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Calvin's Penn State Football Page

The 1996 Penn State Football Page

A look back at the 95 season

Penn State Football Pictures

Sounds(.wav) and video clips(.avi and .mpg)

Penn Staters in the NFL

Check out previews of the Lion's 1996 season, game summeries, and current ranking poll in my News Column.

Check out the Lion's 1996 Schedule. Or the 1996 Big Ten composite schedule.

Penn State 1996 Nittany Lion Roster.

Penn State starting player Position Map.

Penn State all time individual records.

Penn State Football History.

Links to other Penn State sites on the Web

Patrick Larkin's Nittany Lion Football 96 page
My good friend Jon Costello's Penn State Page
The Penn State Recruiting Page (This page is a must see)
The Penn State Football Page

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If you have any comments, sugestions, or if you would like me to add you address to my link, send your e-mails to

This page is created for entertainment purposes, in no means this has anything to do with the higher learning of Penn State and other public affairs!!!!!!!!!!

The time is....