Etyma's Home Page

This page was designed to give you the viewer an idea of what I am all about. One of my main interests is wrestling. I even keep a collection of wrestling tapes. Another sport that I like is baseball. My two favourite teams are the Seattle Mariners and the Toronto Blue Jays. Most people may only have one favourite team, but since I have no professional baseball team, I started to like the teams closest to me. Ok, Toronto really isn't very close, but it is a Canadian team. That's right, I live in Canada, Victoria to be exact. Victoria is the capital of BC, of course most people in Vancouver don't know why, but then most people in Vancouver make Hacksaw Jim Duggan look like a genius. Anyway, since I live in Victoria, I'm really close to Seattle and so I started to like the Mariners. This was back when they really sucked, so there weren't a lot of games on the TV, but TSN and CBC always had tonnes of Blue Jay games so I became fans of the Jays also. Well, enough babbling, so basically I designed this page to display my interests and hobbies. There will be wrestling stuff on here, including my tape list, as well as Toronto Blue Jay stuff and Seattle Mariners. Oh yeah, my favourite football team is the 49ers, but I won't bore you with why. I will also put up other info about me, and hopefully stuff that some of you also like.


These links will gradually be updated depending on how much free time I have. My tape page will be updated frequently.

To learn more about me click here!

My wrestling page has pictures, reports, my tape list and other wrestling related stuff.

My baseball interests have been put on this page - Baseball Stuff.

Go here to hear some midi music from TV and Movies.

If you're bored, visited my Preet Khangura page.

people have been held hostage here since December 05, 1996!

This site was created using Gold, and looks really screwed up on Microsoft Explorer.

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Copyright Ratboy Productions 1996 - Last updated 04/24/978