Hello Mark nice web page are you still waiting for some pictures of Jason and I, If so I will send some recent ones to you case you ever put things on your web page about your family!!!!!

Mark Manty - 04/02/98 00:17:20


Mark - 02/13/98 18:52:14
Favorite position: home
Happiness is...........: love


DEVIL WOLF - 01/12/98 01:44:58
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~DevilWolf
My Email:devlwolf@worldchat.com
Favorite position: hmmm....not sure bout that one...*L*
Happiness is...........: life with my honey WOLF

Hello there kiddo....am I the first??? *L* Gee wouldn't THAT be somethin....*LOL* Anyway...your page is lookin pretty cool. Keep up the good work. Talk to ya later....*waving*

MArk - 01/11/98 21:35:17
My URL:http://geocities.com/colosseum/7701
My Email:markymark@writeme.com
Nickname: spiderman
Favorite position: wing
Happiness is...........: a warm scrum


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