'The only thing I ever asked from you was for an  apology'
'Apologize for what?  You took her life you bastard'
'Apologize, for creating yours and everyone else's end'

The distressed tones, mass hysteria, and mass confusion depicted in the quote above, sums up everything I can remember about Misery and Bane.

Let's go back a few years when Misery went under a different moniker called 'The Charm'.  He was in about his 8th year of wrestling and still only in his late twenties, and he feuded with a rookie under the name of Bane all over the WBWF.  They certainly didn't get along from the start as I remember hearing.  And then came the day when they both decided that the normal matches weren't going far enough... they needed to go pass the limits the WBWF kept them to.

Thus enter (one of 10 under this abbreviation might I add) WWWF.  The first card was to be main evented by 'The Charm' and Bane in a double table cage match.  Meaning quite simply, you had to put your opponent through two tables to attain victory.  Bane had been quite wild for the past couple weeks of late, even making interviews in multiple languages and attacking people in gift shop stores.  'The Charm' on the other hand, had all his eyes on his new manager, the lovely Miss Crimson.

Like all of their battles, the match between Bane and 'The Charm' went back and forth, until 'The Charm managed to superplex Bane through the two tables and attain the victory.  But that wasn't even close to the end...

Bane loss it once again, and once he saw 'The Charm' celebrating at his defeat, he attacked him with the remnants of the table.  A couple of blood-filled minutes later, 'The Charm' lay unconsciousness but Bane's wildness was not over.  He climbed over the cage and started to take out everybody and everything in sight.  From the time keepers, to the fans, and then finally Miss Crimson.  All the fans and time keepers we're eventually all right, but Bane had gone to far with Crimson.  She would never awaken again after that night.

'The Charm' awoke in a hospital to the news, and the information itself almost killed him too, as I recall he explained it.  He sunk into a deep depression, and didn't show his face outside the hospital for a number of weeks.  Bane managed to get off the trial, due to pleading insanity, and was expelled from all of the current feds he was in.  And he never once did apologize, or even recognize what he had put his counter-part through.

'The Charm' eventually did return to action, and declared his new name, Misery --the fatal charm--.  He went straight to the LWC, where he could get his first shot at putting away his own personal tragedies, and teaming up with his brothers Despair and Ransom.  A few encounters between Bane and Misery have come around since then, especially there last one which did not have much hype in the XWL.

It was a quite weekday card, and both men we're set to face each in a loser-leaves-town match, and quite simply Bane took Misery out of the league.  They haven't been in the same ring, same arena, probably not even the same state since that about a year ago.

Now Misery is 40 years old.  A soon to be retired legend, with more titles than time can count, as he put in his own words.  He's got a lot of friends now, The Fatal Charms as they're called, and wrestles independently in three or so leagues.

Bane has cut down on his multi-league wrestling and taken some time off as of late.  He still wrestles in the XWL, and even after the shame of having some horrible movie ruin his name, holds his head high,
and was recently their Xtreme Champion for the first time in his career.

The two meet again, in what is to be Misery's final match.  So titled "-=- a fall from grace -=-"  and I can think of no way it could've been better put.  It's all the world to both men, and come October 5th
both will be pushed far past each other's reality for a final time.  I can only hope that this will be more than this then just another wrestling match, more like a match of future's past.

Thanks for putting up with my rambling, I've watched these two for far to long, to not get a chance to my word in here for once.


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