Welcome to Misery vs Bane -=- a fall from grace -=-

For those on the undercard, there will be some pre-cards, hopefully two or three before the big showdown on October 5th.  So interview away.

All league presidents who would like any sort of logo up, (with the exception of JCP, I already got you covered) for the links section feel free to send it to me.  If not, we will still post your link unless otherwise noted.

Interviews can be done in the interview room now... feel free to go at it.  We will be using a simulator for the matches, yet we will write out decent commentary for the pre-cards, and be going all-out come the 5th.  There's is no need to send in info, we will hopefully have the cooperation of other league heads to send us that data.  If we do need it we will ask you....

Please show some class.  That's what we're doing this event for, to show some class.  From at least my point I've invited some of the best role-players I've found to come here, and it is a real honor for
you to compete.  I thank you, and good luck to all... who knows, maybe this will spawn into something completely new in the world of e-wrestling... for those of us who don't pay ten bucks a month of course... :)

Please send me all questions at the e-mail addy on the main page...

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