-=- a fall from grace -=-
September the 21st, 1997

(The camera intros in on a large standing-room-only crowd at the Rosemont Center in Chicago, Illinois.  Then it proceeds to an opening video montage of Misery and Bane.  Finally it fades out and Joel Cronus is in the ring...)

Joel Cronus:  Welcome Ladies and Gentleman!  Tonight's first match will be a steel cage match!  Coming down the aisle first, representing the XWL, JT LAWLESS!  And his opponent, the Current JIWA Heavyweight Champion, CHAOS!

(Loud cheers come up for both men, obviously the crowd is in favor of their own leagues...)

Dan Timberland:  Welcome ladies and gentleman out their in TV land!  I'm Dan Timberland and tonight I'm joined by fellow commentators, Miss Sarah Jackson, and special guest Ransom!

Miss Sarah Jackson:  Thank you Dan.

Ransom: ...

Dan:  Ransom? Anything to say before the first match?

Ransom: ...

Dan: Okay... let's get to it then...


Sarah:  It looks like JT has brought a chair and a table into the cage already.  Remember that this is a no DQ match, and the winner has to either escape through the door or through the top of the cage.

Dan:  However, JT threw the chair in before he himself had a chance to get through the ropes!  Chaos has control of the chair and ... *WHACK*

Sarah:  WOW! You could hear that shot echoing throughout the entire arena!  It appears that JT already has a cut forming over his right eye.

Dan:  Now, the JIWA takes some wrestling into this match, and nails JT with a lariat.  And right away he applies a boston crab.  There's no referee to break the hold, so JT is going to need to find a way to reverse it.


Sarah:  Well, I guess the chair that Chaos hit him with earlier did the trick.  JT looks in trouble now as he staggers to his feet.  He's hobbling pretty bad, and the blood over his right eye must really be cutting up on his vision.  Any thoughts Ransom?

Ransom: ...

Dan:  Uhhh... tap him and see if he's awake for me Sarah.  Anyways, it looks like Chaos is already up from that chair shot, and that JT is still staggered.  Chaos rushes in for another lariat, but JT ducks down and catches him with a drop-toe-hold.  He was playing possum!  Now he's applied a leg-bar submission.

Sarah:  Quite a see-saw match up here to start the evening off.  Now JT has relinquished the hold and is hitting him with an assortment of suplexes.  Chaos is taking some punishment.

Dan:  Chaos manages to back away, but he falls onto the table.  JT quickly nails him with an elbow and sets him up.  He quickly scampers to the top of the cage, and he dives out feet first with a splash!

Sarah:  WHOA! That was close, Chaos managed to roll away and take the table along with him.  JT appears to be a little low on stamina now.

Ransom: ...

Dan:  Thanks for the kind, uhh, thoughts there Ransom.  And Chaos just hit JT with a DDT!  He's setting him up on the table now in the corner!  Will he connect?

Sarah:  WHAT?  Chaos has just climbed over the top of the cage and to the ground.  JT looks like he was about to play possum again, but Chaos simply took the win!

Dan:  So intelligence takes part in winning the first match tonight.  Could this be a theme?

(Ransom takes off his glasses revealing tiny radio wires in his ears.  He takes them off also)

Ransom:  Hey, so when's this thing supposed to start?

Sarah:  DIDN'T YOU JUST SEE? ...forget it... the next match is coming up right now.  Let's take you to Joel Cronus to hear the official announcement.

RESULT:  Chaos defeats JT Lawless via exiting the cage in 18:03.

Joel Cronus:  The second match on this Fall From Grace pre card is scheduled for one fall!  Introducing first, representing the Innovators of Violence, WAR!  And making his rookie debut, at 245 pounds,  The PRETTY BOY!


Ransom:  You have to be kidding me.  War is taking on this shrub.  And it's only this kid's first match?  Does he have a death wish or something?

Dan:  I hear that Pretty Boy has been tearing up the minor circuits and that his debut here in the big time could be quite surprising.  Who are you to judge a guy you've never seen wrestle?

Ransom:  Who are you to question me at all?

Sarah: Boys, Boys... you're missing the action.  War quickly takes control with an arm lock take down, followed by applying a short leg scissors.

Dan:  Pretty Boy is trying to squirm out of it, and he finds his way to the ropes.  The referee breaks the hold.  Pretty Boy tries to comeback with a clothesline, but War blocks it.  OH NO! He's setting him up for the Atomic Bomb already!

Sarah:  This match is barely a couple minutes old, and up goes Pretty Boy and.. down!  You could almost see his neck snap when he hit the ring!  War is looking around in the crowd with a smile on his face.

Dan:  Why doesn't he just cover him and spare the rookie some embarrassment?

Ransom:  If you were walking into big card, wouldn't you like to make a point to your fellow competitors?

Dan:  Well, yes, I guess but...

Ransom:  NO buts about it.  He's sending a message to Chaos and Ambassador and everybody else right now.  He's not about to go down easily.

Sarah:  Oh no.  He's setting him up again.  And down!  It looks like the Pretty Boy is missing a few teeth now.  And it looks like War is finally going to end this match.  The cover...


RESULT:  War via the Atomic Bomb.  6:37

Dan: It looks like they are going to need some help to the back for Pretty Boy.  Lets take you back to Joel Cronus in the ring.

Joel Cronus:  Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the next tag team match up!  Coming down the aisle way first, representing the TWF, DOOMSDAY and STRIKER!!  And their opponents coming down second, MIKE SMARTS and RUSH!

(a horde of boo's for Rush come from the crown which is predominantly PRO-Misery)

Dan:  Look at Rush comedown to ringside.  He looks a little unstable and he's pushing around some of the participants.

Sarah:  It looks like they've finally made their way to ringside.


Dan:  Mike Smarts and Striker start it off.  I understand that Doomsday and Striker aren't exactly pals, you have some info on thought Sarah.

Sarah:  Yeah.  Even though their striking resemblance explains the two are twin brothers, and have feuded with each other for quite some time in the TWF.  In fact Doomsday recently beat Striker for the TWF World Heavyweight Title last month.  The two have come together to represent their league for these events.

Ransom:  That's great... but do you think I honestly really care?  I really think you guys should stay focused on this match, cause I'm predicting something very fun to happen.

Dan:  And that would be?

Ransom:  Now how much fun would it be if I told you?

Dan:  Whatever... Striker has taking control here with a series of blows to the stomach, and now a tag in to Doomsday.  Doomsday quickly nails him with a drop kick sending Smarts into the corner.  Now he tags in Rush.

Sarah:  The crowd seems to be fully against Rush tonight.  Almost as if they didn't care for him much like he cares about them.  Rush, quickly turn the momentum and locks Doomsday in a figure-four.

Dan:  And Striker comes in for the save.  Even if these two don't like each other, their not about to let their league be disgraced by any means with a loss.

Sarah:  The referee escorts Striker back to the outside, and what is Smarts grabbing?...


Dan:  That's a steel chair!  Doomsday just got wrecked by Smarts while the referee was busy taking Striker back to his corner.  Rush is now pouring it on, with a group of elbow drops.  And here it comes, he's setting him up for The Rush!

Ransom:  Where is he?...

Dan:  Where is who?  Who the hell are you talking about?

(The crows explodes, as someone makes their way through the fans to the ring)

Sarah:  Oh My God!  It's Misery!  This crowd is going absolutely wild!  He's got a baseball bat!

Ransom:  Now their we go!  But that ain't the end!

Dan:  Rush has the Rush, a version of the scorpion death lock on in the center in the ring.  He sees Misery but wont let go of the hold.  Doomsday is streaking in pain, and the referee wont let Striker enter!

Sarah:  Look at Smarts!  He's running over towards Misery!  Misery talking to him.  What could he be saying to him?

Ransom:  Nothing really at all... this is going to be hilarious...

Dan:  Rush is still in the middle.  The ref has Striker.  And Misery is on the outside distracting Smarts.

(the crowd erupts again)

Sarah:  It's Shawn Twilight!  And he's got a baseball bat too!  He just NAILED Rush!  The ref's calling for the bell!


Dan:  Misery just lost the bat to Smarts after some fists for Smarts.  Misery rolls into the ring where Twilight is still beating up on Rush, and Striker has pulled Doomsday out of the way.  Smarts comes in with the bat, and manages to get some distance between the two and Rush.  Misery and Twilight walk down the aisle way and raise their hands to a gigantic ovation!

RESULTS:  Rush and Mike Smarts via Disqualification in 13:45.

Ransom:  Man, am I busting a gut up here or what?

Sarah:  I think you need to get over yourself.  Lets go back down to Joel for the next match.

Joel Cronus:  The next match tonight is scheduled for one fall!  First off, down the aisle the mysterious one known as DEATH!  And his opponent, from the likes of the TWD and XWL, The "HEAD BREAK" KID!!


Dan:  And these two are going straight for one-another!  Head Break starts him off with a load of fists to the face, and now with a Japanese take over, but Death reverses it into a Victory Roll.


Sarah:  Kind of amazing that our first close kick out of the night would come almost four fifths of the way through the card.

Ransom:  ...

Dan:  You think he's got those headphones in again Sarah?

Ransom:  I don't!  Do you think I could possibly sit and watch a match in silence for once?

Dan:  Well you are here to be a special ring commentator right?

Ransom:  Never mind the details and just let me watch the match.

Sarah:  Death just caught him with a Choke Slam!  Now he goes for the cover!


Dan:  A quick kickout by the Head Break Kid and now he takes the offensive.  He hits him with a Russian Legsweep, and now a bulldog, and now he just delivered a forearm from the second rope!

Sarah:  Wait a sec... would that be a setup for someone else...

Dan:  I know what you mean... and you would believe this?  He's applying a Sharpshooter!  What's with this?

Ransom:  He's going for the win.  What did you expect?

Dan:  But why change your ways... And Death managed to power out of the Sharpshooter!  What an amazing feet!  And now Death drops Head Break with an enzinguiri.  What an awesome move for someone his height!

Sarah:  He covers...


Sarah:  This time Head Break just barely got out.  Death is looking to set him up now for what looks to be a pile driver.  He's got him up...

Dan:  OH MY!  Head Break just turned it into a frakensteiner!  He hooks the legs and covers...


Dan:  What an amazing victory out of nowhere for the Head Break Kid!  This has got to be a crusher for Death!

RESULTS:  The "Head Break" Kid via a frakensteiner in 25:32

Sarah:  What a matchup!  And now I hear a course of Boos and insults.  That can only mean one thing.  Bane is coming to ringside.  Let's now take you to Dan who has made his way into the ring to interview the man who set to take on Misery...

Dan:  Thanks Sarah.  Mister Bane, you're to face Misery in his final match.  Do you worry at all about what kind of an emotional high Misery will be on to go out on a good note?

Bane: Do you think I care if Misery comes down on any kinda high at all?  I don't care if he's been taking steroids or crack for that matter, I'm going to do what I have done consistently over the last few years, and that's simply to take him out.

Dan:  Okay, then what do you think of all the support he seems to be gaining lately from his fellow wrestlers?  Are you worried about this turning into a one on forty affair?

Bane:  If there's anything you can trust this guy on, is that if he wants to go out on a high note, he's going to want to do it all by himself.  Cause he wouldn't like anyone to get in his spotlight.  But even if the old man does bring down thirty or forty guys, what's that gonna say about him when I go through all of them and still beat them.

Dan:  What are you thoughts on what this fight means to me?  It's stated that this is your final chance to get at the man who drove you over the edge.

Bane:  He drove me over the edge?  Think what you will, but I'm not even over the edge.  You all think that cause of some little accident that happened between him and his manager...

Dan:  Wait.  Some little accident?  Miss Crimson was killed.  You call that some little accident?

Bane:  Let me make one thing clear, and you better back the hell up before I put you on your back, I never meant to end her life.  It was a fluke.  It could've resulted in so many different ways but it ended like this.

Dan:  But why even attack an innocent lady in the first place?  Why?

Bane: ... (stares back at Dan Timberland)

Dan: Do you have any final comments then?

Bane:  You fall only to get back up in life Misery.  You fall only to rise up.  Then you rise up to get above it all.  And once you're above it all looking down you see that you've missed something along the way.  I'm missing getting back at you for all the times I've been called a murderer, for the stains that have blackened my career and life.  It was inevitable you career would have to end sometime, shame that it would be on a losing note...

(tosses the receiver back to Dan and trots back the aisle way to the locker rooms)

Sarah:  So what do you think of comments Ransom?

Ransom:  My brother wont take to much light of them.

Sarah:  Well that's pretty obvious... And how do you manage to wrestle competitively?... Nevermind.  Lets get back down to Joel for tonight's final match.

Joel Cronus:  This next match is tonight's main event from Chicago Illinois!  Introducing first The laughing man himself, representing the JIWA, WCIWA, SSWF and host of other leagues, MANIAC!  And his opponent, representing Kick Ass Inc.  and legend in his own right, APOCALYPSE!

Dan:  The crowd is really into this after that Bane interview.  And they aren't wasting any time either as Apocalypse attacks Maniac.


Sarah:  Apocalypse is crushing Maniac with a variety of hooks and jabs.  And oooohhh he just hit him with a spine buster slam!  Maniac is looking a little slow to start off this match.

Dan:  Apocalypse whips Maniac into the corner, and rushes in with an elbow, but Maniac manages to evade and starts off on his own offensive!  And there's a reverse DDT!  Now Apocalypse looks to be the stunned one!

Sarah:  Apocalypse manages to make it to his feet only to be clothes lined to the outside over the top rope.  Maniac goes out there to join him, and connects with a plancha.  Apocalypse is staggering.

Ransom:  It appears the Apocalypse didn't come out here with much of a game plan.

Dan:  Did you just say something intelligent?

Sarah:  Don't incite him.  Just take it.

Dan:  And ooooohhh.  Apocalypse just hit him with a low blow and I think every male in the attendance tonight felt that one.  Maniac is now on his knees in pain, and Apocalypse rolls him back into the inside.

Sarah:  Apocalypse now hits him with a body slam.  And a series of kicks to the back of Maniac.  He's getting pretty much roughed up in there.

Dan:  He sure is.  Now, Apocalypse is going over to the ropes, and he nails him with a splash.  He covers!


Sarah:  He just kicked out in time on that occasion.  This may be over quick.  Apocalypse lifts him over his head easily and drops him down face first.

Dan:  Definitely not a whole lot of wrestling maneuvers.  It looks like Apocalypse is setting him up for a power bomb, and Maniac rolls him up in a small package!


Sarah:  Now we have to see if Maniac can capitalize.  He jumps back up and attempts to clothesline Apocalypse, but gets grabbed by the throat and he's Choke Slammed down into the mat!  The cover...

*1...2...3NO Kickout!

Sarah:  Whoa!  It looked like this one should be over, but the referee says to continue.  Apocalypse is obviously upset and complaining.  He's turned his back on Maniac.  Maniac manages to stagger to his feet, but is met with an Apocalypse fist.

Dan:  Apocalypse continues to argue with the ref.  Why don't he just finish off Maniac right now and have no doubt.

Sarah:  Maniac has no quit in him, as he makes his way to his feet again.  Apocalypse turns around and delivers another punch, but he misses!  Maniac clips his leg, and rolls him up!


Dan:  HE GOT HIM!  What an impressive victory!

Sarah:  Apocalypse is just lying there.  He obviously upset with himself.  There's no way he intended to go into his match up with Chameleon on a losing streak.

Dan:   And that's all we have for tonight folks, we'll see you next Sunday where we'll have a special interview with Misery.

Sarah:  Along with Styx taking on the Hart breaker and Unleaded matching up with Stone!

Ransom:  Don't forget 9-time XWL Champion Chameleon facing off against Misery's closest ally Shawn Twilight!

Dan:  Thank you and good night!

(the screen fades out with Maniac be helped to his feet by Chaos and the crowd going wild, this is followed by a transparent picture of Bane's eyes from his earlier interview...)

Once again, any questions or comments should be sent to  egdmvb@hotmail.com  or  eformjim@ix.netcom.com .  The next pre-card well be Sunday, but watch your mail for updates and what not.  Thank you.

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