Joel Cronus: LADIES AND GENTLEMAN! Welcome to A Fall From Grace!
Dan Timberland: Hello all you out there viewing this on Pay-Per-View! I pleased to introduce my commentary tonight, Miss Sarah Jackson.
Sarah Jackson: Thank you. Let's run through tonight's card really fast, We've got The Blazer versus Death, Mr. Money versus The Hartbreaker, Mike Smarts versus Stone, and a new addition the Outlaw versus Stickman.
Dan: Also the 'Head Break' Kid to take on The Mac, a War versus Chaos match which has been moved to a Steel Cage!, The Ambassador vs JT Lawless.
Sarah: Don't forget we have Unleaded versus Pretty Boy, Styx versus Shawn Twilight, Maniac versus Rush with NO DQ's, and Chameleon versus Apocalypse.
Dan: Obviously though the main focus is on the Main Event, Misery's final dance, Misery versus Bane.
Sarah: This promises to be a historical night. Let's get to the action.
Joel Cronus: Tonight's first match up is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first The BLAZER! And the man in black, his opponent, DEATH!
Dan: And these two aren't wasting anytime. Death knocks him down with a lariat. But Blazer pops right back up and hits him with one of his own.
Sarah: Death rolls to the outside, and The Blazer follows him out. And Blazer Irish whips him into the ring steps. Blazer is quick to roll him back in.
Dan: Now Blazer stays up his attack and hooks him in a sleeper hold. But Death is one step ahead of him and rams him into the ring corner. Now he's assaulting him with a variety of leg drops from the second rope. He covers after a splash...
Sarah: It looks like he's gotten Blazer a little mad.
Dan: Right indeed, The Blazer is coming back with a vengeance, a load of right hands, a kick to the gut, and he Power Bombs him!
Sarah: He's not covering though. It looks like he wants to stomp a pit in his side. Now he's going for another Power Bomb...
Dan: But Death trips him up. Death suplexes him off his right shoulder. Death picks him up with a body slam, and then he crashes him down with a choke slam. He covers...
*1..2..Blazer puts his foot on the ropes.
Sarah: Death looks to be a little bewildered, what does he have to do to keep this man down?
Dan: Blazer is now to his feet and he catches
Death in a full nelson. And he slams over with a german suplex!
Sarah: Both men are down now... but it looks like Death is making it to his feet with the support of the ropes. Death picks up the Blazer and hits him with a front layout suplex. This should be it. And the cover...
Dan: And it is!
RESULT: DEATH via a front layout suplex in 12:36
Joel Cronus: The next match is also scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, Mr. MONEY ROBERT R. RICH! And his opponent the HARTBREAKER!
Dan: And it appears the Styx, Blood, Ice and Stone, are making there way to ringside. This can't be good for the Hartbreaker, who's really away from his friends in the gWo.
Sarah: The Masters of Armageddon, the m.O.a., are trying to make a statement about tonight. That they're going to be a force to be reckoned with.
Dan: Styx seems to has his eye on the Hartbreaker after their falls-count-anywhere match where he was crucifix power bombed through a souvenir stand by Hartbreaker.
Sarah: It looks like the m.O.a. is going to stick to the outside, and these two have been really taking action back and forth. Neither of them has taken a distinct advantage however.
Dan: Now Hartbreaker catches him with a drop-kick. Money goes down. Hartbreaker is climbing the top ropes, and down he comes with a ferocious elbow drop. The cover...
Sarah: Hartbreaker is quick to go back on the attack. He's setting him up for another drop-kick, and Styx is on the apron?
Dan: He's distracting the Hartbreaker and the referee, but you know what that means for the other memb... *CRACK* Blood just struck that chair against the back of Hartbreakers head! The ref didn't hear that? That's ludicrous!
Sarah: Money rolls him up
RESULTS: Mr. Money via pin fall in 6:13
Dan: Could this only be a message to the rest of the night Sarah?
Sarah: I hope not, I don't think some of the factions here are going to let that happen. We've got stars and groups from all the wrestling world.
Dan: Let's get to Joel for our next match.
Joel Cronus: Our next match of the night has fell under a recently added stipulation, a falls-count-anywhere match! Our first competitor, representing the MOA, STONE! And his opponent, MIKE SMARTS!
Sarah: Falls-count-anywhere? I wonder where this one will wind up.
Dan: Too true, the last one wound up through a program stand. ANd there they go.
Sarah: We've heard that Rush hasn't made his way to the Pond here in Anaheim yet, but we have already seen other members of the MOA springing up about.
Dan: And it looks like Smarts is starting off with the early advantage. He's rolled him to the outside. And he's setting him up for an irish whip into the ring steps, but he changes Stone's course.
Sarah: That was actually pretty clever, if he would have plowed him into the ring steps where Styx and Ice were it would most certainly spell trouble.
Dan: Think there's any truth now of him professing himself to be the Worlds Smartest Wrestler?
Sarah: I wouldn't go that far. Heck this match is still far from over. And Smarts flips Stone over the guardrail. He's looking from a chair from a friend, and the fan isn't giving it up. That's a pretty muscular fan!
Dan: IT'S VIGILANCE! Another MOA member! They are everywhere! And there's still no Rush to be found. Stone is pouring on the damage from that chair now.
Sarah: This is just looking worse and worse for Smarts. There's a pool of blood forming below Smarts now as he is being continually nailed with that steel chair. No disqualification's in a falls-count-anywhere match.
Dan: We really need to get some medical equipment in there as soon as possible for Smarts. Stone still isn't going for the cover. He's setting him up for a power bomb, and down goes Smarts on the concrete floor!
Sarah: Stone is using that chair for the cover at Smarts neck. The count...
RESULTS: Stone via a Power bomb on the concrete floor in 10:21
Sarah: Ummmm, we have to go to the back. Someone has just pulled up. Let's go!
[camera switches to back of arena. A limo
is parked there. Several fans
are waiting behind a barricade to see who it
is. The limo door opens and a
black-haired man steps out.]
Dan: Wait, it's Rush. He's arriving rather
late. I don't see what
all the hype is about, his man Smarts was just
[Rush walks toward door, slapping hands with several
fans. Suddenly, one
fan wearing a Maniac shirt starts yelling at
Rush. Rush stops and stares
at the fan. Finally, the fan slaps Rush.]
Dan: OH, MY!!
[Rush just stands there. Fan starts laughing.
He turns around and raises
his hands to the air. He turns back, and
is startled to see Rush still
standing there. They both stare at each
other for a few seconds. Finally,
the fan spits in Rush's face. Rush snaps
and pulls the fan over the
Sarah: Uh,oh. Can we get someone back there!
[Rush lifts fan into the air and slams him down
hard with a body slam. He
stomps on the fans head, and picks him up to
his feet. He starts punching
the fan. The crowd is silent. Rush
low-blow's the fan and sets him up
for the Rush. He has him locked in the
[Security comes and tries to get Rush to let go.
Rush refuses. several
minutes go by. Finally, the security members
try to use force. Rush lets
go. The security starts to turn around
and restore order, when Rush
clotheslines two of them from behind. He
proceeds to clothesline the
personnel as they rise to their feet. Finally,
they stop getting up and
Rush turns his attention to the crowd.
He notices the fan has been
removed. He looks at the crowd. He
notices an Assassin fan and pulls him
over the railing. He locks the Rush on
the second fan. Police make their
way to Rush. They are talking to him, trying
to reason with Rush.]
Dan: This has gone too far! Get him out of here.
[They threaten to handcuff him when he finally
breaks the hold and heads
for the door. He enters and the camera
switches to one inside. Rush is
escorted by the police toward his locker room.
He stops in front of Gary
"Stickman" Moller's room. He knocks on
the door. Gary opens it and is met
with a fierce roundhouse right.]
Sarah: Wait a minute, Gary Moller is scheduled
to wrestle in a few
minutes against The Outlaw.
[Rush continues to stomp on Stickman unmercifully.
The police try to pull
im back, but Outlaw attacks them from behind.
It takes all of them to take
Outlaw away.]
Dan: Well, it looks like Outlaw is headed
to jail for the night, but
now rush is all by himself.
[Rush slaps the Rush on Stickman. Stickman
soon goes unconscious. Rush
moves on. He finds Maniac's locker]
Dan: Oh, great. I guess he never intended on wrestling.
[Rush kicks down the door and finds an empty room.
He precedes to trash
the room. He leaves and heads for the bathroom.]
Dan: I guess when you gotta go, you gotta
go. Wait, someone's
coming down to our location!
[camera switches back to ringside. A slightly
overweight man goes to the
announcer booth. He sits down.]
Sarah: Who are you?
Man: Is this thing on. Okay, listen, you see that man back their?
Dan: You mean Rush?
Man: Yeah, that guy. You have to listen to me, he's snapped!!
Sarah: Yeah, when that fan slapped him, he went off.....
Man: No, much earlier.
Sarah: When?
Man: When he won the JIWA TV title!
Dan: Wait, are you....
Man: Yes, I'm Mr. Manager. I just got out of the hospital a few days ago.
Dan: Rush really did a number on you! But why, you were his manager.
Mr. Manager: It's a long story, but we have to get him outta here.
Sarah: Wait, we have to got to the back!!
[camera switches to back as Rush is seen coming
out of bathroom. Shortly
after he comes out, a short man comes crawling
Sarah: Wait, that's the president of EDWS!!!
[Rush heads to ringside]
Mr. Manager: Wait, he's coming here!!
Dan: No! NO! SECURITY!!!!
[Rush's music plays over the loudspeaker]
[Mr. Manager jumps as he is startled by the music.
Rush appears in the
aisleway. The production manager comes
in behind him, begging him to go to
his room. Rush pops the manager with a
swift left hand.]
Dan: He's Lost it!
[Rush walks to the ring. He steps in and
orders a mic. He is given one.
He starts to speak, but notices Mr. Manager.
He motions for Manager to
come to him.]
Dan: Don't! You don't have to go.
Just wait for security.... Wait,
[Mr. Manager steps in the ring.]
Rush: What are you doing here?
Mr. Manager: Just looking for talent!
Rush: Your standing next to it.
Mr. Manager: I used to. But, you changed!
Rush: Yeah, I'm champ!!
Mr. Manager: What was all that out back?
Rush: Just warming up!
Mr. Manager: You make me sick!
Sarah: I think Mr. Manager is loosing his cool. Things could get real bad.
Rush: Well, I better go before you get ill.
[Rush extends his hand. Mr. Manager stares
at it. He shakes it. He turns
to leave, but Rush holds on to his hand.
Rush clotheslines Mr. Manager.]
Rush: You should've stayed a vegetable.
Now, I'm gonna make you wish you
were never born.
[He grabs a chair and places Mr. Manager's
leg in it. He climbs to the
top rope and jumps off. He lands on the
chair and a sickening SPLAT can be
heard as Manager's leg goes limp. Rush
sets the chair up on the other leg
and heads for the top rope again. Another
splat is heard as Mr. Manager
howls in pain. Then, Rush sets the chair
up around Manager's neck.]
Dan: Oh my GOD!! Stop him!! somebody!!
[Rush climbs to the top rope and raises his hands
to the air. He leaps
high into the air. The camera's switch
shortly before Rush lands.]
Sarah: .........
Rush: Stupid man. I never needed you.
[Security comes down and Rush is escorted to his
locker room where he is
locked in.]
Dan: This is horrific! Mr. Manager is in the ring and just twitching... we better head for that break now...