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Kanata's Home Page

Kanata's Corner of the Web

Hello there and welcome to Jimmy Nguyen's Home Page. I would like to take this oppurtunity to thank you for visiting my website.

Here is a little information about me

I am currently a second year collge student attending San Jose State University. College life has been great and has openned up many doors to career choices. Right now I am majoring in Health Science hoping to get a degree in physical therapy. I am currently working as a physical therapy aide at a nearby office.

Friends and family

Before anything, I would like to acknowledge my family. They are a great bunch of people. We have our rough moments like most families do, but we get along. They have been a major influence and support in my life and without them I don't know where I would be in this world.

In life we have meet people that touch our lives in one way or another. They may have done us a favor or may have been there when we needed them. They are people we hold most dear to our lives. What I am referring to are our friends. They are one of the most influential parts of our lives. We go out with them, joke around with them, and even share some of our deepest thoughts and anxieties with them. All of us have friends, but the special ones are the ones that turn out to be life long ones. Hold onto your friends because they are hard to come by and life would be a lonely and cruel place without them. I just wanted to thank all of you for all that you have done. Thank you!!!

Friends for life

In life we meet truly exceptional people who make a great impact on our lives. The friends that we make tend to stay with us through the thick and thin and are always there when we need a shoulder to cry on or someone to open up to. They all hold a special place in our hearts and they always know how to make us smile. Without good friends like these, life would be dull and a bit of a drag. They are the ones that make life worth living. Here are some of my personal and best friends.

Sarah McNeil has always been a great firend to me. We have known each other since sophomore year in high school. Since then she has always been there for me and we have shared many memorable moments together. She always knows how to make me smile and has been there all along for me. We "click"; always knowing what the other is thinking or going to do. She has touched my life in so many ways and has made me part of the person that I am today. Thank you princess.

Kelli Carlson (the one on the left) is a little cutie I met because of Sarah. We really never knew each other until after high-school although we knew of each other since junior year. But throughout the past two years she has always been there for me and has kept me in line. Although she may be 4'9", her big heart makes up for her "vertical handicap." She totally fits the saying that great things come in small packages. Keep smiling cutie.

Last but not least is a friend that I have known for too long... 17 years. A friendship like hers and mine are a rarity to see sometimes. Although we might have drifted apart physically, we have always managed to stay close in our friendship. She knows how to cheer me up and motivate me but also knows how to push my buttons. Tuyen Banh has always been true to me. Always lifting my spirits up when I need it and always giving me a swift kick in the butt when I need it. Cam on chi Tuyen.

Leisure Time!

All of us have certain things that we do in our spare time, whether it be cross-stiching, watching television, playing sports.. whatever. This is our time to get away from the monotanous work of daily life. In some cases it is the one thing that keeps us sain.

In my spare time you can usually find me at the nearby Ernie Reyes' West Coast Institute of Tae Kwon Do. I have been taking lessons there for about seven years. Taking martial arts has taught me many things both inside and outside of the school. There I don't just learn to kick and punch, but also learn discipline, self-determination, perserverance and a slew of many other qulities that help me out in everyday life. I have become somewhat of a more relaxed and tranquil person thanks to martial arts.

Again thank you for visiting my Web Page. Feel free to come back anytime.

This page was last updated May 4, 1997

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