Kong Linghui was borned in Harbin, China October 18, 1975. For the next three days after he was borned, Linghui was in a coma. Life is tough. Linghui's father, Kong Xiangzhi, was a table tennis teacher at the Heilongjiang provinal sport school. Linghui thus was grew into the sport. He started playing at 6 at a kingergarten. His father found out a week later. 13 years later, Kong Linghui was a world champ. Kong, currently 20 years old, is shy, humble and softspoken. However, He is very popular amoung fans, getting thousands of letters mostly from girls. Kong claims he doesn't have time for a girl friend. He's still young. Girls, you will have to wait. Kong is currently ranked number one in the world. --------------(8/20/96) --